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how to ease the LIFT OFF tention ? Options
#1 Posted : 6/21/2008 7:27:35 AM

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i wanted to see if anyone has any advice to help with swims take off tention that he sometimes experiences when smoking dmt.Swim sometimes feels apprehention or even mild anxiety prior to smoking and during some of the blast off as swim leaves this world.Swim has recently been experimenting w/kratom and blue lotus (when at higher doses produces relaxed,dreamy state that resembles an opium high).Swim was thinking of taking some of this kratom elixer prior to lift off, to try and alleviate some of this axiety.I was wonderig if anbody can relate to the pre dmt apprehention and if anyone has found a good remedy or way to manage it. Any feedback would be gratefully appreciated.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 6/21/2008 7:59:51 AM

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Various was to calm anxiety. Some say with more experience it is lessened. Others might say taking some time before launch and sitting quitely without distractions, or at least minimal distraction, and concentrait on either being calm, a calm memory, or nothing at all, call it meditation if you will. Others might say that a little anxiousness might be part of the desired effect.
#3 Posted : 6/21/2008 2:15:17 PM

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mmm, i like the lift. like meeting girls at the beginning of high school Razz

try to focus on slowing your heart rate along with all the things already said
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#4 Posted : 6/21/2008 2:34:04 PM
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I have come to belief that this tension is actually a good and nescessary thing. Sometimes when i meditate, and i know many people have this experience, the moment i am completely relaxed i start to have slight 'out-of-body-experiences', the sensation of floating. I discoverd that with ayahusca, everytime my mind really starts to drift away with the flow, my body starts shaking. It is like the body doesn't want to be forgotten (hey you there, where are you going, i'm still here). I think it's a reflex.
#5 Posted : 6/21/2008 8:42:21 PM

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thanx for the input. I watched a video clip of mckenna, speaking about 2012.He was speaking about death and rebirth as a positive spiritual evolution.Even though he wasnt nessisarily speaking about it in the context of smokind dmt but he mentioned that it is in our human nature to initially not want to let go of our earthly experience and to accept the "death of that reality'. I relate that to my fear and apprehension when swim "blasts off" and letting go of my comforatble "reality" (whatever that means). I initially i was thinking i could use krato as a natural anxiety reliever but after some of your feedback, i feel mabey its best that i face this fear or apprehention without a crutch.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#6 Posted : 6/21/2008 9:04:29 PM

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good for killing anxiety with any psychedelic
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#7 Posted : 6/21/2008 10:07:26 PM

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I know what you mean about the pre-trip anxiety/apprehension

but as it has been said, it´s natural somehow.. I mean, you are about to take off, open your flow of consciousness to perceive another dimension, get hit by the cosmos or whatever.. It would be strange if there wasn´t a bit of apprehension before, wouldnt it?

Do you feel the level of anxiety you have is too much, disproportional or smt?

what I do to keep it in a reasonable level is to just sit for a moment, try to not force any thoughts, just stay there for a couple of minutes, trying to have a good intention or something... Im not keen on meditation, im too impatient for it, but this sitting down for a couple of minutes trying to relax works for me.. the heart always pumps faster just before, but in a manageable level
#8 Posted : 6/22/2008 6:57:54 AM
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i have the same anxiety as do us all.
but i like to think about the last time i did it, i usually enjoy the experience.
so to remember those happy feelings is very reassuring, and relaxing.

its good to know that what i'm about to do(even if fast and furious) will end with a smile on my face.
and thats hows i relax.
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#9 Posted : 6/22/2008 12:22:05 PM

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There is nothing wrong about Kratom and DMT. They synergizes quite well (like cannabis). If kratom helps you to relax why not ? The only problem I see is that DMT tend to enhance the other substance effects. So you might feel powerfull waves of pleasure... too much ? Cool
#10 Posted : 6/22/2008 2:44:28 PM
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I think its part of the experience. Evrytime b4 just immense fear and apprehension fill me. After i smoke tho its like a lesson to not be fearful of things, to just take the plunge, cuz evrytime I have its been amazing. But stil i hav the fear. Like the guy above said like meeting girls in high school this is the perfect example for me...my whole life i've been so apprehensive kinda same fear type stuff w meeting girls...dmt has taught me that I should just take the plunge not only w girls but any aspect of my life that i'm afraid to do something. I had a visual one time that i was in between two walls. On the other side of one was the unknown, at the moment i forget what was on the other side of the other one, the walls were my fear. and everytime i go thru those walls I find there's nothin to be afraid of
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#11 Posted : 6/22/2008 3:41:25 PM


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Im the same extrememetal, after it its always telling me not to be scared, why did I have that stupid fear in the first place and yet it returns. Most times I would have some beers and it would get rid of my anxiety. Sometimes it would make me very confident to really go for but a friend of mines was saying maybe you shouldnt be doing it if you need to get really drunk to really go for it?? Ive also took valium for it, made me smoke loads and no anxiety but cant remember a thing ! Rolling eyes As people have said anxiety is really a part of it so do any of you think if im really confident on alcohol and dont have anxiety, well not as bad as when sober, then im missing out on part of the experience and shouldnt be doing it? Im not sure tbh because due to that brazenness ive had some of the best experiences of my life !
#12 Posted : 6/22/2008 3:45:14 PM
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ya, its weird i'l tell people that too...there's nothin to be afraid of cuz if it does it's job its the most amazing thing ever so go 4 it. But actually doing that is harder than it sounds. I no longer drink but would love to be able to drink a few to ease the tension, i feel that would probably be the easiest way to ease tension and as far as the synergies between the two if u can harness the ease of inhibition and the anxiety it reduces w/o having to indulge in alcohols ugly side then itd be ok. Alcohol i cannot control so i dont touch it anymore.
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#13 Posted : 6/22/2008 3:49:54 PM


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Agreed I try to convert people to it but there too scared because reports from me and friends and sites like this, even though I know theyd feel the same way about its amazingness ! lol
#14 Posted : 6/22/2008 4:25:12 PM
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I dont think most people are ready or able to have theyre mind freed like that and understand it on a spiritual level. If u talk to most people they dont like tripping and have negative stuff to say about it...I feel theyve never actually tripped real good. I'm talking level 4/5 outa body rules of the world dont apply here trip. I feel uve never actually lived til uve experienced that and in a way i look down on people who are not willing to try that. and i know ive learned the spiritual meaning of psychedelics over many trips over many years over a lifetime. there was never one moment where it directly showd me the big picture of its spirituality but it was those moments, that moment when ure trippin and u learn sumthin. Sometimes u dont realize what u learned til u thot about it 4 long or lived a few more years to see how important it was. anyway what im saying is what we hold so sacred wont be realized by people we turn on for long after theyve ponder that first experience.
#15 Posted : 6/22/2008 5:51:24 PM

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I think an interesting thing about the psycadelic experience is that some of the insight i've gotten or lessons i've learnd on a trip, feel inately familiar to me as if i already knew what i was being taught.I believe the collective unconscious and who we are as spiritual beings can become desensitized or even unlearned as we become conditioned by society and as our ego developes defense mechanisms to cope with life in society but the root of who we are as spiritual beings and how we are connected universally "as one with everything" remains in our subconscious (its who we are).So the lessens we learn through the psycadelic experience, we already know but are in someway being reminded of.Atleast thats how i feel.I try not to look down on anyone who is caught up in fear,whether its fear of trying psycadelics or whatever.We are all people,we are all of the same origin. Its just that some peoples levels of consciousness or "awareness" are higher than others and i dont believe one should look down on someone for not being 'where i am'.Things,life,people and ect,are what they are and everyones on their own path.If i can volunteer myself to help someone face or get over their fear then i am blessed to have that opportunity because people (some in this forum)have helped me get over some of my fear (blast off apprehension).What goes around comes around.Thanx to all for you insight and advice.
" Freedom from the desire for an answer is essential to the understanding of a problem." - jiddu Krishnamurti
#16 Posted : 6/24/2008 10:15:22 PM
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Meditation is certainly important in relieving the pre-blast off tension/anxiety. Also a little prayer of thankfulness, and a respectful request for entrance and guidance into whatever realms may be encountered.

This may sound kind of cheesy, but it really works: smile. Once you put the pipe down and go out, make sure you have a big smile on your face. Smile
#17 Posted : 6/25/2008 4:31:45 AM

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I like that advice kid.its good to force yourself to smile in general.Thanx for reminding me
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