Greetings everyone,
I have successfully extracted Harmaline (or is it Harmala?) via lemon juice and boiling. I've smoked it and blasted off to hyperspace afterwards, and boy does it work well. I plan to keep a log of the event, being unable to find anyone elses'; hopefully this will help others
So, I now have 113 grams of P. Viridis powder (I was unable to get the leaves, but I do have some Chaliponga leaves.. anyway, after reading this, I figured I would start off by brewing 38 grams of p. viridis (for 2 people), using the preparation thread over @ forums.ayahuasca's simple method. And when it comes to that method, I have a few questions
Quote:4) pouring the brew into a second pot or container, filter through a cloth (eg a t-shirt) until the brew becomes is no longer muddy-colored, probably 4 or 5
times. (an excellent method for easy filtering is to duct tape a
t-shirt over an empty pot, allowing you both hands to pour the brew.
the t-shirt will become quickly clogged, so for each filter you must
use a fresh section of cloth.) If a second pot is available, you can reduce the first wash while continuing with the second two; if not, the succesive washes can be collected and reduced the next day.
So, I imagine that there will be a lot of p. viridis leaves in the shirt, correct? Am I to place these back in the pot and add more water, or do I ditch the leaves and continue working with the filtered product?
I was unable to figure this one out, so any help would be greatly appreciated.
Secondly, any tips? I've of course done lots of reading around here, but any advice on what i'm about to do? I searched around and was unable to find any reports of an experience like it.
I also plan to orally take the crude harmaline next. It's nifty looking stuff; glows under a blacklight
peace & safe travels
nought is a fictional name I use on forums only. All posts and pictures are fictional. Any other use of this name, in any other forums, websites, or chatrooms will be someone other than myself.