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6 questions in 1 thread!! Options
#1 Posted : 4/8/2010 10:01:11 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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hello fellow nexians, greetings to you allVery happy well, this is SWIM's first post so let him introduce himself. after much curiosity due to satori-like bemushroomed states, SWIM's research finally landed him upon the little molecule called DMT. SWIM's been reading this absolutely wonderful website for a while now, and boy is he astonished at what it has to offer! what a piece of work! SWIM's only had deeply profound experiences with mushrooms(<~3.5gm), though SWIM has tried the following in threshold dosages: mescaline, LSD, LSA.

so SWIM has a few questionsWut?

1)since SWIM's experience is quite limited with psychedelics, do you guys think SWIM should proceed on to trying DMT?
2)SWIM's a little nervous at the idea of actually doing it, but is truly curious about what lies on the other end. SWIM's current plan is to try it within the next 2 weeks.

SWIM has done his research on these forums quite a lot, but currently is not sure which tek to use. SWIM's considering Jorkest's tek (Jorkest's D-Limonene and Fumaric Acid approach) since its easy and efficient. but SWIM would like to hear evryone's opinion on which tek would be best suited (price range is also a factor- the cheaper, the better). SWIM also has some tek related questions. please help out with your replies:

3)should SWIM do his extraction on Mimosa or Viridis? or does it not matter? (SWIM was considering viridis).
4)when SWIM has the extracted product, how to measure the dosage? does SWIM need to purchase a scale that measures in mg? (SWIM will probably do Changa since its much smoother trip and more precise dosage-wise).
5)initial recommended first time dose?
6)for SWIM's first time, should he try to make the changa from pure freebase dmt or jimjam spice (dmt+dmt oxide+jungle spice)-trip wise? or does it not matter?

so those were SWIM's 6 questions that he needs SWIY's intelligent advice on. the post turned out longer than SWIM expected...so if you've taken the time to read this so far, its very much appreciated. thank you for your help and support everyone!!Razz

-just another soon-to-be nexian
"I'm not trying to give you a spiritual teaching, I just want to cut your head off" ~Adyashanti
"It is necessary for us to be free of our need for freedom, to be enlightened from our need for enlightenment" ~Adyashanti

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#2 Posted : 4/8/2010 10:11:06 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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1. Yes, do it. Smile
2. Use BLAB: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m..._-_The_Big_Leisurely_A/B
3. Use Mimosa
4. cheap scale from ebay or eyeball. It's more about smoking technique imho.
5. 5mg to learn the body high and onset speed, then a real dose of 20-30 mg
6. It does matter. Changa is way gentler and I can imagine it to be more suitable for a beginner. Yes, I'd advise on changa. The transistion is way more pleasent.

#3 Posted : 4/8/2010 10:16:52 AM

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Hi there,

1) Yes - it is amazing, just be ready and know what you are doing!
2) Most people seem to remain nevous about doing it, this helps maintain respect it IMO.
3) Mimosa has a good percentage content, and most teks use this, but depends on what is available to you and what method you use. I used Nomans STB tek which is really easy.
4) Get a scale that is accurate to 0.001g. The more you spend the better, but i believe you can get semi decent scales this accurate for $20USD from ebay.
5) I would say do 10-20mg and work up from there, but many people say jump in at the deep end and go for 40mg. It gave me confidence starting small, but it can be disphoric if you dont break through.
6) I would say start out on and build a relationship with pure freebase enhanced leaf or changa before getting into jungle or jimjam etc.

happy travels and welcome!
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#4 Posted : 4/8/2010 10:51:20 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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thanks for the quick replies fellas
obliguhl wrote:
1. Yes, do it. Smile

it shall be done
obliguhl wrote:
5. 5mg to learn the body high and onset speed, then a real dose of 20-30 mg

sounds good. i'll increase the dose from 5mg to 10mg to 20mg to 30mg...and see where that takes meSmile

1664 wrote:
many people say jump in at the deep end and go for 40mg

yea...lol fuck that..
1664 wrote:
I would say start out on and build a relationship with pure freebase enhanced leaf or changa before getting into jungle or jimjam etc.

yea that's what i figured. i was thinking of the following enhanced leaf(1:1) : pau d'arco(30%)+mullein(20%)+freebase DMT(50%). On my ~4th try, i will include caapi in the mix as well but not now. Does that sound good? is there a better herbal mix that would result in a gentler and smoother experience?
"I'm not trying to give you a spiritual teaching, I just want to cut your head off" ~Adyashanti
"It is necessary for us to be free of our need for freedom, to be enlightened from our need for enlightenment" ~Adyashanti
#5 Posted : 4/8/2010 10:59:22 AM

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^^ sounds perfect. Pau D'arco has got it going on.
Oh great - the world has just been replaced by elf machinery.
Sic transit gloria mundi

#6 Posted : 4/8/2010 11:05:45 AM

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Nexian wrote:

i was thinking of the following enhanced leaf(1:1) : pau d'arco(30%)+mullein(20%)+freebase DMT(50%). On my ~4th try, i will include caapi in the mix as well but not now. Does that sound good? is there a better herbal mix that would result in a gentler and smoother experience?

Teh Plan.

On your 4th try. Smile I'm glad to see you have it all worked out.

Pau d'Arco is about as smooth as you'll get. About as smooth as a baby's ass getting blasted through an asteroid belt. Just kidding (really)

Caapi is another teacher and keeps the portal open, you might be OK to try a little pure spice, by all means it helps to know what it's about. I say this because I think it's a good idea to test ones warez before blending them in with herb. You might need to clean it etc.

Good luck and remember, always report back!
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#7 Posted : 4/8/2010 11:18:13 AM

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you might be OK to try a little pure spice, by all means it helps to know what it's about

Good argument.
But be advised, that Changa is all about Caapi. Enhanced leaf might make smoking easier for some people, but it doesn't have the changa effect.

yea...lol fuck that..

I wouldn't dismiss a higher dose so quickly. Low doses can be more difficult sometimes, but they also gave me confidence so i can understand if you want to dip your toes in. To me there are several stages to the experience:

Level 1: A change in bodyfeel. Your head is lighter and you're tuned differently. I get this with up to 5mg.

Level 2: You feel it coming on, but you stay inside your body and you can operate normally. similiar to a low dose mushroom trip. You can see more or less vivid CEV. At the uper end of the scale you experience OEV, gloating patterns and stuff. This happens at around 10-20mg for me.

Level 3: 20-xxmg ....you trance out and become immersed in the experience. You travel to places such as the waiting room where you can telepathically communicate with beeings, but you still have track of your body, can't really control it though

Lvel 4: Total loss of body recognition. Everything vibrates in a almost painful intensity

Leve 5: Breakthrough?

I would advise you to aim fpor a level 3 experience as soon as you feel comfortable. It's where the love is. Lower doses can be disphoric sometimes.

But the really important thing is, that you have to be comfortable in what yoou're doing.

Safe Travels! Smile

#8 Posted : 4/8/2010 11:41:26 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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I would also recommend a 20-30mg dose. Of all the human sacrifices I offered Hyperspace, it was those who had breakthrough doses first time round that were most receptive. All the others were given too much room to remain in the 'training wheels' stage.

It's like the Matrix. Blue/Red pill. Learning that what you thought was the truth was not entirely true and that there are infinite possilibities and dimensions that exist is not easy. You have read enough and have an idea of how profound people find it. Just go for it.

Pure spice is good in that you will be back in 3-4 minutes. Enhanced leaf, even though it is not an inhibitor somehow lasts longer.

I would also recommend that you stay away from reading trip reports. Just clear your mind.

Peace in mind, love in heart. Boom.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#9 Posted : 4/8/2010 5:52:35 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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obliguhl wrote:
But be advised, that Changa is all about Caapi. Enhanced leaf might make smoking easier for some people, but it doesn't have the changa effect.

yes, that's why i wanted to become comfortable with the enhanced leaf experience first since the caapi in changa would prolong the experience

obliguhl wrote:
I would advise you to aim fpor a level 3 experience as soon as you feel comfortable. It's where the love is. Lower doses can be disphoric sometimes.

i see. i'll get myself acquainted with 20-30mg dose as soon as i'm comfortable. i realize how disphoria can present a rough time. "disphoric" means to be partially within two states simultaneously- the sober reality & dmt space. right? did i understand this correctly?

ghostman wrote:
I would also recommend that you stay away from reading trip reports. Just clear your mind.

yes, good advice. cuz everytime i read a good report, i get excited and more comfortable about the soon-to-happen breakthrough. and anxious when i read about a rough trip lol...psychology 101

I was planning on doing it alone in my room sometime in evening. do you think doing it solo is okay for a first-time trip?
"I'm not trying to give you a spiritual teaching, I just want to cut your head off" ~Adyashanti
"It is necessary for us to be free of our need for freedom, to be enlightened from our need for enlightenment" ~Adyashanti
#10 Posted : 4/8/2010 5:57:03 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Solo is fine. I went solo first time and only added a friend later on. Just make sure you're properly alone and can relax.

Good luck traveler and remember always to report back :-)
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#11 Posted : 4/8/2010 6:14:47 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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^^thats what i needed to hear since i'm more comfortable alone on Psy trips. will be very delighted to report back Smile
"I'm not trying to give you a spiritual teaching, I just want to cut your head off" ~Adyashanti
"It is necessary for us to be free of our need for freedom, to be enlightened from our need for enlightenment" ~Adyashanti
#12 Posted : 4/8/2010 6:21:17 PM

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You will find that it is far more common to journey alone. :-)
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#13 Posted : 4/8/2010 6:32:28 PM

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"disphoric" means to be partially within two states simultaneously- the sober reality & dmt space. right? did i understand this correctly?

That's definatly the case witrh a very low dose...but see for yourselve. I'ts not really "bad". You just don't have to fear bigger doses. And yes, doing it alone is very possible. I've never done it with another person.

Don'tt fear, you're about to experience something very special and beautiful Smile
#14 Posted : 4/8/2010 7:20:49 PM

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obliguhl wrote:
Don'tt fear, you're about to experience something very special and beautiful Smile

yes my dear friend...i sense it already. thank u for uplifting my spiritsSmile
"I'm not trying to give you a spiritual teaching, I just want to cut your head off" ~Adyashanti
"It is necessary for us to be free of our need for freedom, to be enlightened from our need for enlightenment" ~Adyashanti
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