Because Pedro powder is wildly expensive and you can grown fresh pedro on an old sock, i have been looking for a good complete cacti tek, with measurments :-)
So here is a conceptual tek i have been thinking about, please let me know if this would work! Its a combination of different teks so most of it is stolen knowledge
Cut up two or three big pedro cuttings (about 20-30 cm), cut into chunks, like a cucumber or carrot, stick in freezer overnight.
Next day boil the chunks in water (tap water is fine, if you got good drinking water from the tap). With a squirt of lemon juice or vinager. chunky is good cause you won't get snot.
I do 2 or 3 boils of three hours each. You can can refreeze the cacti in between to break down the cell walls even more. Collect the tea after each boil.
Reduce the tea to 1 liter and then put your gloves on! :-)
- add 100g of NaOH to the 1 liter of tea
- then add 200-300 ml (depending on your seperating skills) of Tolueen/xyleen or d-limo to the mix
- roll around for the mix 4 times for 5 minutes and let seperate in between, keep it warm in your hottub or sink to combat emulsion.
- seperate solvent
- add 50ml of water with 20ml of 5% HCI, mix it!
- seperate HCI water and store
- repeat above two steps 4 times
- evap the HCI water
Thoughts anyone? would this work?