One of the things the psychedelic experience can open us up to is, that humanity and nature should go hand in hand. That we are in a way connected. This conectedness demands a consequence. This consequence is partnership culture. What does it mean? It means to help one another and to be non competitive. To see in other humas beeings with dignity.
What we see in mainstream culture is, that people have a worth attached to them. That its ok to use other people to higher your "worth".
We surely want to achieve certain goals in live. At least our ego wants that. It's fine. But we should not forget that every second we are in tune with the informational flow of LIFE itself, ever moment we notice ourselves beeing in touch with the divine is a success and the ahievement of a life goal.
Therefore, a non judgemental attitude is necessary. If a beeing is in touch with the world, you have to give dignity. Beeing in touch with the world does not mean to reproduce cultural values like using people for your own gain or spreading your own agenda by force. It means to access the tubes of life, the informational superhighway were our live patterrns are able to flow freely..where we can open ourselves up to the possibility that we are BEAUTIFUL!
It always amazes me how people change at the Nexus. How they quickly turn from norm reproducting robots, to human beeings with a real perspective. But it's getting harder it seems. At least in the chatroom, there are lots of problematic things going on. The overall tone is often agressive ...even by oldtimers.
I think its a sign, that the integrative capacitys of the nexus are drained. I too have made negative experiences, with people asking me stuff and turning away after getting or not getting the answer they were looking for.
What they don't see is that the Nexus is different, that it strives to establish a true partnership culture. That it's not another forum but utopia made in progress.
But that means that we all have to calm down and remind ourselves of the huger treasure we have to keep: Love.