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Posts: 52 Joined: 01-Apr-2010 Last visit: 01-Oct-2010 Location: the land before time
anyone do this...? it seems the most obvious to me yet i never hear anyone actually talk about doing it. i was looking up herbs to infuse but id rather infuse it with some of this green crack i have 
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 14191 Joined: 19-Feb-2008 Last visit: 06-Feb-2025 Location: Jungle
cannabis seems to make the effects somewhat foggy for some people, so not a lot of people use it you can try and see what happens for you and let us know 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 52 Joined: 01-Apr-2010 Last visit: 01-Oct-2010 Location: the land before time
im really curious how maybe dmt could enchance or intensify the effects of it like it does with other herbs... that and i really want to get to know whoever cannabis is, ive been selfish and one sided to her lately and i need to remedy this
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For me, the mix is pleasant and euphoric, but the overall experience is dumbed down significantly. The cannabis is enhanced without a doubt (how could it not be, really?), but the effect of the spice is fogged up and filtered through a haze of shitty cannabis.
It's no way to go deep.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 52 Joined: 01-Apr-2010 Last visit: 01-Oct-2010 Location: the land before time
good to know thanks art! would this still apply to smoking it on a small bit of cannabis as opposed to making changa? or is it when changa you get more enchanced herb effects?
 DMT-Nexus member
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anuggslife wrote:im really curious how maybe dmt could enchance or intensify the effects of it like it does with other herbs... that and i really want to get to know whoever cannabis is, ive been selfish and one sided to her lately and i need to remedy this The best way to get to know cannabis is to not smoke for about a month or so..then start back again like once a week to once a month..it will become very psychedelic usually when done that way and can actaully be quite challenging. I never liked it with DMT..DMT is so crystaline and clear I dont like to dull it with cannabis. Long live the unwoke.
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Posts: 52 Joined: 01-Apr-2010 Last visit: 01-Oct-2010 Location: the land before time
thanks for the advice fractal
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Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
I actually gave up cannabis because I didn't like it clouding my DMT sessions. However, recently I was round a friends house and he rolled a spliff. I smoked just enough to barely feel the effects and then we loaded up ours pipes and launched. The experience was very gentle and clear and I'd definately consider doing it again. I hadn't smoked for about 3 months so I was very sensitive to the effects of the cannabis.
We also smoked a couple of joints on the tail end of a 100g caapi brew with periodically vaporized DMT and that was also very pleasant and calming.
I wouldn't recommend getting too high though.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 52 Joined: 01-Apr-2010 Last visit: 01-Oct-2010 Location: the land before time
im making a point to make cannabis not such a habitual thing and more special. it had gotten to the point where i needed bong rips (or thought i did) every half an hour and they wouldn't even change my head. hopefully spice will give me some more insight into why this is not what i need to do everyday

Posts: 6739 Joined: 13-Apr-2009 Last visit: 10-Apr-2022
It's not changa if you infuse ganja, it's enhanced leaf, technically.
I never liked the combination due to the rapid and intense heart rate.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 52 Joined: 01-Apr-2010 Last visit: 01-Oct-2010 Location: the land before time
could someone enlighten me as to what a changa generally consists of that would make it different from using enhanced leaf like cannabis... whats the difference?
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4804 Joined: 08-Dec-2008 Last visit: 18-Aug-2023 Location: UK
changa is caapi. You won't get that changa feeling anywhere else. The leaves more specifically. The vine works, but the leaves are better for smoking I think 
 The Great Namah
Posts: 3433 Joined: 18-Jan-2008 Last visit: 17-Sep-2020 Location: The place entites go when they smoke allspice
I've noticed that for me, there is a big difference smoking mj+dmt if I've had a break from MJ for a while. When I'm smoking MJ daily, it does nothing to enhance the experience, only clouds what would have been a crystaline mosaic of the universe. OP, of course you CAN do it. But as many here have said, it might be better (if you are a daily smoker at least) to use a different herb for changa, Cappi leave will give you the most beneficial effects (in my opinion). If you are an occasional smoker, take a break for a week and then have a nice MJ Changa smoke. This might help especially if you have preflight jitters. The Spice extends life The Spice expands consciousness The Spice is vital for space travel ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Never underestimate the power of STUFF!
I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.
I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2807 Joined: 19-May-2009 Last visit: 16-Mar-2024
Keep the weed for getting stoned  When I was a regular smoker id enhance some weed and it was nice, but after kicking the habit alot got clearer. Ive recently started smoking the occasional joint and I must say that things are alot more difficult to interpret.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 95 Joined: 26-Jan-2010 Last visit: 01-Mar-2015
This year, I did some work with spice and immediately realized my cannabis intake needed to be checked. Now I'm enjoying about a gram or two of cannabis a week and find my general awareness to be deeper! just the incentive I needed to stop taking gravity bong hits every hour, or 5 in a row before leaving the house to do anything!  and this was a 6 year habit of heavy everyday use and selling. OMG am I happy about all the changes that have accompanied my new lifestyle! no more being tied to my house, associating with Users(of anything'everything), and Im not on drugs all the time  I will say that I LOVE cannabis though, and will not be ceasing its use. I find her a very healing plant and always have since my first breath. getting good and stoned after a light does of Light is my favorite combination-give it a try, get high before getting stoned Spice Tavelin Space Cowboy
Just know that when you finally realize what type of place the Nexus is, and how many lives it has touched, know that you have helped each one of them and I hope you continue doing so and never lose your way in life-Steely
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Posts: 131 Joined: 14-Mar-2010 Last visit: 19-Apr-2011 Location: Located
Glad to read that you were able to unhook from the heavy cannabis usage, SunRise. Back when swim used cannabis (before he quit) there was a time when he would use his spice pipe to smoke cannabis. One time, there was some leftover spice that had unknowingly crystalised on the inside of the stem. He proceeded to take a huge hit and the hidden spice got vaped along with the cannabis, so he got quite a surprise. A bit more than he bargained for!  It turned out to be a really good ride. Disclaimer: All words and images posted herein under the username Jumper are strictly for entertainment purposes only, and are fictitious in nature. Swim is the imaginary character of a schizophrenic and all posts connected to said entity are the deluded ramblings of a madman, who admits that all posted data herein was electromagnetically beamed into his brain from a HAARP antenna array.