Its imposible to answer that, not knowing who you are. You might be really generous to your self and all your friends. Or, you may be a right stingy old bugger. Five gramms of spice is a good lump to start with. I can assure you though, if youv'e got 5g. of pure spice to play with, you will definatley be able to answer these questions your self in the future.
My friends see little point in proccessing batches smaller than 2kg. The ammount of time and effort required is the same. But thats because they like it.
If you read and study the techs on this board you will start to understand the proccess. I wouldn't say it's impossible to waste your plant material but its fairley difficult. Many situations where things may go wrong, can be reversed. Do not throw anything away. If you get stuck we are here to help you.
The purchase of MHRB is not illegal, it is your duty to resist any kind of repression.
Occaisonally on this board there have been people who have come and chatted, asked questions, done an extraction, been to the 5th dimension and really hated it. In doing so they answerd thier question and learned from the experiance. For sure, hyperspace travel is not for everyone. You've obviously got some interest or you would'nt be here. I think you should give it a go.
I am a clown, nothing I say can be taken seriously. It is my profesion to talk nonsense