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Stop trying to understand the nature of hyperspace for fucks sake! Options
#1 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:06:06 AM

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Subject line got your attention? Good.

There's been an awful lot of threads lately with people speculating on or arguing about the fundamental nature of hyperspace.... and I just wanted to take the opportunity to point out that it's a boring waste-of-time argument and misses the real value of DMT and other entheogens.

Everyone who tries to address these questions experientially (by taking DMT to learn about the nature of the experience) receives different answers. Everyone simply "learns" that which resonates with them. Some people "learn" that it's god, some people "learn" that it's some metaphysical quantum mechanical expressive insight, some people "learn" that hyperspace is a unique external place with its own independent or interdependent reality, some people "learn" that it's a deeper dimensional reflection of consensus reality, some people "learn" it's aliens who engineered our DNA communicating with us. All of these are answers people have found in hyperspace.

When talking to people who have been there, who have delved deep into the realm of DMT, it rapidly becomes apparent that there is really no universal external Truth that one can take away from the experience... unless you're willing to reject the all the experience of everyone who happens to disagree with you (which sounds like nothing more than the petty religious dogmatic attitude of "I have the One True Answer to the fundamental questions of the human experience"Pleased.

I'd like to see people get over this obsession with trying to explore external non-personal truths (like the nature of hyperspace). It doesn't seem to get people anywhere but into disputes about whose experience is more valid. What good does that do?

But I'm not just posting this to offend people who have deeply-held convictions about the nature of DMT and hyperspace or to be a buzzkill. My message here is meant to be positive and productive: There is great value to be found in DMT and other entheogens.

What becomes immediately obvious when we look at debates about the nature of hyperspace (or any other experiential inquiries into external questions) is that the nature of the answers that are received is highly personal/individual. The clear implication is that when one uses DMT to address personal/individual situations/issues/etc., those highly personal/individual answers actually become completely applicable and tremendously valuable. To me, that seems a lot better than arbitrary metaphysical answers that do little to improve oneself and primarily engender argument.

And this all jibes with the indigenous use of most entheogens. The majority of entheogens were used as medicines. They were recognized as being of such great value in addressing personal/individual situations/issues/etc. that a magical sort of power was ascribed to the plants. The only times they were used in religious/spiritual contexts was when a strongly meta-programmed religious/spiritual worldview was held by the entire society with relation to the plants. In real life, the vast majority of us in westernized cultures do not share such deeply-ingrained metaprogramming with our neighbors or even with many of our close friends, so to try to adopt usages of the plants relying on mutual metaprogramming seems entirely counterintuitive.

The spice can have little value addressing external questions (such as the nature of reality, the nature of hyperspace, or the existence of a soul or spirit world) unless it is within the context of a limited community with mutual metaprogramming.

But every single person who experiences the spice can find a True depth of value if they use it for Working on themselves, addressing issues within themself that need to be addressed, confronting problems that need to be confronted, affirming feelings that need to be affirmed, etc. etc. etc. The real Universal value of spice is in addressing that which is internal.

When the answers are always personal, doesn't it only make sense for the questions to be as well?

Live plants. Sustainable, ethically sourced, native American owned.
#2 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:11:39 AM


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ill reply later dude
#3 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:17:32 AM


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I see your point, and know of the value of DMT for resolving personal issues,
but I also think we CAN learn some universal truths about the nature of hyperspace, consciousness, and all life by working with direct conscious acceleration.
Why would I want to stop? There's so much that can be revealed in this state...
I'm not going to push my views onto anyone, but I am going to explore, and take notes.
I really think believing that we can't learn anything true about the external world while exploring consciousness is a complete dead end, but that's just my opinion. All is reflection.
#4 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:19:06 AM

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This was a very well written view on the personal experiences of each individual spice user.

I whole heartedly agree to the absolute fullest that when these experiences have a life changing and spiritual effect on the person who took the spice, that it is an effect that was solely created for them and them alone. It can be shared, it can be picked at by members of a community to find it's true meaning or their own definition of what happened, but only the one who personally sought after this experience to find their own answers within hyperspace will ever truly understand what the message given to them means because it was meant for them and no one else.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#5 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:20:05 AM


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Steely wrote:
This was a very well written view on the personal experiences of each individual spice user.

I whole heartedly agree to the absolute fullest that when these experiences have a life changing and spiritual effect on the person who took the spice, that it is an effect that was solely created for them and them alone. It can be shared, it can be picked at to find it's true meaning, but only the one who personally sought after their own experience and answers within hyperspace will ever truly understand what the message given to them means because it was meant for them and no one else.

No offense, but you've NEVER worked with the neurotransmisson. How can you say that?
You are purely speculating about something you have absolutely no experience with.

#6 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:23:16 AM

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I completely agree house, and was stating my case hyperbolically to make a point: It seems to me that many people here are getting too caught up in trying to discover some elusive fundamental Truth through DMT that they're completely missing the huge drastic immediate benefits that it can have on themselves and their lives.

There's nothing wrong with being a Seeker, but it's important not to lose the forest for the trees. It's like trying to fix a slight fault in the foundation when the roof is falling in on your head. There may be something to be uncovered in terms of the nature of hyperspace and consciousness in the longterm... but for the average person who is willing to put in the work on themselves, the real major benefits are immediate.... and I feel they're too often being overlooked.
#7 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:24:30 AM

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۩ wrote:
Steely wrote:
This was a very well written view on the personal experiences of each individual spice user.

I whole heartedly agree to the absolute fullest that when these experiences have a life changing and spiritual effect on the person who took the spice, that it is an effect that was solely created for them and them alone. It can be shared, it can be picked at to find it's true meaning, but only the one who personally sought after their own experience and answers within hyperspace will ever truly understand what the message given to them means because it was meant for them and no one else.

No offense, but you've NEVER worked with the neurotransmisson. How can you say that?

Because it is universally the exact same as any other life changing event or experience. When it happens to a single human being and they try to explain to others why they know the true meaning of life, no one will ever understand. Words, art, or music will never come close to any experience that changes the life of a single person. When it comes to something that many people can do over and over again even daily, sure, people can relate to your experience, but will never fully understand what you learned from it.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#8 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:25:52 AM


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Entropymancer wrote:
I completely agree house, and was stating my case hyperbolically to make a point: It seems to me that many people here are getting too caught up in trying to discover some elusive fundamental Truth through DMT that they're completely missing the huge drastic immediate benefits that it can have on themselves and their lives.

There's nothing wrong with being a Seeker, but it's important not to lose the forest for the trees. It's like trying to fix a slight fault in the foundation when the roof is falling in on your head.

Understandable, I have noticed that as well.
My only advice is: Shut up and listen Twisted Evil
Respectfully, of course.

#9 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:29:27 AM

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۩ wrote:
My only advice is: Shut up and listen Twisted Evil
Respectfully, of course.

Of courseSmile .

But what we hear is a function of what we seek. If we seek within, we fix within, and we find the nature/function of things without in due time. If we seek without, we find the nature/function of things without, and lose perspective on that which is immediate and near to us.
#10 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:30:00 AM


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i agree with you all Smile
#11 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:30:07 AM


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Steely wrote:

Because it is universally the exact same as any other life changing event or experience. When it happens to a single human being and they try to explain to others why they know the true meaning of life, no one will ever understand. Words, art, or music will never come close to any experience that changes the life of a single person. When it comes to something that many people can do over and over again even daily, sure, people can relate to your experience, but will never fully understand what you learned from it.

Well, what's cool about the DMT-Nexus is we DO understand! We understand that we don't understand. Sure, we can't relate to the pizza guy, post man, or average doctor, but we can relate with each other because hyperspace exists within a certain set of parameters. It's not totally random like some people think. It is a direct reflection of yourself and everything that could be. Honestly it appears as if hyperspace, or consciousness itself, has MANY MANY functions, possibly even infinite?

But what we hear is a function of what we seek. If we seek within, we fix within, and we find the nature/function of things without in due time. If we seek without, we find the nature/function of things without, and lose perspective on that which is immediate and near to us.

And this is why Balance is key. Hyperspace always seems to balance this polarity for me...
#12 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:32:09 AM

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۩ wrote:
Steely wrote:

Because it is universally the exact same as any other life changing event or experience. When it happens to a single human being and they try to explain to others why they know the true meaning of life, no one will ever understand. Words, art, or music will never come close to any experience that changes the life of a single person. When it comes to something that many people can do over and over again even daily, sure, people can relate to your experience, but will never fully understand what you learned from it.

Well, what's cool about the DMT-Nexus is we DO understand! We understand that we don't understand. Sure, we can't relate to the pizza guy, post man, or average doctor, but we can relate with each other because hyperspace exists within a certain set of parameters. It's not totally random like some people think. It is a direct reflection of yourself and everything that could be. Honestly it appears as if hyperspace, or consciousness itself, has MANY MANY functions, possibly even infinite?

I'm glad to hear that! Now, as you said, I am very much inexperienced with this particular drug, and I hope to understand that I don't understand later this week.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#13 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:35:25 AM


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Steely wrote:

I'm glad to hear that! Now, as you said, I am very much inexperienced with this particular drug, and I hope to understand that I don't understand later this week.

I am eagerly awaiting your hyperspatial introduction, as well as the path that follows after your first light bath Wink
Do let us know if you need anything along the way.
It's exciting to see all the new people gaining access to this incredible perspective.

Every time I dissolve, it completely destroys almost everything I ever thought I knew.
Quite a wonderful little mechanism that is!

It sure is slick at dropping hints...
#14 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:38:46 AM

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I have figured out ways to calm my nerves over the incoming onslaught of reality and ego destruction, but most importantly I finally understand Set and Setting. Even if I have the spice ready and waiting, I will do it when I feel ready. That may be days, months or years, but that is how it will be.
Do not listen to anything, "Steely" says. He is a made up character that his owner likes to role play with. His owner is very delusional and everything he says is completely untrue and ridiculous.
Hate is the choice of a clouded mind.
-"It takes humility to remember who we are"-
"There has to be evil so that good can prove its purity above it." - Buddha
#15 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:41:11 AM


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Steely wrote:
I have figured out ways to calm my nerves over the incoming onslaught of reality and ego destruction, but most importantly I finally understand Set and Setting. Even if I have the spice ready and waiting, I will do it when I feel ready. That may be days, months or years, but that is how it will be.

Good call.
And honestly, even after countless times, there's almost no way to calm my nerves before going in deep.
I can just suck it up, and pretend I'm not afraid, and take the steps to get there,
but deep down, a part of me is always shaking...

Just me, though.

Funny, hyperspace usually destroys that silly fear thing once you're there, too!

Back to the OP,
DMT can definitely enhance fantasy if you don't let go and listen closely.
The first few times will show you things you never thought possible,
and you'll want to come to conclusions, it's a natural human thing to do.
IMHO, the best thing to do is just keep exploring with an open mind and draw no conclusions until certain implications become dead obvious to you...
And this will be your unique puzzle piece.

#16 Posted : 3/29/2010 8:50:14 AM

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۩ wrote:
Steely wrote:
I have figured out ways to calm my nerves over the incoming onslaught of reality and ego destruction, but most importantly I finally understand Set and Setting. Even if I have the spice ready and waiting, I will do it when I feel ready. That may be days, months or years, but that is how it will be.

Good call.
And honestly, even after countless times, there's almost no way to calm my nerves before going in deep.
I can just suck it up, and pretend I'm not afraid, and take the steps to get there,
but deep down, a part of me is always shaking...

Just me, though.

Funny, hyperspace usually destroys that silly fear thing once you're there, too!

It is funny how it does that. I go through days, sometimes weeks of preparation to make sure I arrive in the correct state of mind. As I arrive it will tell me 'whatever you brought with you, please leave at the door' - and as I'm thinking why did I go through all of that when it doesn't seem to matter... I'm gone.

Are we ever ready?

I agree with the OP though, however will we ever be able to get over ourselves enough to stop putting our teeny 3D rationale over everything we encounter.

Hyperspace and the relationship with Spice is entirely idiosyncratic and symbiotic. It is a relationship between traveller and destination, entirely.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#17 Posted : 3/29/2010 9:36:03 AM

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Great thread Entryptomancer.

Several weeks ago I uttered the words "I quit trying to figure this stuff out a long time ago" to a fellow traveler. He seemed to get so wrapped up in where he was going, and what he was seeing, that I felt he was losing touch with what he was receiving. With that said, I'm not entirely against contemplating the mysteries of hyperspace. The bottom line however, is that I take what it gives me, and if I'm lucky it gives me something I can use as a progressive step forward.

For me the benefits of Spice have two major categories:
1.) The Spice continues to help me find answers and solutions that allow me to better myself as a person. This manifests in the form of how I treat myself inwardly, as well as how I treat others outwardly.

2.) The Spice has opened up my mind to larger scientific, theoretical, and philosophical ideas. It has helped me to see a bigger picture, created new questions, and renewed age old questions that were all but washed from my mind over years of living within "The Model".

I am not a drug addict seeking escape from reality. I am an explorer of consciousness challenging consensus reality.

…is DMT dangerous? The answer is only if you fear death by astonishment… [crowd laughter]… Remember how you laughed when this possibility was raised… a moment will come that will wipe the smile right off your face.
-Terence McKenna
#18 Posted : 3/29/2010 11:07:58 AM

Got Naloxone?

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Awesome thread/essay! You are right of course, about the personal intimacy of the DMT experience for each individual.

Nonethess, good luck with that! You are not going to defeat human nature. We desire to understand/define things that present as immediately different, alien, fantastic, astonishing, etc. It helps to give us the illusion of control, he he.

You know what DMT does to people, you explained it well here. You know how energized and vibrant they get. You know about the passions of the newly converted as well as the spiritually ecstatic. Humans must speculate/define and then share . . . so yeah, we go round and round.

But thanks to you and others like you, with these kinds of essays, we can help to remember the true magical essence of the spice and what it means to us personally and individually. . . and just how profound that truly is.

Peace & Love,
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#19 Posted : 3/29/2010 12:25:19 PM


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I disagree entropy, not wanting to understand hyperspace is disrespectful and ignorant. sorry dude.

love you Very happy
#20 Posted : 3/29/2010 12:33:54 PM


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Perfectly put Pandora, much love and respect heading your way Smile
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