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Whatcha's tek and Recrystalizing? Options
#1 Posted : 3/26/2010 6:52:31 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hey all,

When doing Whatcha's tek http://forums.mycotopia....step-step-pictorial.html which is a pretty straightforward STB, do you all think one would have to use the Sodium Carbonate and Epsom Salts or could one simply freeze precip the Naptha then Recrystalize?

What would be the easiest recrystalizing tek out there? Or would a simple second freeze precip help adequately purify it?? Thanks!
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#2 Posted : 3/26/2010 7:15:16 PM


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swim just done whatchas tek without the sc wash and epsom salt wash, he did recrystallise though and the results are outstanding! Follow vovins tek part 7 for recrystallization, make sure your naptha is hot hot hot! Smile
#3 Posted : 3/26/2010 11:48:25 PM

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from here? https://wiki.dmt-nexus.me/Vovin%27s_tek

Step 7: Wash involves the Sodium Carbonate which I thought SWIY avoided. Did you mean Step 9: Solvent Wash?? ..Where one just re-disolves the spice and pours it off to be re-frozen/evapped and the gunk stays behind?

or both steps 7 and 9?
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#4 Posted : 3/27/2010 2:08:41 AM


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Yes i meant the solvent wash, sorry. You can follow the sc wash too though for optimal results Smile
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#5 Posted : 3/27/2010 11:46:39 PM

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Sigh, Swim Also is in the middle of the watchas stb, Swim Preformed the sc wash and was amazed at the gunk it removed from the nalpha even though it was a nice yellow color. The lye is trapped in the nalpha within a microemulsion, thus the sc step is just a safe option with using damned lye..Cool
#6 Posted : 3/28/2010 9:24:50 PM

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SWIM did the 2 SC washes and single cold H2O wash which didn't pick up anything as far as one could tell - liquid was still clear and spice still came out yellow. SWIM did one batch with SC washes and one batch without. They both came out the same color. However, the one that didn't get a SC wash got a recrystallization, pics below.

1st batch w/ SC wash:

Second batch with recrystalization:

They are both still really, really (piss) yellow, the pics don't quite capture it. I bet SWIM will just combine the two batches and rextalize one or two more times. Any other advice?

(Overall, Whatcha's tek has been the easiest, fastest, and best yield SWIM told me he's come across. Getting 1.4% before recrystallizing and 1.2% after...just don't like how yellow it is)

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Phyrexian Spicenaut
#7 Posted : 3/30/2010 2:24:55 AM

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Yes Swim too agrees that this tek is streamlined for success, Even in light of the disgust(misunderstanding) of lye. But as an eager acolyte of the spice these crude but effective experiments will help provide the knowledge of more natrual(lime) approaches to spice exteaction.

Swims current batch of (Banana Juice) is in the freezer right now, its snowing quite a bit at 17 hours. This was a small batch though, 300gm mhrb. The Next batch of 800gm, will be next.
Swim will also experiment with pre soaking ground mhrb im 99% alcohol for a day and then slowly evaping till its gone to help facilitate the release of the spice. I know it seems redundant with the lye added later anyway but...
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#8 Posted : 3/30/2010 2:34:51 AM

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Also , Swim is planning to attempt a recrystallization in conjuncture with a tad of activated charcoal in order to bleed away some of the color. Swim ponders if this could be done with water or would a solvent be needed like bestine or acetone to prevent a goo or wax from being the final product?
#9 Posted : 3/30/2010 2:47:06 AM


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Boonefrog said "They are both still really, really (piss) yellow, the pics don't quite capture it. I bet SWIM will just combine the two batches and rextalize one or two more times. Any other advice?"

Your second picture is perfect, let it dry and it will turn pure white.

Small amounts of yellow really isnt a problem especially after a re-x and sc wash, its all good Smile
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#10 Posted : 3/30/2010 6:02:51 AM

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yes, Swim has heard that the yellow crystal is more likely due to plantoils/n-dmt being pulled along with the spice. Also Boonefrog, did you attempt the anhydrous magnesium drying before freezer time?, Because it apears to be a bit of condensation on your crystals. However it could just be nalpha Razz
#11 Posted : 4/4/2010 9:16:19 PM

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DeMenTed wrote:

Your second picture is perfect, let it dry and it will turn pure white.

Small amounts of yellow really isnt a problem especially after a re-x and sc wash, its all good Smile

nope, it was still quite yellow. SWIM has experimented with a few things and SWIM thinks the only way around the color - at least to get it as white as typical A/B extractions - is 3 or so rextalizations. oh well.

Also Boonefrog, did you attempt the anhydrous magnesium drying before freezer time?, Because it apears to be a bit of condensation on your crystals. However it could just be nalpha

nope all naptha, SWIM is pretty careful about no moisture getting in.
people who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and positive about the refusal of constraints, gots doo-doo in they teef.

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#12 Posted : 4/5/2010 12:36:42 AM
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My friend used this tek with great success. Very nice!
Phyrexian Spicenaut
#13 Posted : 4/5/2010 8:33:47 PM

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Hey boonefrog, Swim Just finished their watchas tek as well, out of a kilo swim got only about 5 grams so swim thinks there may be more spice... or the bark was weak, either way, swims final product is also piss yellow. But after drying in a dehydrator for a night swim finds the product to be gummy/waxy. Does one think the spice needs to dry longer or will it solidify with a recrystallization? Swim is thinking about using bestine and activated charcoal. Would anyone care to weigh in on this. Swim will post a pic of the recrystallization though
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