that's weird, I was banned for 2 days, and without a notification of why??
anyway, I don't believe it would be effected in meditation, maybe in momentary situations, but not meditation.
people have this theory when you go into deep meditation your brain releases massive amounts of seratonin or dmt or whatnot. But if this is the case this should all be regulated.
I don't think you'll find a chemical reaction in the body with just one reaction next to it, I'm pretty sure when your body releases a certain amount of things like adrenalin or dopamine or whatnot there's hundreds of other chemicals released at the same time.
otherwise, wouldn't you get high off your own shit? but that doesn't happen, your body regulates everything to the last digit no matter what situation. Your mind may freak out, in fact, your body may freak out as well! but never your chemical reactions, they don't freak out unless displaced by chemicals or damage.
no situation in life will ever make you trip! or get stoned! or feel like your on speed, or whatever.
I guess your body is it's own well of self poison, your body is a rotating machine of receptors that could be overloaded at any minute, you have receptors allowing you to trip beyond the point of understanding in your mind, have a heart attack while being wired like a computer, get so messed up you can't walk. But never off your own shit.
so in meditation, would one really experience so much extra chemicals? if so, it's nothing you could achieve with an outside drug, because the 2 experiences are not the same. and personally, I'd be surpised if despite the amount of chemicals they say contribute to well being and non well being, if there's not really many additional chemicals in the feeling of well being.
I know when you're UNHAPPY they say you have a lack of seratonin, yet I still disagree with this.
when you're happy, I believe it's emotional, based on chemical receptors as well. But to me the chemical receptors have a self maximum, they can be drained, from lack of proper impulses such as being depressed, and then you have a chemical imbalance. But to me that doesn't mean if you're happier you have an exess. I think that you have natural chemical changes in your brain, like gas in a car, that relays these things. If there's not enough gas in a car, obviously the engine won't work, but if there's too much gas in a car, the engine might function slightly better, but mostly it'll be the same.
I think that most of it is emotional, if you have the chemicals working, then emotionally you're alright, if you don't, then you have less of what you need to stimulate these chemicals, but to me that's it.
in meditation, I wouldn't see there being any increase in these things, just less junk in your mind, and better emotional transmissions.
hey, I'm no psychotherapist, but I know what I think.