Hey everyone,
I would like write down a recent epiphany (or dive deeper into insanity, I don't know which yet) on a recent alteration in my perception of reaity that I have decide to incorporate into my everyday life as much as possible, until it replaces my current outlook completely.
I was having what you could call day long discussions with my sitter and girlfriend regarding certain aspects the mind, mine in particular, that act as barriers to the so called "still mind", self mastery, and lasting happiness. Together we contemplated topics such as what is the ultimate cause of emotions, why are they difficult to control, acceptance and surrender, and various theories regarding the nature of past, present, future and whether they exist at all among other things. Like most explorers of the self, I often run into situations that could be categorized as hopeless where no solution is in sight. The issue here was trying to understand a base level of unease that seems to permiate large portions of my everyday life (although almost invisible, it exists when I look hard enough for it), as well as how un-reachable the idea of still-mind is to me. After much discussion, my girlfriend said the words "You're problem is that you believe in the principal fallacy that a person that spends a lifetime on a subject is automatically an authority on that subject and has all the facts, about everything". Although this may not sound like someting amazing, in fact it is fundamental to say the least, it began a priceless train of though that led me to one startling conclusion:
The only thing that I truly know, is that I know nothing. (Socrates)
I instantly had what the buddhist term "no-mind". I began a rapid and radical process of stripping away all the lables that I was conditioned with from birth to the present. Things such as trees, the sea, clouds, people, dogs, all were no longer such, but looked at without classification, without lableing, purely objectively without analysis whatsoever by the mind. I forcefully observed my new environment without judgement or the need to categorize things or events into language or ideas. To test whether this was a true epiphany, I stared at the sea for sometime. I was amazed to say the least! Suddenly, the sea appeared so fresh, mysterious, and beautiful, a feeling I have not had since I was a child! And so applied to the rest of the environment, similar feelings were observed. The un-ease had left.
I have now rejected all previous conditioning and I have began exploring the only thing that I can be sure of without repeated observation and asumption: that I simply don't know anything whatsoever about how the universe
really operates. Of course, you cannot expect to learn to fly a helicopter without study, so it remains practical to seek knowledge when necessary to accomplish physical or mental task that I am unfamiliar with and require some guidance. Although I can recall my conditioning at will to function normally in practical everyday life, I make it my practice now to wander about as if every moment I am re-born, seeing the world for the first time. This allows me to maintain objectivity to a starteling degree on everything from my own self, to others, to the environemnt. It is not always easy going about this way since past conditioning inevitably finds a way to creep back into my mind through what would seem like a an infinit amount of back doors, as soon as it is detected it can be thrown out again with sufficient focus.
Curiously enough, during integration of
my most recent DMT experience I had concluded after much thought that the lesson had been to show me that time was relative to the observer. How naive I was... I now realize that the whole experience permiated with one simple, unifying lesson: You thought you knew how the universe worked? Watch this... Although I commented on this feeling of being stripped down of every past conditioning during the experience and wandering about in a state of shock and amazement for several days, the lesson ultimately escaped me until very recently.
Do not rush to believe what any guru, teacher, philosopher, or person of any sort has to say about anything, and when absolutely necessary, listen as objectively as possible. See for yourself how things are. Free yourself from categorizing, labeling, and taking for granted everything that surrounds you in your everyday life. Instead, take the time to really observe the mystery of "never stepping in the same river twice" - Heraklitus. Having accepted the fact that you know nothing, a new sense of wonder now permiates your life every moment of every day, and you never cease to be amazed by the simple fact of your own existance.
And remember, no matter where you go, there you are.
Disclaimer: All communications undertaken by this user account on this site are purely fictional in nature and are intended for entertainment purposes only. I do not advocate the use of controlled substances by any person(s) anywhere.