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1st time Straight-to-Base Extraction Options
#1 Posted : 3/24/2010 8:05:56 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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I'm going to be doing a Straight-to-Base Extraction soon and don't want any mess ups. I thought I could write it on here and you guys could give me advice or tips. I am using Noman's tek, all notes are applied.

SWIM will have 120g of MHR powder.
Swim will have 3 30oz jars with 600mL of water (filtered or tap) and 40g of lye. Lye poured into water, cap shut and swirled.
All 3 jars will then have 40g MHR powder poured into the base baths.
The jars will be shaken for a minute each and then set aside for 1.5 hours.
Each jar will have 40mL of vm&p naptha added to it. Each jar will be turned (agitated), sort of tipped back and forth for one minute.
The agitation will be repeated 3x.
The jar will be set in a pan of simmering water during each agitation break.
After the final agitation-Let jars stand until two separate layers are completely formed. The naptha is removed and added to a final jar. All of the jars will go into a single jar.
The mass collected jar will be poured into a glass baking pan.
The baking pan will be sealed with saran wrap and placed into a freezer for 24-72 hours.
After 24-72 hours, the naptha will be poured out through a coffee filter and the baking pan set aside for one hour as well as the spread out coffee filter.
After one hour, the spice will be collected.
*Not doing the recrystallization*

How's it sound?

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#2 Posted : 3/24/2010 8:49:37 AM


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120 grams of powder would require 120grams of lye crystal.

I would highly suggest adding all the bark and lye in the same bottle, not in 6 different jars. Get a sunny d bottle. Once you've finished drinking it all clean it out well.

Add 120g of bark inside the sunny d bottle.

You said to me earlier you have jars that hold 800mL each? Take one of these, and fill it with 750ml of water, and SLOWLY stir in 50grams of lye into it. Make sure it all dissolves, and let it cool down(it might get pretty hot). Also, wear some kind of protection for your nose and mouth, and dont stand directly above it because LYE water gives off nasty fumes that hurt to inhale.

Once your water/lye solution has cooled down, pour it into the sunny d bottle carefully. Don't be spilling lye water on your skin(have some vinegar near by incase you do)

Now, do this 2 more times, because 120g should require about 2250mL of lye water. (make sure each time you add the 50g of lye to the 750ml of water you let it cool down first. It might take a while. But you don't want it hot when you pour in the bottle.

Once all 2250mL of lye water is in the sunny d bottle, cap it securely and shake the piss out of it. I like to keep my hand on the cap just incase. Shake it all up, let it soak for a good day, or if you want just a few hours.

Now add about 110mL of naptha to the bottle. Make sure that there is enough room for 110mL of naptha at the top. If there it looks like there is TONS of room, and the water is only half way up, add some more water.

The TRICK is to have enough room on top so when you pour the naptha inside, it all comforms to the narrow shape of the bottle, so when you stick your syringe inside it's much easier to suck up.

So once the 110ml of Naptha is added to the top, cap it securely and and begin to roll it around. DO NOT SHAKE IT, or roll it really fast, gently roll the bottle round and round, up and down. You want the naptha to move about the bark, picking up as much dmt as possible. Do this for a good minute, and then stop and let the layers separate...

Roll around gently for another minute, and let separate again. And then repeat one more time.

Now take what ever it is you have to suck up the naptha and get as much of it removed. I like to put this naptha in a jar, so I can then decant the naptha leaving behind any lye that got inside. You could also run it through a funnel with some cotton.

Add another 110ml of naptha and repeat these steps. Typically your yields are better when you let the naptha soak longer, and freeze precip longer. Patience can never hurt..

I usually put all my naptha together and freeze precip all at once, but this might not be good, I'm not really sure. It's worked for me but I'd ask others first.

Make sure you put it all in a glass pan with a good lid, or covering. Glass pans make it extremely easy to scrape up.

Good luck.
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#3 Posted : 3/24/2010 8:52:46 AM


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Ahh and yes, I think adding some heat can help for more dmt to be picked up by the solvent. I think simmering might be too hot though...You don't want the glass to break or anything. I don't normally do the heat step and still get pretty good yields, but ya for a large bottle of sunny d, you could fill your sink up with hot water and roll it around in there...
"The real secret of magic is that the world is made of words, and that if you know the words that the world is made of you can make of it whatever you wish." - Terence Mckenna

"Once youve locked yourself into a serious drug collection the tendency is to push it as far as you can..." - Hunter S. Thompson
#4 Posted : 3/24/2010 6:42:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Has anyone performed the Noman STB tek with pre-powdered bark before? I think it's kinda silly that if it was pre-powdered, 1.5-2x the water needs to be used. If this wasn't the case, I'd have 3 jars filled with 40g of bark each. Easy.

Also, did some chatting so I edited the initial post. I think it's near-perfect now if extra water isn't needed.
#5 Posted : 3/24/2010 8:42:25 PM

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Hi WalkingSpirit,

Pleasure speaking with you in chat today. Looked this over looks good.

With your jars, add the lye slowly and do not be surprised when things heat up. Mix the lye in until it is completely in solution. Swirling or stirring is good. Be very careful working with lye.

Of course it will have to be 40 grams of lye per jar and 120 grams total.

So, first measure your water, then add the lye and get into solution, then add the MHRB. You can reduce your jar number from 6 to 3: Add water to jar, add lye to jar, swirl, add MHRB to jar. Less cleanup of caustic materials inside of jars. Again, add the MHRB to the base bath.

Seal very well, do a sample roll to ensure no leaks. Now shake for that minute and set aside for that 90 mins.

Now regarding the naptha - if you can heat it without flame or spark, like in a crock pot or hot water bath, your yield will most likely be larger.

I recommend rolling the jars gently end over end - kind of like a slow-motion, human paint can spinner.

Roll jar #1 for a minute and set aside as you roll #2, set aside as you roll #3, set aside as you second roll #1, etc. until each has been rolled 4 times, 1 minute each. Once final roll is complete, set aside for separation. This should occur quickly - like within 15 mins or less in my experience.

You can also set the jars in a pan of warm water (as you mentioned) between rolls and after final roll as you await separation. I am safety paranoid, so I always break the seal on jars containing volatile solvents that are being heated. No need for a nasty surprise.

I like the double-decant. All jars to a single jar. This is where you should be most careful - try not to pick up any particles of gunk/mimosa with the naptha. Use an eye dropper for the final bits.

You may want to partially evaporate some of the solvent (I'm shaky here as I do not do this but have seen it recommended a lot) BEFORE freeze precipitating.

Once you pour the naptha off you can put a fan (low setting) over the spice to enhance drying.

It is very important to ensure that all of the naptha is fully evapped before trying your self-experiment. Your final, crystal product should be white to yellow (brown means it must be cleaned) and have a light floral scent. Any hint of solvent means more time - just keep it well ventilated and chop at it frequently with a razor.

Hope it goes well for you and that you will not hesitate to ask questions as they come up.

Peace & Love,

"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

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#6 Posted : 3/24/2010 10:50:58 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for your input, Pandora and DreamWaves. The method has been edited again.
#7 Posted : 3/25/2010 5:22:34 PM

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I'd like to add you said "simmering water". DON'T let your solution get above 60C

swim keeps his water temp around 55-58C and tries to keep his solution temp around 50-55C, this can be monitored with a non-contact IR temp gun, or a quality baking thermometer, although the lowest heat setting on the stove works well

also note: swims tried prepowdered bark with STB, and ended up with some funky stuff near the very end. swim is now using slightly more water than his usual amount for fresh ground bark with no problems
Who's this SWIM person and when do I get to meet them? They sound friken cool!
#8 Posted : 3/25/2010 7:06:34 PM

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Pandora wrote:
Hi WalkingSpirit,

Pleasure speaking with you in chat today. Looked this over looks good.

With your jars, add the lye slowly and do not be surprised when things heat up. Mix the lye in until it is completely in solution. Swirling or stirring is good. Be very careful working with lye.

Of course it will have to be 40 grams of lye per jar and 120 grams total.

So, first measure your water, then add the lye and get into solution, then add the MHRB. You can reduce your jar number from 6 to 3: Add water to jar, add lye to jar, swirl, add MHRB to jar. Less cleanup of caustic materials inside of jars. Again, add the MHRB to the base bath.

Seal very well, do a sample roll to ensure no leaks. Now shake for that minute and set aside for that 90 mins.

Now regarding the naptha - if you can heat it without flame or spark, like in a crock pot or hot water bath, your yield will most likely be larger.

I recommend rolling the jars gently end over end - kind of like a slow-motion, human paint can spinner.

Roll jar #1 for a minute and set aside as you roll #2, set aside as you roll #3, set aside as you second roll #1, etc. until each has been rolled 4 times, 1 minute each. Once final roll is complete, set aside for separation. This should occur quickly - like within 15 mins or less in my experience.

You can also set the jars in a pan of warm water (as you mentioned) between rolls and after final roll as you await separation. I am safety paranoid, so I always break the seal on jars containing volatile solvents that are being heated. No need for a nasty surprise.

I like the double-decant. All jars to a single jar. This is where you should be most careful - try not to pick up any particles of gunk/mimosa with the naptha. Use an eye dropper for the final bits.

You may want to partially evaporate some of the solvent (I'm shaky here as I do not do this but have seen it recommended a lot) BEFORE freeze precipitating.

Once you pour the naptha off you can put a fan (low setting) over the spice to enhance drying.

It is very important to ensure that all of the naptha is fully evapped before trying your self-experiment. Your final, crystal product should be white to yellow (brown means it must be cleaned) and have a light floral scent. Any hint of solvent means more time - just keep it well ventilated and chop at it frequently with a razor.

Hope it goes well for you and that you will not hesitate to ask questions as they come up.

Peace & Love,

How do you mean smell flowers?My spice smells more like hephtan?
Should the spice be like snow powder ir can it be combined with hard peaces?

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#9 Posted : 3/27/2010 6:48:44 AM

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WalkingSpirit wrote:
Has anyone performed the Noman STB tek with pre-powdered bark before? I think it's kinda silly that if it was pre-powdered, 1.5-2x the water needs to be used. If this wasn't the case, I'd have 3 jars filled with 40g of bark each. Easy.

Also, did some chatting so I edited the initial post. I think it's near-perfect now if extra water isn't needed.

I had no emulsions when using 15mL water per 1g of prepowdered root bark but the solution was a bit goopy.
I'd probably go with 20mL water per 1g of prepowdered root bark and see what it looks like.
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#10 Posted : 3/28/2010 9:01:04 PM
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Hey thanks for the additional input. You think 50-100 extra mL will do the trick? After the base bath, I have a little over 200 mL of space excluding the bark. So, don't have much space left but gonna start this soon so any other edits or reviews are welcome a.s.a.p. Smile
#11 Posted : 3/30/2010 3:37:08 AM
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Is it alright for a the base bath to have some emulsions after about an hour in? Should there have been none from the start?
#12 Posted : 3/30/2010 7:20:31 AM
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Nevermind the above. Got everything fixed with some help through the chat. Anyways, it's all collected and in the freezer. I hadda put a ton of lye in the jars and so I thought I might needa purify the crystals. Gonna do the recrystallization just in case I guess. Putting it in this post and in the original.


Shot glass of 1-2g of DMT
Shot glass of 20-30mL of naptha

I will put both shot glasses in a hot water bath in a pan
As the DMT melts, I will use the eye-dropper to transfer naptha, little-by-little, into the DMT shot glass
Once all the naptha is used and the DMT is dissolved
I let the shot glass cool and pour it into a glass pan

Repeat the above and collect
Freeze precip for 24-48 hrs
Pour at solvent
Let air dry
Collect purified crystals
#13 Posted : 3/30/2010 7:49:38 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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WalkingSpirit wrote:
Nevermind the above. Got everything fixed with some help through the chat. Anyways, it's all collected and in the freezer. I hadda put a ton of lye in the jars and so I thought I might needa purify the crystals. Gonna do the recrystallization just in case I guess. Putting it in this post and in the original.


Shot glass of 1-2g of DMT
Shot glass of 20-30mL of naptha

I will put both shot glasses in a hot water bath in a pan
As the DMT melts, I will use the eye-dropper to transfer naptha, little-by-little, into the DMT shot glass
Once all the naptha is used and the DMT is dissolved
I let the shot glass cool and pour it into a glass pan

Repeat the above and collect
Freeze precip for 24-48 hrs
Pour at solvent
Let air dry
Collect purified crystals

I wouldn't put the shot glass with the Spice anywhere near the pan of water. Keep that far away and on a safe dry surface. Warm the naphtha only then add it to the Spice glass. Don't worry, your Spice will dissolve into this warm naphtha.

Also, just freeze the shot glass. Leave it cool and pop it in the fridge for a short while, then cover it with Cling Film and set it in the freezer.

I find harvesting crystals is easier done out of a shot glass than a pan. There is less surface area to deal with, so the crystals are all concentrated into a smaller area.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#14 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:04:51 PM
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Hmm, I was just thinking about surface area and crystallization. Only problem I have is how will I be scraping all of the crystals out of the shot glass? I guess a regular blade will do?

Also, I'm open to other purifying suggestions. Anything that could be better or easier, etc. Not looking to do this half-assed but still a bit new.
#15 Posted : 3/30/2010 9:10:46 PM

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WalkingSpirit wrote:
Hmm, I was just thinking about surface area and crystallization. Only problem I have is how will I be scraping all of the crystals out of the shot glass? I guess a regular blade will do?

Also, I'm open to other purifying suggestions. Anything that could be better or easier, etc. Not looking to do this half-assed but still a bit new.

If you use a shot-glass, you can easily scrape the Spice off with a blade or even use s tea spoon to retrieve the goods.
Peace in mind, Love in heart
#16 Posted : 3/31/2010 4:46:44 AM
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Thanks for the response. Currently I have been trying to evaporate some naptha but it's taken almost a day and not much has evaporated. I figure I'll stick the pan back into the freezer and after about 48 hours, I'll have some nice crystals. Put the left-over back in the freezer and collect the goods once things have dried. Tips for next time I wanna evaporate naptha though are still appreciated. I'd like to know why mine took so long. Tried air-dry, heat (lamp) dry, fan-dry, not much change but I guess it won't matter soon *shrug*
#17 Posted : 4/2/2010 1:45:05 AM
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In case anyone was wondering...GLORIOUS SNOW GLOBE CRYSTALS! AHAHAHAHAHA!!!
#18 Posted : 4/2/2010 1:53:50 AM

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Congratulations!! Very happy
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