Hi Nexians,
I tried the Resin Tek that House posted with a piece of Trichocereus Bridgesii that was a bit under 1 foot in length and about 8cm in diameter. I've got another 3 pieces left about the same size but i didn't want to do it all at once.
I had first frozen the piece of Bridgesii overnight. I'd noticed the Resin Tek Update where House suggests to chop up the cacti into large pieces, I wasn't sure exactly how large he meant, but I had seen pictures of his original tek in the wiki and made the pieces a little larger than that.
I used one lemon and put enough water to comfortably cover the pieces of cacti.
Bridgesii in pot before heatingI had used a heat less than a simmer for a couple of hours. There there was one point i went over and it was starting to boil over, although it wouldn't have been for more than 30 seconds like that so i hope this hasn't affected the final product too much. I took the pieces out cacti in the pot out and put in the freezer for an hour or so, after this i put back in the same batch of water (i think i should really have used fresh water). I heated for another hour, took the pieces out and re-froze for about an hour, and this time i made a fresh batch of water/lemon juice. I heated for about another hour then took out the cacti pieces. They were still a little bitter, but I'd had enough for the day so i put the pieces back in the freezer so i can use them in the next extraction.
Bridgesii after heating/freezing 3 timesI reduced the water a little in the pan for about half an hour, but then decided to filter the water through a t-shirt into a pyrex dish (I decided to filter as there was quite a few floaties and debris in the water, even though i didn't really stir/blend/smash the cacti in the pan). I then put this in a dehydrator on 120F for about 7 hours the following day. This reduced down to a material whose consistency couldn't really be descried as a resin; it was particularly hard, looked a bit like the colour of honey, and smelt like candy.
The interested thing is that when I scraped the product from the pyrex dish, it came off in flakes that almost felt like vinly flooring! It wasn't as hard as I initially suspected, yet it certainly wasn't a gooey/resin like consistency that others have described.
Bridgesii final product from extractionI'd be interested to know if others have tried this tek on Bridgesii, and if their product looked like mine?
Unfortunately I haven't had a chance to try the final product, and won't for some time as I'm rather busy at the moment but will post my results whenever i do get a chance.
pureMDMA attached the following image(s):
(82kb) downloaded 227 time(s). img_3226-0000.jpg
(150kb) downloaded 225 time(s). img_3232-0000.jpg
(161kb) downloaded 232 time(s).