So SWIM recently told me that they had gotten decent (not great) MHRB from the vendor
secret herbals yielding on average .7% with perhaps sloppily done Marsofolds-esque teks. This was a few months ago. Now, with a new batch, it seems from 2 pounds and 3 extractions so far, they are looking more like .1-.2%. Anyone else use this vendor/experiencing this? SWIM has another batch from them on the way to see if it's just a fluke.
Do vendors often vary in quality so much?
Is it worth SWIM's while emailing and saying something to the effect of "Hey your dyes have been really weak recently"?
Since the closing of BBB, I haven't noticed any real consensus on affordable, potent MHRB for dyeing, any good ones SWIM should know about?
people who talk about revolution and class struggle without referring explicitly to everyday life, without understanding what is subversive about love and positive about the refusal of constraints, gots doo-doo in they teef.
..the above post is fictional. deal with it.