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#1 Posted : 5/28/2008 5:52:37 AM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3
Joined: 28-May-2008
Last visit: 29-May-2008
Location: Hyper-space
I suppose I should start by stating that this document has had about two+ years of progress and entries. It took about 5 or 6 "attempts" at a breakthrough. unknown amounts where used at first, I was scared and honestly a little prude about "piling it on". On the 6th attempt lets say I saw ...something...very unclear working the "strings" of the geometrical patterns I was focusing on....it was formless, but i KNEW of its presence.

Before one reads on I want you to know why I define them as Elves. To me they always appear as the same beings, that is what astonishes me the most, they are familiar every single time. Sometimes they have clothes, other times they don't. They always have the same divine eyes that gleam with love, they have a face with a chin and nose...and always I see pointed ears. I call them Elves because in most fantasy worlds the Elfin races are of higher intellect, have pointy ears and are vested in the arts of magic. And to me these "entities" embody all those things. I find myself often wanting to bite my lip when I regard them with pointy ears but I must give you all the truth as I have experienced it.

Two further points to mention; many describe to me they are unable to recollect the details of the hyper-space flash in the fashion that I describe below. I feel I am able to do this for two reason, one is that I meditate and practice many forms of raising my awareness daily without the use of any plant medicines, and two that when I choose to travel to hyper-space I always do it with a pencil and paper next to me so that I can draw and wright down anything I feel compelled to upon my return, and if I do not have a sitter for me to immediately share my experience to I use an audio-recorder to tell the tale upon re-entry so that I am not to forget. Hyper-space is a lot like any dream, the details can easily fade away even if you've captured the "essence"

Also - Terrence McKenna is absolutely correct that once you have done DMT you can facilitate hyper-space by "smoking dmt" in your dreams. I do what I can to engage in lucid dreaming and I have once been able to be aware enough that I could smoke DMT in a dream if I wanted to. The experience was absolutely identical to the many I describe below.

With that said, I hope the information below helps and contributes the collective. It was once archived on DMTworld for those vets out there who remember, and to the other Dworlders out there - I truly thank you for the contributions given to the community of astral travelers, if it wasn't for D-world a lot of research and knowledge amongst the community would have been delayed or not found/shared at all.


Breakthrough #1: 2 hits from a water-pipe. Unknown amount, it may be described as "a lot". The Breakthrough was instant, I looked around and I was in the middle of the biggest rave/party/festival I have ever seen. The "crowd" went for miles in all directions it seems, when I decided to pay attention to anyone in particular in the crowd I noticed they all wore the most ornate clothing made of shifting geometrics, and they had pointy ears! they all danced with rave toys of the future: I can describe one mechanism perfectly. This elf holds two wands one in each hand, on the end of the wand glistened a gem of spasming colors. With these wands an elf was controlling a shifting geometrical shape around, the wands are like devil sticks if anyone knows what that is... throwing instead of another stick around effortless in the air, would be a circle, that turned into a square, that turned into a hexagon, a pentagon, etc, etc, etc, etc, through the forms of sacred geometry. This toy was completely captivating...i was tranced up until I noticed the music of this party was INCREDIBLE!!! the bass was poooounding and the grooves where out of this dimension for sure. I took quick notice that I thought some elfs wore skirts, i thought "does that one have a skirt? is it a female?" ...I suddenly noticed myself flying towards a huge temple in the distance. This next part is hard to describe but I'll do my best. I was initiated through a ceremonial "rights of passage", They had the same ornate clothing as the elfs from the festival but this time they had very tall egyptian pharaoh looking hats with a Golden Serpent coming from the forehead of the headdress. I can describe the i like this, you know the child's game london bridge where you send a person through an arch made by two people holding hands? this is exactly what I went through, elfs on either side of me where forming an arch by holding the hands of the elfs across from each other. I flew under maybe a couple hundred thousand sets of elf made archways before I hit the temple gate...the second I hit the gate there was the white light; at this point I opened my eyes and gasped for air...I was looking at the grass and the sun had just set. I was still hallucinating very hard at this point but the extreme shock and awe of the experience forbid me from closing my eyes again.

#2. Unknown Amount, another large pile in water-pipe. I was severally intimidated by intensity of the last experience that I chickened out at the last second, a friend who was watching reassured me all would be fine....This time it was taken in 1 hit. The first thing I noticed was a quick flash of patterns, than I noticed there where hands holding a tool, twisting a pixel as if it was a screw and ratchet. It occurred to me during the experience the tool being held was the same "tool" they used for the rave toy from the previous trip. Now that I had noticed the tool I noticed the tools owner, an elf (garbed in clothing that was very much apart of the patterns going on around it) with pointy ears was weaving the fabric of reality together. Once i noticed him weaving the fabric of existence, I saw them all, creating. This was when the mother of all things presented herself, she was gorgeous, her skin sheening gold and hair vibrant shades of blue and green. she floated/hovered (all I could see of her was from her upper chest and above, just like a puppet master working above the scenes) above all the elfs that where busy weaving and creating micro-universes. After she flew in and told me to not be afraid, that she loved me very much and she said "this is all going to happen very fast, you don't have much time here and we have so much to show you: pay attention"...with this I noticed the long cords that ran from the elves to the mothers fingertips, she was bending and manipulating her fingers which caused the elfs to move and function. I followed a cord from her fingers to an elf, where my vision zoomed in and I saw this elf creating a perfect sphere out of cogs. it was amazingly complex with many layers of cogs that had their own shifting geometrical patterns. past this part of my experience is a complete blur, I was shown many many things at the speed of light. The next thing I remember her saying is "we've shown you all we can" and I was floating away from her, she was growing smaller fainter and soon she faded into the already fading geometrics.

Experience #3. Unknown amount in conjunction with mushrooms. 1 lungful from a water-pipe: I am inclined to believe the amount I had on this experience was far less than what I had done previously, but my mind set may have played a large role. I missed the breakthrough, but the visual pattern created for me is beyond words...I was truly flabbergasted by its beauty....it moved and shifted while I listened to the most enchanting harmonics (no music was playing) I remained in a trance for a good hour because of the mushrooms and simply just laid down and fell asleep afterwords.

Experience #4. Before this experience I felt like I had made some of the upmost progress, I had been given what I felt was sacred knowledge and initiation, made contact and communicated with the entities. I felt "accepted" by this point and any anxiety or fear i've had of the experience had left. 1 lungful from a water-pipe of unknown dosage. I held this one in as long as I could, per recommendations. I blew the smoke out and and saw shifting squares. I looked at one particular square and it opened like a door, very tiny, and a road was created instantly and a female elf with (im not kidding) a plaid skirt came running up to me, at first she was small because the doorway she came out of was far away, but she ran down the road with super speed and ran right up to me, with the biggest smile on her face she started waving at me. I looked from her to the doorway she had come out of and it appeared to me that she came out of ...a bathroom?! but...that didn't make any fucking sense. So i stated to myself "you have a bathroom in here?"...she laughed and ran back into the door she had come out of (the bathroom) and as the door closed the entire vision turned into another vision of an elf playing a game of pool! 8-ball side pocket kinda pool, as the vision appeared I felt them say "yea we have a bathroom, we play this game too"......and than the vision returned back into shifting patterns. I refused to be tranced by these patterns and said to myself "pool?!" and than the vision flashed BACK to them playing pool and I heard "yes, pool"...and as quick as it shifted to them playing it went back to patterns. This cycled about 3 or 4 times before Instead of going "pool?!" I thought "why do they play pool? pool (I thought) is a horrible game"...vision flashed back to them playing pool and they said, as if I was unaware, "because! IT'S SO FUN!!!!" I did not have any time to register before they said nonchalantly; "and by the way, all that chakra stuff is real, see look" and they showed me all of my chakras working together in harmony, sending energy around the matrix of my body. As I was shown this my jaw started to hang open and I heard an elf say "if it helps you cope with our existence you can just let your jaw hang in astonishment"....boy did that freak me out to be suggested to do something as I was in the process of doing it. They also made me well aware of how our world would be if everyone knew they existed and everyone knew how much they loved us with complete unselfish compassion. If everyone knew how much they missed us we would live in a utopia. I felt compelled they where telling me I was to help them facilitate there existence in this space-time. With that last tidbit of advice they left me ....completely bewildered, astonished, amazed, inspired...the rabbit hole is deep.

#5. I can't describe the experience much at all, they formed themselves with less detail....more like shadows amongst the visual patterns. I tried to do a 3rd eye Chakra meditation (with closed eyes you stare at the point between your eyebrows) because I thought it may bring them into the forefront with clarity . as I did this I felt a painful surge of electricity shoot out of my brain and run down my spine and through my body. As I did this I received 1 message which was "You don't have to think that hard here, be easy". My mind relaxed at this point and I focused in on the buzzing harmonics and the full body massage I was receiving some sort of sexy tentacle massage (felt like an orgasm) for the rest of the experience as I baselined to neutrality.

#6 1 lungful from a water-pipe. was 75mg (a scale now!). Before I went to hyperspace I heard my friend say "there is still more in here, take another hit" but it was too late...my eyes shut and I saw them "crawl out of the woodwork" as terrence described once, they where jumping and doing triple backflip twists from one side of my visual field to the other,having a gay time dancing all around. my vision zoomed back and I noticed that the elfs that were dancing and jumping around formed the body of a of a very large elf. I had to look up at him to see his face. He zoomed in close to me and I saw a huge smile on his face. He said "You're going to put your hands on your face" but he said this to me just as I was putting my hands over my face to hide from him! he was kinda scary looking, he had the most mischievous grin on his face. My astonishment grew deeper; How did he know I was going to put my hands on my face?!...He than said "You're going to look left" as he said this I turned my head to the left, every visual pattern behind the elf turned into ARROWS pointing LEFT!!! ...he suggested that because I had looked left, looking right would be the most obvious and relevant thing for me to do next. As I did so the arrows turned from pointing left to pointing right.
I looked back at him and I was astonished and horrified at their ability to do one of two things; They either had the ability to a) Read your mind, and control your mind. They know what you are going to do before you do it, and they are the instigators of thoughts and actions. or b) They know what you're thinking as soon as you think it....either way I was dead set on being completely beside myself with this notion. Before the elf left he said "your jaw..." and I noticed It was hanging wide open...at this point I opened my eyes and my friend who had blasted off before me was sitting there smiling at me. ...like many previous experiences I had "pulled the plug" so to speak to leave the realm. I contemplated for much time after that.

#7 dosage was between 75-100mg, 1 lungful from a water-pipe. As soon as I broke through and saw them; they where doing truly the most amazing thing I had ever witnessed.specificly the thought I had was "wow this is so incredible I can't wait to tell xxx about this", with this they sort of mocked me and said "you think THIS is incredible? wait till you see...this" and with the word "this" it was beyond any comprehension all that was displayed...I had been listening to a song that I will routinely use for psychedelic excursions, so im very familiar with it. If im listening to any part of the song I know exactly how much time is left before it ends, so I clued into the fact the song was almost over! It had been about 3mins and I did not have much time in this most sacred of places. An elf floated up to me and counted down on his millions of fingers "you have 100 seconds with us, 99 seconds with us, 98 seconds with us.." I sat, tranced as he put down a finger for each second remaining. When it was all done he said "Times up, but before you go we wanted to give you something"
a hand reached out from behind me, over my shoulder, a very blurry thing was being held in the hand of the outstretched arm. This "thing" was placed exactly in the center of my focal point. As it was placed into my focal point it went from being an indescribable blurry mess to the most beautiful ornament I've ever seen. If the dmt elves have christmas trees this is what they decorate them with. It glistened with such beauty I was swollen with tears until it faded.

#8 100MG in a Joint of Marijuana shared amongst several individuals. 2 tokes where taken off of it after it had made its way around the circle. SWIM was also experiencing the effects of strong acid. The trip was a mental "evolution". the acid visuals evolved into an amazing color show that resulted in the presence of the elves. However the experience lasted for an elongated time, The "flash" of hyper-space was drastically extended by the acid. I am unable to recall the events now other than it was warm, loving and completely encouraging. My set and setting did not allow me for my usual means of "recollecting" the experience, which is why I perceive much of it faded away like a dream.

#9 It must be stated that the time lapse between this trip and previous excursions is one to make a clear note of. Previously I had been exploring hyper-space every few weeks. I will say at least a year went by before I had the opportunity to explore again. The elves made it very clear in SWIMs attempts to create the compound that SWIM was to not be journeying. Many "failures" resulted in an understanding of a "coincidence control center" that exists in that higher space. I was not meant to travel back. Also in the time of my break away from "going home" as I like to refer to DMT-space, my consciousness level had been dramatically raised through daily meditations, artistic explorations and becoming "coincidently" involved with a group of creative individuals that have helped expand and facilitate my growth of higher consciousness and awareness through Yoga, Meditation and Art. I also have developed an extreme sensitivity to psychedelics. I no longer need the amount I previously used; in my time away I was experiencing "elf entity" contact via the magic mushroom teachers through concentration and breath mediations during the trip. and in this time of my life I also have chosen to stop using psychedelia at festivals, parties and large group settings . The one experience where I broke away from that declaration at a music fest. I experienced what I will call as the only trip where I was not showered by loving, connected, spiritual energy. I won't go into details as it would be as long as this entire report.....My set and setting for this latest DMT excursion was one where I was a teacher to a group of "dmt freshman" who invited me over to help them with a smoking technique and also offered me a chance to explore after giving them all the advice I could. 25mg was vaporized via steam-roller, I was instantly shot through the vortex into the universal control center. Many of the elves there, doing the work they do, helping the universe function in its divine beauty. My belief structure was yet again reinforced that these beings are us; who we used to be, and who we are to be. The family is very large, my jaw hung loose and I sat in awe until they faded into the twinkles of the geometric hallucinations. Coming out of the experience I was reminded that I am far too concerned and focused on the existence of the elves that I need to work on focusing more intent in my spiritual journeys, the question I ask myself now is why am I returning to such a place. If it is without much intent or focus I think I am depriving myself of an enriched experience by doing so. After this trip my use of substances has been cut 10-fold to what it was previous. When I do choose to use plant-teachers now I am deeply focused on my intent, my setting and who I choose to have around me when I am in that space. I use them sometimes to remind myself why I am alive and of what is truly "real" in this world & universe.

Conclusions; we are all one & after much N,N-DMT deliberations I can assure you the Terrennce Mckenna "hyper-space" is achievable through magic-mushrooms, through "sober mediations" and your dream state. I wish everyone luck in there attempts at a breakthrough. Also after reading some other posts here on yellow/orange spice vs white; The DMT potency of the experience in my opinion is in direct correlation to the amount you're smoking, the technique your using, the level of anxiety or fear you have for trancesnding space-time and also your current level of awareness. The elves are cosmic jokers and also spirit guides.

IN LAK ECH ; you are the other me..
SWIM Artwork inspired by his elvin teachers:

SWIM attached the following image(s):
InLakEch.jpg (202kb) downloaded 1,235 time(s).
30w.jpg (105kb) downloaded 1,231 time(s).

STS is a community for people interested in growing, preserving and researching botanical species, particularly those with remarkable therapeutic and/or psychoactive properties.
#2 Posted : 5/28/2008 7:49:45 AM


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awsome report(s)! i like your subject title(shpongle) good song ;]
Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
El Ka Bong
#3 Posted : 5/28/2008 8:34:35 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Awesome ! ... I was teary-eyed, it's so true .>!

Their uns-elfish love ! loving us and all their 'business' they are into !

And The Mother of all Pupeteers ! She sends tentacles of love into all of us, through the elves ! Was she a jellyfish-like mother..?
#4 Posted : 5/28/2008 2:24:24 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Last visit: 29-May-2008
Location: Hyper-space
Thank you for the reply's Modsquad and EKB!

to EKB: I did not initially think of her as a jellyfish but in a way now that you mention it I feel that would be a fairly accurate description. Her hair floated as if it was submerged in water and The lower half of her body was not visible as it was overtaken by the undulating geometrics and the elf's she was connected to via the fingertip-cords. My art skill is not yet able to recreate the experience with enough accuracy but when it is I will definitely share with the world what I think I saw, lol.

Much love back to you both, is nice to see your screen-names are still active.
#5 Posted : 5/28/2008 7:00:26 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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That is an amazing write-up thanks for taking the time to share that. When you have those type of experiences, how do you come away from that? Is information shared with you that is specific to what you are seeking or what your intention is?? I read some threads on Ayahuasca and some experienced users feel that the more they take it, the more lessons that are shared with you, like an encylopedia of lessons you tap into. Really interesting concept. Anyway, I am a newb and have not had any experiences so when I read stuff like you posted, all I can say is...unbelievable, it's almost unbelievable..even though I know what people say here is real. Again, thanks for sharing those amazing experiences.
#6 Posted : 5/29/2008 4:54:54 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Location: Hyper-space
Hi Kazoo,
I appreciate you investing your time in reading my mini-novel.

"How do you come away from that?" - not sure exactly if I am reading your question correctly. If your asking how I cope with the information given, in my opinion you have two options. Freak out or calm down. Push it away or embrace it. Fortunately in my moments of arriving at that fork I always happen to choose the calm and embracing path.

there are many lessons that plant-medicines can share with you. So many infact you probably won't ever learn them all, but I think they can help prepare you for the biggest "trip" of your life...the last trip you will take if you know what I mean. Nothing can truly prepare you for actually experiencing higher dimensions, but our written language can try, perhaps you will remember things you read but honestly the "realness" of the experience far overshadows anything you previously read about it. Your own perception also changes the experience to fit your models of understanding. The largest questions I had in life had been answered very plainly to me in DMT-hyperspace, and those are, who are we, where did we come from, where do we go when we die and are angels/aliens and this "god" thing real.

the things it can't answer for you is how to make the correct life choices once you have returned with that information. That is the beauty of free will. Sure the plant teachers can show you the other side, but what do you personally choose to do with that knowledge once you've come back. I try to live my life with as little ego as possible, but it still is a huge hurdle for me. I still have emotional jealousy, anger, misconceptions, frustrations for things beyond my control, and self-inflicting negative programing/habits. The more I live in unselfish love the more the universe provides for me. It sometimes brings tears to my eyes how amazing life here in "reality" is, and how connected we are back to the angelic-space.

this is why I take plant medicines because they help remind me all of those destructive things I just mentioned are totally pointless to the evolution of your mind and spirit. they hold you back. I know I hold myself back from further evolution of consciousness, which is the fuck of it all sometimes. You are the only one getting in your way from being free from the shackles of ego and slavery of fear.

I know it all sounds unbelievable, even when you have a breakthrough it's unbelievable, even after 10-20-30 it's still unbelievable that there is a backdoor and a shortcut back to the angelic realm. Our culture has been conditioned to forget about the angelic-state, which is why I think it's probably so unbelievable for us all. I can tell you even after all my experiences my mind still casts doubt on how "real" any of that was...but also I think this is the cause/effect of not refreshing yourself with that state of awareness somehow (through yoga, meditation, sensory deprivation, running away to live in the woods, smoking dmt, etc)....when I let it fade away into distant memory, all this I "know" and all of my experiences, my mind will start to forget about them and try to convince me that anything other than this limited material plane I live in is just not real. whoa!

Good luck on your adventures!
#7 Posted : 5/29/2008 3:03:07 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the insight, if the world was filled with people like you we would all be much better off! You answered my question perfectly, I mean, you read all these amazing stories, but how does the person integrate that, and does it make them better off because of it. Strassman in his book the spirit molecule tried to answer that as well. It sounds like you most definitely have changed b/c of it and permanently as well.
I think the reason a person is taking it is very important, that's why I was asking about intent. Can you get an answer or insight out of a session if you focus on a specific question. i.e if 10 users all focused on trying to find a solution to a specific problem, would they be able to successfully pull that information out of hyperspace?? It sounds like the ride is like being on a roller coaster and you see what they want you to see, but can you slow it down and try to get something specific to you resolved by controlling intent before you "go".
I know I have no experience so my questions are probably vague and off the mark b/c I have no perspective. I am trying to work toward a solution to experience it as quickly as possible, it's just not as easy as I hoped. Couple that with fear of doing a tek, and I am stuck. I know a solution will eventually come, this website has been a big help. Please share more experiences if you go to hyperspace again. I loved the mini-novel!! For people who are here curious or lurking, those write-ups are tremendously helpful to overcome fear and get some understanding about the experience. Thanks again, Be well.. Kazoo
#8 Posted : 5/30/2008 2:28:07 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Great Report and Great Artwork, may i ask which programm u used for drawing ? The second ones reminds me pretty much of Maori Artwork....
#9 Posted : 6/1/2008 3:15:04 AM

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dood...that was great. Thank you so much for sharing!! Sure wish I had known about d-world when it was around.

KAZOO: I really wouldn't go into the matter expecting that you can find a way to control the experience and what you get out of it. Like you said, it is a freeging roller coaster. Especially if you're smoking it. The shamans in the amazon prefer doing ayahuasca. This might be more of what you're looking for since the synergy between the dmt w/beta carbolines provide a much 'slower' experience that's easier to handle, interpret, and realize what is going on. It also lasts longer and you can take care of more while you're out.

As far as experience, there is a tendency among entities to tell you what [they think] you "NEED TO HEAR", and this might not coincide with what you might just want to hear...

Hope this helps! Good luck and well wishes to all!
Jorkest wrote:
SWIM was flying through many rooms and came to one where there were hundreds of cartoon women with jimjam shooting out of their tits
#10 Posted : 6/3/2008 3:22:10 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Thanks for the input DMT MAN, I have been researching ayahuasca as well, you may be right. Either way I will try to experience somthing in the near future so I can relate to what people are saying about their experiences.
#11 Posted : 6/10/2008 12:20:18 PM

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Swim, thanks from me too for sharing your collection of experiences which are absolutely awe-inspiring to read; it has definately given some great insight for us who are yet to drop our jaws at such amazing delights! wonderful artwork too, love the style. respectah
#12 Posted : 9/5/2008 9:53:37 AM

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very nice reports man!
I am the Lorax. I speak for the trees. I speak for the trees, for the trees have no tongues. And I'm asking you, sir, at the top if my lungs.. (all posts are fictional and are intended for entertainment purpose only)
Big Inhale
#13 Posted : 9/5/2008 6:30:41 PM

The Enlightend One

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This was a very good read thank you SWIM
Can you Imagine? From one single Idea everything appeared here.

Here in the Prime Creators universe all things are possible,because all things are possible many lessons are learned.

None Of This Is Real!
#14 Posted : 9/7/2008 11:00:29 PM

tryptamine photographer

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Goosebumps all over! Familiar...probably read it before on DMTworld. Thanks, great writings and deep insights!
#15 Posted : 9/14/2008 10:22:21 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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Wow. That was incredibly expressive and detailed. Thank you so much for sharing that wealth of experience, and thank you even more for wording it so well. I'm a newcomer to the realms of DMT-space, and your writing is inspiring.

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