Dwhitty76 wrote: After an hr. of sitting at room temp.,they have definately dried signifacantly but appears to be a little more brownish. To wash or not to wash? If decided to sample the goods w/out a wash, can that be harmful? Also since swim has never smoked before, he's not sure how to measure the amount to put in his pipe to blast off. He's heard that between 40 to 60 ml is a good starting point but he doesn't think his scale does that small of a measurement. There is also the train off thought that just believes in inhailing as much as possible w/in the first 30 seconds till you cant toke no more. He has a pipe w/ a glass chamber and he's gonna put two screens in (he heard that it can melt and run thru the screen and some say to put a little ash in the bowl). Does all this sound right? here's a couple more pics.
Dwhitty76 wrote: so, swim is a little bummed. He knew ahead of time not to hold the flame to close to the bowl.He dumped a nice size chunk into the pipe and practically as soon as he lit the flame he watched good dmt vanish and dissapear through the sreans in the pipe.He must have gotten some smoke in his lung because he did feel the vibration which did manifest visually to a light degree.His girlfreind who'm anitially didn't even want to try it (nervous),saw that i didn't freak out so she asked swim to pour a little on top of some weed and he did.She must have gotten a much nicer hit because she could not stop laughing,which made swim happy to see her get off a lttle more than he did.So apparently you're suppose to wait a little while before you do it again because the body builds tolerance.Anyone know how long swim should wait? and does anyone have some advice on better smoking?
you posted that first answer at the same time as I did so I didnt see it before.. but anyways, yes 50mg is a standard good dose.. how accurate is the scale? SWIM´s scale is to 0.1g, so this means it measures minimum of 2 doses.. so SWIM just measures 0.1 or 0.2 and then divides it in 2 or 4 doses more or less...
As I said before, dont do the wash, if you decide to clean, do the recrystalization better..
The problem was, SWIY put the dmt straight on top of the pipe and then straight the flame over, right? Dont do that, as there will be a lot lost.. the best way SWIM finds is to put a bed of ashes on the bottom (or maybe a little herb, but ashes work great), then the dmt, then more ashes on top to protect it.. one should take 3 big hits, holding each one at least 10 seconds... If the pipe smoke is too hot, then make a hole on the side of a water bottle, attach the pipe to it and then smoke from the bottle mouth, sort of like an improvised bong
the tolerance goes down quickly, in half an hour to one hour you should be good to go again