joebono: I'll share some about myself and encourage you to pick up what resonates with you.
Be happy that your loved ones care enough to work with you, they have good intentions. When you truly know who you are, it's okay to change how you go about life to help other people. Psychedelics have helped me find many truths (pleasant, or otherwise), and I have found a way to honestly and constructively express them. Your deepest essence will never change, but you can choose which shells to wear for your loved one's and society's betterment. Your light will shine through these layers as long as you stay true to yourself. Abide.
Working with psychedelics, I fell deeply into a phase similar to what you are describing. It was characterized by a heavy lsd hobby, way too much pot, and
countless hours of self-loathing with mescaline.
Countless. I do not underline the substances used, it was just the time in life when I decided to fully disillusion myself and I'm sure any number of methods would have led to the same place, the same starting point. Many other paths would have taken much longer.
Deep ayahuasca journies found me after... a while... spent in the deconstruction zone, and everything changed. I would say I wish I had people to talk to, but I did... I just wish I had learned to listen. Anyway,
It may sound dramatic, but I found myself at a fork in my life: leave society to tear itself apart, or find some way to help fix it.
With the speed that information is spreading today, humanity is finally coming together and soon enough there will be nowhere anybody can hide. To all of you out there in the woodwork: we're coming, be ready
"When you run, make sure it's to something and not away from," -Avett Brothers
With some heavy guidance from aya, the following began to unfold:
The human experiment is worth saving. IMHO, it will never happen by directly spreading truth and light - society is too far gone for that option. It's a shame that entheogens are viewed the way they are, it forces us to find any and all other means of spreading the message they bring. On the other hand, these are just the rules of the game we play.
The answer is to fully integrate into society, to virally seed, spread and use everything we learn from psychedelics. I have a mode of operating for dealing with people who have not yet turned on, to keep them from being scared off before any good can be done. My life is rich and diverse so that I may discuss many aspects of myself, while never revealing these plants or chemicals to those who simply don't need to know. Self control and discretion go hand in hand.
"Discretion is a better part of valor," -this guy I talked to last new year's
All parts of my life depend vitally on the others; it is in no way a double-life. Most of my trips revolve around my daily life and vice versa. When it's in order and I get a chance, I go DEEP!
Balance is very important. If it weren't for the things in my life that are not tripping, psychedelics would lose a lot of their power and meaning. When I surrender to too much of the daily illusion and don't find time for a nice long trip at least once a month, I lose personal power and meaning. Spice launches come and go in my life, I don't really consider it tripping as much as recalibrating.
I'm not trying to sell myself as awesome to you, my words are meant to express how pleased I am with where I am and where I'm going - especially in spite of where I was. Although shit is fucked up, there is hope.
And not all people are bad, there's good niches to be found in the damndest of places. The weather's getting better, maybe get/join some folks on some outdoors adventures? This year, I'm gonna try out kayaking for the first time
Two options/suggestions:
1) Consider taking a break, put all your psychedelics in a box under the bed and forget about them for at least a month. Take up some legitimate community service and lose yourself in that, it may be very grounding.
2)If you don't want to take that long of a break from psychs, take a break from the breed of truth you are reading. Fuel your trips with another source. Endlessness suggested Gurdjieff here on the forum a while back, and I am very grateful. I have been crawling through "Beelzebub's Tales to His Grandson" for almost a year now, it goes
very well with tripping. It sounds like you might be in a good place to approach this book, if you so choose.
I hope some of this can help, and truly wish you the best
EDIT: In light of the rest of this thread, don't misinterpret my words to mean you should bend over backwards for society... I'm talking about working with the people close to you, not being whatever the 'infrastructure' commands... I don't think anybody who honestly pursues psychedelics could live that lie...