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Do you believe in telepathy. Options
#41 Posted : 10/25/2022 4:51:16 AM

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dragonrider wrote:
Do you believe in telepathy? I had a very weird experience, a couple of days ago: An old friend of me, who i haven't seen in years, has an instagram acount and he makes beautiful pictures. A couple of days ago, i was just thinking about him, and wondered how he is doing. And then i thought of a rainbow. The thought of a rainbow just popped up in my mind.
The next day i was taking a shower, and i suddenly thought about his instagram account. I realy had the idea, or the feeling or intuition that i just hád to see it, and that it would somehow surprise or shock me. I checked it, and Shocked whaaaa!!!...there was a picture of a rainbow, placed just the day before.

Isn't that odd?

About 7 years ago I encountered a girl on Facebook. She's from Ralwalpindi.

About 2 years ago, I encountered LSD for the first time in a long time.

I laid in bed in the dark, having my experience. Then I felt the presence of her.

then, after 5 or so minutes, my phone ringed. I wondered if it was her. And it was her.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#42 Posted : 10/25/2022 9:07:22 PM

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I try not to believe in anything for sure. But there did come a point where telepathic phenomenon seemed self evident, especially when it came to shared visions and dreams.

I plan to write more about this sort of thing in the future, but for now I'll just say that a reliable way to easily induce a mind blowing telepathic connection (among other things. and it can take some practice) is to grab a partner and do the following: lsd + low dose DMT + large singing bowl + eye gazing.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#43 Posted : 10/30/2022 8:22:39 PM

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I'm interested in how people define telepathy? For me I have not tapped into the exact content going on in someones mind.. like you couldn't ask me to read out the sentence playing out in your head if you asked me to.. but I have shared experiences with people where our subtle body language and eye contact far more adequately conveys our feelings than in a normal sober state.. where we can really "feel" each other's energy in a deep way.. I've always thought of this as a sort of "telepathy"

#44 Posted : 10/31/2022 12:30:08 PM

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Yeah, empathy is probably the closest we as humans usually experience, perhaps when we look deep into someones eyes.

Telepathy might exist as a paradox, all being one there is no need to comunicate, us being separate we must experience that separation.
Perhaps you could call the whole spectrum in between telepathy.
#45 Posted : 10/31/2022 7:16:12 PM

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ShadedSelf wrote:
Yeah, empathy is probably the closest we as humans usually experience, perhaps when we look deep into someones eyes.

Telepathy might exist as a paradox, all being one there is no need to comunicate, us being separate we must experience that separation.
Perhaps you could call the whole spectrum in between telepathy.

Not without reason that the portmanteau word 'telempathy' was concocted. Perhaps we ought to wonder what qualities might be brought to bear to bring it into common usage, or maybe to obviate its introduction entirely.

“There is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#46 Posted : 10/31/2022 7:50:27 PM

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When we are hanging out together, my baby daughter eerily invokes "mom!" every time I think about her mother.

The consciousness of plants is a constant source of information for medicine, alimentation, and art, and an example of the intelligence and creative imagination of nature. Much of my education I owe to the intelligence of these great teachers. Thus I consider myself to be the “representative” of plants, and for this reason I assert that if they cut down the trees and burn what’s left of the rainforests, it is the same as burning a whole library of books without ever having read them.

~ Pablo Amaringo
#47 Posted : 11/1/2022 11:41:40 AM
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Telepathy most definitely exists as far as I believe. In the vast majority of cases it is accidental but I expect that one in a million telepathic communications is deliberate.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.
#48 Posted : 11/1/2022 12:57:54 PM

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I'm not sure if it's more a strong empathy/empathic response or if it's telepathy, but I've had my share of odd experiences "reading" others without any dialogue or "apparent" cues.

An example was a time while tripping with three other friends on mushrooms. We had been sitting for a long period with no dialogue for a long time, and intuitively at one point, without looking at anyone or consciously noticing any cues, I stood up, grabbed a pipe, walked it to my friend, handed it to him, to which he freaked out wondering how I knew he needed the pipe becausehe was tripping too hard to get up and get it...

But you know me, my skepticism extends to everything Twisted Evil

One love
What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves.

Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims

DMT always has something new to show you Twisted Evil

Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea...
All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
#49 Posted : 11/4/2022 9:47:02 AM

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Voidmatrix wrote:
I'm not sure if it's more a strong empathy/empathic response or if it's telepathy, but I've had my share of odd experiences "reading" others without any dialogue or "apparent" cues.

Same here. And I wasn’t too much like I am these days before I began having experiences with the plants. My life is beautiful in that way now days. Sometimes I think that telepathy and empathy might not be different really. Perhaps it’s just different perspectives. One person might perceive it in the mind and another might feel it more.
#50 Posted : 11/4/2022 12:28:35 PM

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I had an experience when I was 16 with a person that went beyond telepathy. From that point I sought to understand that experience and the nature of why it happened. That let me first into learning about the occult and paranormal stuff. A few years later I tried LSD. At the time those events were separate things to me. Eventually I start to learn about shamanism and Enthoegenic plants. I feel like I slowly put pieces of understanding together for my self, and this has become my "spirituality" so to say. I have had many other varied "unexplainable" experiences since my teens both on and off of psychedelics. So far the experiences that are not drug induced tend to be the stronger more profound for me. It is a continuum as far as I see it as to how far taped into the universal energy one gets to in these experiences.

#51 Posted : 1/28/2024 9:25:38 PM


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So delighted to find this thread. Telepathy is one of those topics I will only speak with few people about, frankly because most folks are too skeptical to experience it, even if they are picking up on vibrations all the time.

I know telepathy is real. I’m interested in talking about ideas on how it might work.

Sometimes it is little hints or intuitive knowing, other times it is as pronounced as verbal dialogue. I have experienced telepathic moments both in and out of the expanded (entheogenic) state, but obviously all of my experiences in the expanded state were more intense, pronounced, and undeniable.

We all know how healthy and indispensable a degree of inquisitive skepticism can be. There were obviously moments in my life (at this point years ago) where I doubted the truth of my own experiences. I feel confident in their validity and my own sanity 💜

I’ll share some of my experiences. I loved what RhythmSpring said here:

RhythmSpring wrote:

Love is telepathy.

Telepathy is an offshoot of love.

It was humbling to me to realize that many people in my life (mainly women) naturally experience this level of telepathy that was so "whoa" to me when it first started happening.

My most intense telepathic experiences have been with people who I love, and who love me reciprocally, genuinely. On more than one occasion, my partner and I have taken a moderate dose of LSD together and begun conversations mentally and finished them verbally. Every time it happens, we have a moment of acknowledgment, and usually astonishment, then laughter.

There are moments I’ve known a loved one was about to contact me by phone moments before they did. There are times I’ve perceived someone else’s vision as if in a dream or trance. There are times I’ve simply “known” something had happened or would soon happen, even though my sense didn’t account for that knowing.

I have a guardian angel, or bodhisattva guide, or whatever language you are most comfortable with. I met her in human form in this life time, although not for the first time. Before she left her body, she passed on some invaluable lessons. One thing which she stressed to me, several times, was that the internet is a dim reflection of the organic and real internal network (inner-net) which connects all life forms.

As several people here have commented already, transcendent experience reveals to us the truth of divine Unity. I believe that when we are open, present, and dwelling in our organic state of love, we are able to communicate with one another in a much more direct way than words allows for, and we often call this kind of communication intuition or telepathy.

As for the function, I can only guess, but I would start with the heart. As the center of electromagnetic resonance and feeling, I think it is possible that telepathy happen through the perception of subtle electromagnetic vibrations (vibes, if you will) emitted from the hearts and minds of other beings. People who practice tree hugging can tell you about the perceivable experience of electromagnetic emotional exchange that happens when they hug a tree with their heart open. Just an idea ✌🏻

I think it is also worth noting that mind and body are not separate entities. The body exists in the mind. There are many subtle physical signs another may give off that we don’t even realize we are perceiving and learning from in the moment. That said; the moments of conversational telepathy I have experienced were clear, like the sound of the person speaking but inside my mind.

Regardless of mechanism, we (manifest beings) are undoubtedly united to the root, and therefore able to communicate in a myriad of way, many of which I imagine we are still learning to discover.
”She, the adorable one, seated in the Heart, is the power that gives breath. Unto Her all the senses do homage.”
#52 Posted : 1/29/2024 2:24:08 PM

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dragonrider wrote:
Do you believe in telepathy? I had a very weird experience, a couple of days ago: An old friend of me, who i haven't seen in years, has an instagram acount and he makes beautiful pictures. A couple of days ago, i was just thinking about him, and wondered how he is doing. And then i thought of a rainbow. The thought of a rainbow just popped up in my mind.
The next day i was taking a shower, and i suddenly thought about his instagram account. I realy had the idea, or the feeling or intuition that i just hád to see it, and that it would somehow surprise or shock me. I checked it, and Shocked whaaaa!!!...there was a picture of a rainbow, placed just the day before.

Isn't that odd?

Synchronicities are a big thing too as well. Telepathy and synchronicity's go together well. Its called predictive events and you somehow tapped into your friends thoughts. Predicted/saw the picture of what your friend was drawing. Now remote viewing mixed with telepathy is what it sounds like. Did you feel as if you were in the same place the whole time as you saw this or did you feel your "self" separate from your body and go find this image? I have things like this happen on the daily most of the time Big grin
I would just like to know what your experience is with this type of phenomena.

And yes, I fully believe in telepathy, but i dont think its explained in a way that we yet understand as telepathy seems to be its own language.
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