Yes breakthrough is absolutely possible on psilocybin at the right dose.. and it is bloody intense!
It is after all, structurally very closely related to DMT. High doses have some distinct similarities to DMT visuals and at times are almost indistinguishable in character .. though I find that DMT is a cleaner and more enjoyable route to that place. Breaking through on psilocybin is much more of a risky undertake than smoking DMT imo.. that’s quite a while to be immersed in such a powerful experience. DMT let’s you dip your toes for 5 mins and then come back.. if you like it you can go back in. The idea of using psilocybin as my breakthrough vehicle these days kinda gives me the heebie jeebies
I would question the logic behind using an MAOI to get yourself closer to break through.. why not just take more psilocybin? It is essentially orally active DMT as is. Caapi/rue are used with DMT because it isn’t orally active (of course for synergy as well but that’s another thing).. with psilocybin you have the advantage of it already being orally active.. so I would say you’d probably be better off just increasing your dose of psilocybin to go deeper, rather than adding another psychoactive compound into the mix.. especially one that can be potentially nauseating and have other complications. I think if possible keeping your experience to the one compound will be a cleaner/more crystaline ezperience. A lot of people find psilocybin with MAOI too much.
Of course if you are genuinely interested in the synergy then go for it.. but if you want the psilocybin to be stronger then take more psilocybin .. or you could always extract your own DMT which is very easy.