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Major problems with oil burner Options
#1 Posted : 3/6/2010 5:32:55 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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So the first few times I used the oil burner / torch lighter it was absolutely amazing and I thought there would be no way I would ever have to look into another smoking method....

But here I am about to cry because the last TEN times I have tried to use this thing have gone to hell!!

Im not even kidding every time I will sit there and work up the courage to take the rip, then it just messes up somehow.

Before I was loading up 20mg tops every time and blasting off no questions asked...

I loaded up 20mgs multiple times and got screwed. A few times my torch lighter ran out of fluid right as I got the balls to take the rip.

A couple other times it was going to work perfect only to end up getting to flame too close or something and accidently vaping it too quick causing me to choke on the smoke and not be able to hit it right.

Just a few minutes ago I said screw all this nonsense, I am loading up 40mg and breaking through tonight!!

Well, guess what happened. I work up the courage to take the rip, and start applying the flame to the oil burner. I am doing it perfectly, or so I thought. Next thing I know, the WHOLE FRONT OF THE DAMN PIPE, BURSTS INTO FLAMES!!! WITH MY DMT!! ALL 40 MG GONE!!

Burned to a crisp, and I barely felt anything, no visuals whatsoever. Such a massive disappointment.

I really have no idea how that even happened, Im just sitting here so disappointed for the 10th time. I have probably wasted like a half a g or something. I feel like I am being punished by the DMT gods, but I cannot imagine for what!!

Someone help me out here what is going on!!

I swear to god the method worked perfect and I blasted off on 20mg everytime before!!

Maybe it just wasn't meant to be for the last few days?

Why did my whole front of my oil burner burst into flames? I really dont get it, it never happened before, how can I prevent this in the future? I really could have sworn I learned my lesson and held it the right distance that time...


Thanks in advance for any advice !


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#2 Posted : 3/6/2010 5:36:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Before I have been holding the flame to the torch lighter on the whole time I have been ripping it.

Do I need to just let it melt and then turn the flame off or what?

I am doing something wrong and its driving me crazy!
#3 Posted : 3/6/2010 8:25:52 AM

DMT-Nexus member


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Maybe its time to bin the oil burner and try a new smoking method?

Have you tried the sandwich method in a bong or some enhanced leaf?
#4 Posted : 3/6/2010 1:52:09 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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no I suppose that is what I was thinking about trying next...

But DMT is about the only thing I can smoke inside my house, enhanced leaf would leave too much a smell behind for my "roomies" I believe.

I have to go outside to smoke pot, but the smell of vaped DMT is gone within about 5 mins, by the time you come down.

It is much too cold here to be blasting off outside as well D:

So enhanced leaf will be like pot right? leave a burnt smoky smell that wouldn't work for people who cannot smoke inside their house?

Should I just try the glass vapor genie method then?

I could do an ash bed method or some such.

hmm options options.

Do you think the reason I have been failing is because I have been getting the pipe too hot? constantly holding the torch on instead of babying the torch on and off?

I could have sworn I had the smoking method down, I blasted off like 10 times in a row no trouble whatsoever with that piece and lighter, then all of a sudden bam I am struck with misfortune Very happy

#5 Posted : 3/6/2010 1:59:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member


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Too cold here too to blast off outside.

When using the torch and oil pipe you need to baby it.

With regards to enhanced leaf and the smell. When I rip the bong I'm able to get the whole dose in one go, so their is no smell of changa left in my room. It's all in my lungs. But yes, changa can smell pretty heavy, not the best of ideas when house-sharing.

The VG is probably one of the best tools for smoking.
#6 Posted : 3/6/2010 5:40:06 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Most members have problems with oilers. Try The Machine, as it is generally the preferred method for simple spice vaporization.
#7 Posted : 3/7/2010 1:30:58 AM

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I find that with my oil burner/crack pipe bulb it takes nice concentrated bursts to maintain appropriate heat and vaporize all the spice without burning it...

Xenogears, just like you, I conquered the crack pipe learning pipe curve fairly quickly and pretty much swore by it, figuring that it worked so well, why would I ever switch it up for straight freebase (i love joints of changa or sprinkled spice and herb, either way)? Well, let me tell you, I just got my glass VaporGenie about a week ago and don't think I will be using anything else. The whole experience is so much easier and less work overall. Recently I'd been smoking less and less due to an :intimidation" factor with my crackpipe. Now, armed with the VG I feel ready to dive in deep again and hope to use the SHE to really initaite this new phase.


EDIT: Sorry man, missed the flame part. It can happen if you're flow shifts from in, to out, to in again...It can ignite the vapors and set that shit abalaze. I've had it happen and seen it happen with others.
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#8 Posted : 3/7/2010 4:02:59 AM

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Ehhh open a window , smell dissipates quite quickly
Here you!!! Gonnaenodaethat

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