Hello friends,
At least, I consider you all to be friends in my heretofore parasocial relationship that I've developed with all of you over the last six months while learning all about the different teks and aspects of the spice. I'll be trying my first extraction this week, and am so grateful to all of you for your incredible support and generosity of spirit. THANK YOU!!!
I've never tried the spice myself, but I find myself drawn to it. Over the last year, I've entered into sacred spaces with various plant medicines, most recently Grandmother Aya, but have been constantly drawn to the extraction and consecration of spice. The utilization of plant medicines has helped me considerably, breaking my addiction to alcohol and has helped me to eat better and take better care of myself and my family.
By all accounts, I'm a well-put-together middle-aged family man that has a strong psychonautic streak. Every time I've entered a sacred space and come out the other side, I've come out for the better and have usually improved some aspect of my life.
My intention is to understand myself more, become more connected to those around me, and love my family and my community more deeply. I look forward to chronicling my journey here.