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13 g dry weight Tampanensis Truffles (= to 35 g fresh) and 200 mg of Tetrahydroharmine (THH) Options
#1 Posted : 12/10/2023 12:59:43 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 144
Joined: 20-Sep-2020
Last visit: 08-Feb-2024
Probably the title of this thread warrants enough attention by itself. Now if you are looking for the more probably wordy and personal trip report, this read is for you. If you are looking just for technicalities, it will probably still be worth it. My hope is not to touch/impress all of you, it's enough if just one other person out there finds this useful, beautiful, or interesting. There is something that never gets old with reading trip reports, some of them tell things so personal, so weird, so absurd, you can't help but marvel.

My interest in psychedelics spans for more than a decade by this point. The different categories, which are legal, which are obtainable even if illegal, what is the dosage, what are the expected effects - I read it all and soaked the information like a sponge effortlessly. The important question is why was I always interested, and at times obsessed with all of this - probably as a way to cope with my feeling of loneliness and general inadequacy that was pervasive for most of my life, especially in the younger years. When you feel unwelcomed, when you feel that something is a bit wrong with life, with others, with the rules and culture around you, obviously you will spread your tendrils looking everywhere for something that can bring order, sense, or give meaning to your sorrow or struggles. I think the above applies more or less to most people browsing here, a bunch of weird misfits breaking the law all over the world, linked only by fuzzy words and images - which is still better than nothing or what the immediate reality surrounding you has to offer.

My previous trip with 20g of fresh Tampanensis truffles was a big fat dud. I obtained the Tampanensis spores in a letter with no sender address after talking online with a guy from France. He only wanted the payment after I received the spores, and he basically told me I could give him whatever I thought it was worth it - people in this hobby are a different breed. I took the spores, dumped them in multiple liquid cultures, and after inoculated multiple bags of sterilized rye I got from someone else. Of the 6 bags I inoculated, one got also colonized by something that smelled really sweet and fruity, so I threw it in the garbage. The rest started forming stones after some time.
I opened a bag after 10-11 weeks, took 20 g of wet truffles and was dissapointed. By this time I lost count of the numerous times I took dmt with harmalas, and the truffles took me in a place similar to a weak pharmahuasca trip. What a waste for all this anticipation! Someone mentioned I should take more, and I definitely wanted to go all out before I decided to throw away the truffles. I was still left with 135 g of wet truffles from a 1kg inoculated bag. I broke them in smaller pieces and just let them dry out on a table in my room for 3 days, no towel below or air blowing over them. I was left with 50 g of dry weight, which meant that 1 g of dry weight was about 2.7 g of wet truffles.

I decided to go all out with this next trip. I increased the dosage from 20 g of wet to 13 g of dry weight, which was the equivalent of 35 g of wet truffles. Now there are numerous reports of truffle trips even on the higher end of the dosage, how could I make it more worth it? Well since I used so much harmalas, why not pair them with truffles? Psilohuasca reports are still rare, and reports of truffles+ harmalas? Yeah, you REAAAALLY have to look for them. And even if you find psilohuasca reports, they mostly talk about harmine/harmaline. I could not find ones focusing on psilocybine and tetrahydroharmine (THH) that much. THH is not available to most vendors, and it's label as a weak MAOI does it injustice IMO.

So, I took first 200 mg of THH at 11 AM, THH reaches full levels in the blood an hour/1 hour and a half after ingestion, it half life is about 8 hours, so it lasts a long. Usually I use 300 mg of THH, but I am glad I used 200. Still even 200 mg is way above what most people use in their pharmahuasca. At 12 PM I took also a tea of lemon balm (3-4 g) to help with the stomach nausea, and it really did, and I also took the truffles after I powdered them in my blender. I did not chew them, just swallowed them with gulps of water

The initial part of the trip consists of the first 3 hours. It is mainly concerned with what was IMO a typical moderate-high pharmahuasca session. I know I took psylocybine but trust me, it is as if I took oral DMT. Onset was with stomach heaviness, and the feeling of getting cold. I knew I had liftoff when I started seeing flashes of bright light when having my eyes closed. After followed the usual DMT geometries, spaces with bright neon light, tapestries of bright jewels, and hypnotic fractals. All this seems tame, but things took a turn for the worst at some point after an hour. The visuals took a step back and front and center came in the body load. I could not move from my bed and there was this feeling that I fucked up with taking so much. Sounds became muffled and with a significant echo/reverb effect, as if time slowed. The feeling that I was at my breaking point and that my mental state will snap from the pressure was also there. The general paranoia that this wont ever be over followed after. I spent about 1 hour (from 1PM to 2 from my estimation) constantly assuring myself that I just have to wait this over, that the intensity will pass. During this I basically lost control of my motor function, legs and arms were moving by themselves in repetitive patterns, and yawned a lot. I also felt the need to pee but I could not lift myself which made me even more miserable. Confusion, anxiety, dysphoria, regret for taking this, it was all there. At the two hour mark I could lift myself out of bed and stumble to the bathroom to pee. I returned to bed and continued laying there. Mental effects were not that harsh anymore but I was still fidgeting/moving in my bed. Hands were basically acting like they were conducting, I felt like a child in wonder on how the body could move, I started to mumble, sing, and snap my fingers in rhythm. I played with this vibrating, oscillating energy that made my body/body parts dance. It felt like the energy of charisma, of music, and at this point the entire thing seemed so funny to me. My trip room was with the drapes over the windows, but at some point a part of the sunlight just sneaked through them and hit me fully in the eye. And probably at that point the entire thing went wild for me. I basically became engrossed with the idea that we all are parts of the sun that got sent out to live and still remember what you actually are. And I was now becoming conscious that I was a part of the sun. Imagine looking into a mirror but the reflection in it becomes conscious of itself and that it is a reflection of someone else - that was the feeling I had. Some other ideas - music is a way for humans to remember what they actually are, this is why rhythm plays such an important part, it's why people are obsessed with music no matter it's form; when people have THAT laugh, that kind of belly-hurting laugh with no restraints caused by the absurdity of life, it's them becoming conscious a bit that they are part of the Creator/Sun. Most of human life revolves around chasing the next thing or people to laugh about, we chase it because it offers a glimmer of knowing and freedom even if we don't realize this - trouble comes when trying to force the feeling of laughter (by violence/suffering as a source) or not wanting to surrender to it because of a hyper-protective ego that can't let go of itself for even a brief moment

By this point I am 3 hours in and I can finally move freely in my apartment. I go to my living room and honestly I feel great, full of energy. I keep dancing, snapping my fingers in rhythm. I take a chocolate bar, and just eating it, the way it feels so good and textured seems absolutely hilarious. And what follows is simply and literally about 4 hours of non-stop laughter, giggling, with tears of joy. I finally got the joke of life. And it was so worth it. I have never felt this kind of laughter before, it simply was and everything triggered it. I imagine that smoking weed taps into this part and triggers the same thing for some time. If some would expect that I would have more visual effects from the truffles, there were none. I simply laughed with tears for 3 hours, a small part of the Sun got to the finish line and just enjoyed the beautiful absurdity of it - if it sounds too cheesy and corny, that's on you, I can't phrase it any other way. Most people never get conscious enough to laugh at themselves like this and never realize the joke of life. At the six hour mark the laughter finally let go, but I still entered bouts of laughter if I thought at it. I went outside in the cold November air and I surely looked as if high on weed because of me trying to suppress my laughter.

After about 7 hours I was in the clear with no effects, but I still had random giggles from time to time. Honestly this was the most interesting and unexpected effect. I read tens of magic mushroom, truffles, psilohuasca reports, basically none of them report this laughing effect. Even now when I write about it (14 hours after I took the truffles) I sometimes chuckle thinking about it. After the trip ended I thought I wanted to eat a lot of carbs and sweets but unlike weed I simply ate actually normally. Went for a run after in the night with no problem, I still had a chill but energetic feeling in me. It was a feeling of confidence and well-being, it's what people chase when chuggging coffee or take stimulants or go to the gym, but with none of the aggression or other drawbacks.

So basically I had a terrible 3 hour pharma trip, followed by a not so far-fetched idea about the Sun (you are the judge on how much should you take it literally or metaphorically, or both) and laughing at it for 4 hours after. Honestly, I don't think I could have asked for more and don't feel the need to chase this feeling again. Probably the most fun part for me will be to remember this feeling of laughter and tap into it when dealing with the more difficult parts of life. Probably that the truffles comboed with THH gave me what I searched for all this time without me knowing what I was actually searching. This day as an absolute highlight, it's what I imagine most people that take psychedelics chase. Honestly the combo of THH and truffles/magic mushrooms needs to be studied more. I talked with someone that did only truffles, he also talked about having the laughter, but he was surprised it lasted so long for me, I believe the THH had something to do with it. But the THH was also responsible for the terrible first 3 hours.

All in all, 10/10 experience for me, even if it had no marvelous mind-bending visuals, contact with aliens/spirits, interesting convos with voices, or other psychedelic tropes that usually get more attention.

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#2 Posted : 12/10/2023 10:22:14 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 545
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Location: right side of the river
Yeah, psilohuasca is a beast Big grin
I've never take truffles, but I regularly take psilohuasca in form of sublingual caapi alkaloids combined with mushroom tea and your description is very similar to my experiences.

There is always very unpleasant phase of coldness, fear of taking too much, unability to move, repetitive shaking of whole body or its parts, yawning, but also extreme intensity of visuals.
I call this phase The Purgatory.
Only way I know to shorten it significantly is to take mushrooms in form of acidic tea, but that means the intensity is also increased.

Second phase of the experience and especially the end of it is always full of joy, well-being, laughter. I always feel perfectly refreshed after the experience.

I would never take mushrooms without caapi harmala alkaloids, this combination is really on another level.
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