Documenting a simple experiment here to test the following hypothesis:
"Stressing cactus in the presence of ethylene gas increases mescaline content".
This hypothesis has been brought up by user
modern. See spoiler for more details as I understand the latest status.
Unfortunately, modern did not seal the extraction container when doing CIELO as the TEK specifies, so I don't know what to make of the results. There was however an indication that ehtylene could increase mescaline.
My attempt at investigating this:
11/30/2023: Found two twin basal pups. Assuming they have the same mescaline content beased on symetry. Harvested the top 2/3s. Harvested cuts where divided again, middle thirds for the stress experiment, and the top thirds for replanting/propagation.
Middle cuts where put in large paper bags, and 3 apples (ethylene source) which will be changed out weekly where added to one of the bags (cactus cut A). Cut B is alone per the usual stress aging.
Will extract after a 1.5 months with CIELO and report results towards the end of January.