increased heart rate is common with.... sex, exercise, being scared, being happy, smoking dmt... the list goes on!
swim had a trip once where he was in a hurry but wanted to pop in a quickie with his buddy spice, after about two minutes, some freaky music started playing from a roomates room. he decided he wanted to end the trip (impossible!) after freaking the hell out for about 1 minute he felt his pulse, it was faster then he could count! he then laid on the bed and closed his eyes waiting for the bad experience to be over.
he did not die.
he did not go to the hospital or police station.
he did smoke dmt again, and realized his stupidity from that experience.
if you're nervous take a little dose, wait 15 min, then go for whatever you want. the small dose always leaves swim wanting more and less afraid of bad consequences. just make sure you're mind is certain youre health is capable of handling it and you'll be fine.
Who's this SWIM person and when do I get to meet them? They sound friken cool!