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Died and came back incomplete, trip report. Options
#1 Posted : 3/2/2010 1:03:09 AM

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One critical mistake, end of purpose. I took the 1/3 of extract, 2 hour afterward, feeling fine I took the rest. One hour later I did the mistake : I took a protein drink figuring out that the alkaloids should have been already absorbed. Then I puked out everything in my stomach and check out in the basket. Theres was a lot of alkaloid powder there. I didnt take a booster because I didnt have enough bark.

Then all of a sudden with my eyes closed I saw a gate opening up with jungle behind it (like in Jurassic Park), it annonced the beginning of the trip. Then a buzzing sound began to be heard and a drilling sound too. When I spoke I would hear a 2nd bass track on my voice.

I then began to be unable to move without feeling very dizzy. With eyes open I could see the lamp on the ceiling beginning to morph. With eyes closed I began to see visions of my room, as if my eyes were opened, maybe my third eye opened up.

After a while I was having more and more visions of faces, places and people. Then my train of thought accelerated very fast. So fast I that I kept forgetting what I was seeing/thinking about. I began to be bombarded with weird visions one after another. I was thinking way too fast. I then entered my brain (in visions) and was following the path of a train of thought across the brain (1st person view).

My thoughts kept accelerating, sometime jokes would pop-up out of nowhere, then Id have a realization about myself. I now realized that the trip was way heavier than what I thought, I felt like I was in psychosis. At one point I realized the weird Native America music I had put on was still playing and I was able to turn it off, it slowed things down a bit.

2h00am I began to feel the need to go to the toilet to take a crap. After a lot of effort I was able to get to the toilet alone and I evacuated a lot of crap. But the thing is that I hadnt eaten for 14 hours and went to the toilet before hand. So the stuff I evacuated was stuff that had been lingering in my intestines since a long time and I felt great when it came out. The iboga had cleaned my digestive system.

Then something very weird happened. While my eyes were closed I heard a voice say ''Its the time of the devil''. In the past it happened to me to wake up in the middle of the night and check the time to be sure it wasnt 3h33 (supposedly the devil's time) and it never was. But now after I heard this voice I opened up my eyes and saw it was 3h33am on the alarm clock. It made me feel weird. I think it was just my subconscious keeping track of time.

Then at about 4am I knew the iboga was beginning to wear off and I had not taken enough alkaloid to get to the introspective part of the trip. I fell asleep for 2 hours afterward.

When I woke up I was still feeling very bad and seeing some vision. At one point I had the vision of an african mask talking to me, I knew it was Mr. Iboga, he said to me : Ill see you later haha.

Then as the day went on I began to eat and drink a bit even if I wasnt hungry or thirsty. But I really felt bad inside. I kept thinking I had screwed myself up. I felt like happiness/pleasure was something that I lost. All day I kept saying weird things, forgetting what I was saying, having very low self-esteem and a lot of fear.

During the night I couldnt sleep. I was exhausted. The next day (sunday) was a bit better but still felt like crap.

Now today (monday) was better. I was able to go to the gym. But I still dont feel happy.

I know I have to do iboga asap. I need to get to the healing part of the trip. Seems Im gonna have to wait a few months to clear the iboga out of my system first or it could be dangerous.

Or maybe if I do spice or ayahuasca or peyote it would set me straight, Ill look into it.

The upside is that I don't feel like taking pot at all right now.

I hope Ill heal from what happened.

Now I now why people say this is very powerful medicine.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/2/2010 1:13:36 AM

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Very powerful medicine indeed, It's strange that you say you didn't feel it's healing power though. Even at a smaller dose I was still feeling the benefit of it for weeks afterwards.

I had a weird after effect with it I only just remember half way through reading your post. For about 5 days after, music I was very farmiliar with sounding 15 beats per minute faster. So naturally I thought I'd damaged myself, but a few days passed and I was back to normal.

Nice report, but definately don't jump back into that too quick. It's long acting stuff.
#3 Posted : 3/2/2010 5:44:53 AM

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Honestly, to me, it sounds like you did get the full effects of a flood dose. The blank or crappy feeling you feel is normal right after iboga. It just cleansed your body and mind, and begins to reset the receptors in your brain that were hardwired through years of learning and training. It almost makes you unlearn everything but the good stuff. The blank or crappy feeling you describe shall pass pretty soon, and I imagine you'll have what they call an iboga glow. It is common after a treatment, although my experience was for drug addictions, to feel this way and as the days pass you may really begin to see true lasting benefits.

To me it sounds like you had a good strong bark, a good flood dose, and that you are experiencing what the iboga is still trying to say/teach. I think you may be in for some very happy and peaceful days ahead man! I commend you for taking this powerful medicine and sharing with us, as it brings back memories of my experiences. After iboga, I can honestly say I had some of the greatest years of my life, and I am hoping you experience the same. You have my utmost respect for undergoing the often difficult experience, and it sounds like many of the experiences that people I speak to have had. It is even similar to what I felt. Good job, man! Please keep us updated how you feel within the coming days and weeks and let us know if you do notice some of the changes it has caused, or can cause, for you.

EDIT: The psychosis you described, fast paced thoughts, and lack of clarity is common for days after the experience, and can happen with people who take low doses daily for a period of time. It would be best to probably wait a good 60-90 days before attempting iboga again, and many report it lasting a good four to six months, before they start to feel that it has worn all the way off.

Be careful doing MAOI's and other psychedelics or drugs for awhile, as some things compete for the receptors. Since iboga is in your mind, doing it's work, you do want to let it run it's course, before knocking the alks out of the receptors with other substances. I am not an expert, by far, but Nobu, that I told you about via PM, can give you great info about the safety of other psychedelics and entheogens. I do believe he mentioned something about serotonin syndrome from doing too many tryptamines too soon after the experience. I did however take a small bit of mushroom tea after my dose, to help boost mood and energy levels.

Be sure if you decide to try anything else, to start low and do a little more research. Or as I said, finding Nobu, and talking with him about it, is a very good idea as he has had years and years of experience and regularly does low doses of iboga. He has done many floods, too. He also uses aya, I believe, so he could give you even more good info about the MAOI's and tryptamines, as well as how soon is safe after iboga, and also how to get the most out of each iboga experience.

I gotta run for now, but I'll try and dig up some links for you to check out later tonight or tomorrow, that may help. Again, thank you so much for sharing, and I am planning to do my next journey within the next few days. I will keep you all updated of how I am progressing.

Many blessings bro!


PS. I remember Nobu saying, psilocin or psilocybin only were okay, but that baeocystin was not good, with iboga, but I am not sure why or how accurate that is. I just watched the ibogaine conference which I could give links to, but not sure if that's all good here. Some on (search ibogaineconf) ustream, and some with more of the other speakers on youtube. Anyways, Dr. Kamlet spoke about various medical aspects of ibogaine, including the action it causes on the heart, and all sorts of little things that they learned by doing medical treatments. Several other people spoke and I believe the question about ayahuasca and ibogaine came up, but I don't recall what each person said. When I have more time I'll watch em all again and post whatever I can figure out.
#4 Posted : 3/2/2010 4:15:34 PM

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@soulfood: Pretty weird to hear the music faster for a couple of days, on my side I feel like everything is too shiny

@Spice-T: Thanks again for your time. I think you may be right that I has a flood dose and Iboga did its job. I know that when you take only ibogaine HCL the trip is reduced by half but still works. So maybe I had enough time to absorb enough alkaloids.

Today I feel better, I was able to sleep a lot last night and I don't feel that much crappy inside. Still feel a bit blank though.

As you said I think the real permanent effects should show themselves to me in short while. Ill follow your advice and not take other entheogen before I get more info on their relation with iboga or Ill wait till iboga has worn off.

I happy that you were choosen for the study and you definitly deserve it. Regarding your next trip Ill have you in my thoughts and will wish you a very healing and teaching journey.

All the best bro,

#5 Posted : 3/2/2010 9:30:10 PM

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I just took my first capsule of TA about a half hour ago.. I'll be flooding over the next few hours. I'll post a report in my own thread when I come back from the other side.. Light a candle, keep me in your hearts/minds, please!

Love and Light!

#6 Posted : 3/2/2010 9:55:18 PM

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best wishes on your journey brother!
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 3/3/2010 8:24:26 AM

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sending good vibes your way Very happy
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#8 Posted : 3/4/2010 4:19:31 PM

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Hypnos dude,

Don't worry man...the blank feeling is completely normal. I can't really say I felt crappy after Iboga, in fact I was infused with positivity afterwards, both times, but after my initiation I did feel blank, my slate had been wiped clean...this is what Iboga does. Your brain has been defragged and rebooted and it takes time to fully come back online. You may notice a silence in your head as well...I like this, mind chatter is ceased and one (or I did) slips into quite a Zen like mindspace. After my initiation, it took me a week after the experience to really start soaring, and I think I peaked around a month later. Iboga is strange stuff - much of the healing effects come after the experience, as oppose to during. And on that note I would suggest leaving your system clear of other entheogens for a month or so, best not to interfere with Iboga's patterning on your system.

Exercise, sunshine, lots of water, good food, fresh air, nature are all important now...the more of these you recieve, the higher the long-term Iboga boost will be. While norIbgaine exterts SSRI like effects, I think ibogaine depletes serotonin levels in your brain, so it is important for you to eat well and consume brain fuel...lots of freh veg, fruit, fish, chicken etc...and exercise and sunshine will augment this. Lots of fresh air, water and connecting with nature will help cleanse and ground you, working with the Iboga.

Interesting you too had visions of the layout of your room with your eyes closed (third eye opening). While comparitively few people have experienced Iboga out there, it would be interesting to know how many experience this phenomenon on a flood dose of Iboga.

All the best with healing and happy trails... Wink
#9 Posted : 3/4/2010 5:40:48 PM

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this is interesting....i have yet to try iboga yet...i have about 5g of some potent bark..but ive been side stepping taking it a guess...i know this isnt enough to go all the way..but its what i got..anyway

recently i have been seeing through my eye lids when im about to go to sleep..the room has this blue coloring to it...but i can see everything fine..even when i turn my head..then when i open my eyes...and close them again..it is gone..ive been taking caapi for a few weeks now...and smoking bufotenine here and there(small doses help me fall asleep and have crazy dreams)

anyway..when i take some of this iboga ill make sure i tell you guys about it
it's a sound
#10 Posted : 3/4/2010 7:01:38 PM

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Its interesting dude, post Iboga, especially after smoking marijuana, I can see through my closed eye lids in the dark. Its not as clear as on the Iboga though, for me the room was lit with a silvery glow. I suggest when you find yourself in this state again, wave your hand/arm infront of your face and see if you can see it clearly or not. Absolutely bizarre and amazing experience... Wink

I have just extracted 5g of powdered Iboga rootbark with limonene which yielded a crystally extract. I'll be sure to bioassay it over the next few days to see if the extraction was a success.
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