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A journey with no end Options
#1 Posted : 3/4/2010 3:50:49 PM
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I hope to share my story with all of you - this isn't a DMT experience I underwent, I classify it as a spiritual awakening because I didn't take any drugs at the time.

Before the moment of euphoric feelings I wrote 200 pages about society today by an author I wanted to release as Su R. Elpoep (People r us) and the title was people vs People. It described the current gap in society we as humans face and ways to understand why. It all started with one question "Where did all the money go, and why?" after that it was non-stop writing. I believe this question was the trigger to much to come because of the fact my mother raised three children with little money, yet always was willing to give us what she had so we could enjoy the fun in life. I would like to note I described my writing experience as it felt I was erasing my ego, whatever that meant.

Anyway, this is the art I produced through the whole experience of feeling like I was tripping sober, hospitalization and all. I'm only 20, actually tomorrow 21. They had me on meds, but after several weeks of me complying with their terms I went to another doctor and he told me to get off the last they had me on, lithium. I feel better than ever, been off medication for several weeks. A major component of realizations came from a detox I did, a fast type cleanse for 10-days. I'm actually doing it again now - partially for healthy but also curiosity in levels on consciousness. I transitioned off it wrong, drinking coffee and eating unhealthy so I don't know if it was because of the detox or just finding oneself.

I plan to share my story of belief in reaching a new consciousness, now researching DMT I feel like it was secreted at a rapid rate which lead me to a unique experience. I hope to learn much from this community. I would like to add the last 4-5 months have felt like 4-5 years.


Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 3/4/2010 4:08:50 PM


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Your pineal gland secreted DMT at a rapid rate which led you to a unique experience?

Where did you come up with this?? The OP stated he was on meds, not endogenous DMT. And besides, DMT is produced by the lungs, there's NO evidence of it's production in pineal.

#3 Posted : 3/4/2010 4:16:20 PM
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I was not on meds when all of this happened. I would like to say by the END of my comprehensive writing I wrote as if I was in a permanent state. I felt like I knew everything. Then... when the slight hallucinations and nature appealing divine etc, this is when my writing turned to symbols and numbers.

I don't KNOW what was the true initiator to feeling like I was tripping, this is why I'm curious about DMT and things that I believe are discussed here. Collapse of ego, things of this nature are mentioned here and how ironic is it that I NEVER wrote before yet stated things of this nature in my own individual writing. It was a surge of energy that is unexplainable that ended up in a BOOM of brilliance. I recommend watching these youtube videos to get a better understanding.


#4 Posted : 3/4/2010 5:24:22 PM


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Read Strassman. I was providing scientific fact, you are providing hearsay.
#5 Posted : 3/4/2010 5:45:00 PM

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I have a friend with bipolar disorder who had an experience very similar to the one the OP described. It was considered to be a “psychotic break” and led to the diagnosis.

As I understand it, the “manic” phase of bipolar disorder feels great – limitless energy, ideas, etc. But it is inevitably followed by the “depressive” phase, which can be very dangerous.

She was put on lithium and is feeling much better now.
gibran2 is a fictional character. Any resemblance to anyone living or dead is purely coincidental.
#6 Posted : 3/5/2010 1:29:17 PM

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Ya wrote:
Doesn't the pineal gland appear on day 49, at the same time comes gender, and that this literally might be the seat of the soul?

This is what strassman writes in his book. He can write anything he wants in whatever way he wants in any way he wants to support his theories. And you go and suck it.

Now, to the facts;

The pineal body starts forming on the 7th week of gestation. Not the 49th day. This is the difference, since we really do not know what exactly happens within the developing human embryo day by day. And even if we did, it'd make no much sense since different embryos develop their organs at different rates anyway. That is why we say "7th week" instead of, "day 45" or whatever. Strassman did a calculation 7 weeks = 42 days, ok lets' give it 7 days to make sure it's well formed = 49. Nice try.

Gender on the other hand comes by fertilisation, so lets' say "day 0". Speciation of the gamete factories aka ovaries and testes (if that's what Strassman calls "gender" ) also occurs on the 7th week. But so do hundreds of other structures. This is a very busy period in embryonic development. You cannot just take the pineal and the testes/ovaries out of context to imply whatever you try to imply.

So why does strassman draw this line between the ovaries/testes and the pineal? Even if ovaries/testes and the pineal were the only structures forming on the 7th week and, (just for the sake of argument) say that this is not a developmental coincidence, but there's something more into it, what does he mean?

Simple; he wants you to believe that your gender is what makes you human. And as the pineal forms the time the "gender" also forms, it must be magical since it is connected with your humanness. Go figure....

Ya wrote:
And, even though we don't have "proof", doesn't it seem obvious the pineal gland produces DMT during dreams and deaths and NDEs?

No, not at all. Stop taking Strassman's hypotheses as a fact, boy.

Ya wrote:
I think the original poster implied that it felt like it was secreted from somewhere and I inferred it was the pineal gland. Smile

Nice one.

Ya wrote:
I've never heard about the idea of DMT being produced in the lungs, sounds interesting, would like to hear more about that idea. Smile

Not only the lungs but it is potentially produced all around the body, see this abstract

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#7 Posted : 3/5/2010 4:09:56 PM


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Thank you Infundibulum, I appreciate your keen perspective.
#8 Posted : 3/6/2010 1:43:36 PM
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your artwork rawks :3
#9 Posted : 11/1/2010 12:19:20 PM

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345_drg wrote:
your artwork rawks :3

#10 Posted : 12/3/2010 9:12:43 AM

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hey everyone, I am back!

Been doing research in various fields and I want to share what my friend is doing and see if anyone knows anything about this or has done it.

This is his status: Leave for Lima, Peru in 14 hours. Into the amazon jungle to meet/live with 7 shamans and the shipibo tribe for 12 days. We are going to do ayahuasca!

I think this is the best way to experience DMT, this is coming from someone who hasn't done it yet.... why or why not?
#11 Posted : 12/7/2010 1:30:37 PM

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need access to post in other sections.

#12 Posted : 12/7/2010 4:14:46 PM

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Read this:
If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing.
#13 Posted : 12/7/2010 4:20:53 PM

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As vovin said, check the thread and the welcome pm you received. Sorry you cant post in the whole nexus yet but feel free to post in this thread or around the nursery, you'll equally be answered (and soon enough you'll be able to post elsewhere) Pleased

Regarding your question of going to the amazon, check these threads out, I posted some of my thoughts regarding it, hope it helps:

Good luck, and post back about the experience if you or your friend do go.
#14 Posted : 12/9/2010 3:01:12 AM

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my friend did go and has been gone one week
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