I'm facing similar problems, always since I started with cacti half a year ago
Now yesterday again was struck by the unholy cacti god, while I processed a HUGE 40 cm height, but 10 cm diameter bridgesii. Due to the diameter, this monster was probably 10+ years old, but I just cut out a middle piece. I kept it in the dark for "only" 1 month, but on top of that chopped him every week with a fork to simulate parasites etc. and (potentially) increase yield.
Now after running the TEK was a charm like always, I placed it into the fridge but even reduced temperature by 4 ° to be extra sure, coming to something like 1-3 °C. Now after decanting and putting the ca monohydr. inside I have seen strong clouding as usual, but now as the clouds cease it is just a wet and slimy residue at the bottom ...
picture attached > 1
Then I now placed it upwards so all this slime will collect and it looks like my 'usual slime'. But really low amount considering it was 120 g bridgesii in darkness and with fork attacks. Collected slime:
picture attached > 2
I still have 30 g more from originally 150 g from this cactus. I extracted it separately and I am still to drop in the CA, but made the fridge decant. Now when just doing it too, I fear to simply get again a mini amount of goo.
Would it be smarter/possible to simply dry it (freezer or salt water wash?) and then throw in some fumaric acid? is this precipitation more fail safe? sadly I would of course love to have the OG CA needles, but if fumaric acid works 100 % if the ea was dried before, then I would just now start moving over to this last step
EDIT to Merkin:
My extract is strongly green as you say and I extract until the green is definetly much more faint from the first pull!
Twilight Person attached the following image(s):
(170kb) downloaded 46 time(s). 2.jpg
(157kb) downloaded 46 time(s).