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My second introduction essay, some 9 years or so later Options
#1 Posted : 8/14/2023 8:15:37 AM

DMT-Nexus member

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Hi all,

I am homme and today I'm writing here because this week I plan on having my first breakthrough harmalahuasca (pharmahuasca) experienced.

If you have anything to share with me that I can take on my way or do so beforehand, I welcome your input. In other words: I'd be very happy to hear advice from persons that have experienced strong / very strong ayahuasca sessions. If that be preparation of the mind or brew, the body or the setting - I am grateful for good ideas and advice.

To help you help me, it might be proper if you know something about me:

I'm very much a `head person`: I have been an `observer` during large parts of my life so far. I claim that I am brave in a spiritual sense. Atheist, currently not a hyperspace-realist (I am aware that spice can potentially change both ... Shocked ). Physics PhD (experimentalist).
I like my life so far 9.75 out of 10 - it's hard to imagine what could realistically go better, so far. But I have experienced some shit, some close people dying, troubled, sorrowful and sad times.
I have plans, some concrete, some abstract, to further extend the absolute quality of my life - in other words: to push the upper boundary of the previously mentioned scale.
I am a nature person and a computer person.
Three years ago, I have written down candidates for "goals" for the upcoming harmalahuasca session (I don't like the term pharmahuasca...). I'll review these and update these in the coming days.

Many times I tried to break through via vaporization. I was not able to follow the canonical advice of smolking moar. My aptitude for vaporization has always forsaken me when I came close. Hand-eye-mind coordination becomes hard when the contents of the visual field are hardly recognizable anymore.

It's hard to say, why I tried vaporization for so many times in the past 7 or so years because now - looking back - I belief that I have been convinced that oral administration of DMT with MAOI seems to me to be the much more attractive way in many aspects. (I'm aware I say that as someone from the outside looking in ...)

my goal for the coming session is: Entering the most neglected parts of my inner world.
Not sure what these will be.

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#2 Posted : 8/14/2023 2:23:12 PM

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Thank you for this fascinating and thorough introduction.

I came back in February after a 7 year chemical integration break and am amazed at how well it paid off.

I am sorry you were not able to breakthrough on vaped doses. And yeah, after that second hit when the room is going liquid, when if I dare blink the spice tries to get me dragged down into a massive vision, when it is literally becoming difficult to understand what a GVG is and why it is in my hand . . . that is very very difficult but for me when it is essential to take that 3rd hit. Easy to write, hard to do.

I admire you for wanting to breakthrough on an oral dose. I've done it and it was a rough ride to be honest but I wound up curing a lifelong phobia in the aftermath. Go figure.

The only piece of advice I would give based upon my experience is to BE PATIENT. Be patient within the session and around the session.

If you drink and two hours later you are not getting desired effects, maybe table the idea of drinking more right then. You can always drink again the next day.

If you drink and at the end feels like it wasn't enough you can always change the brew and drink again in upcoming days and weeks.

Many folks are very successful at finding a personal sweet spot by using a slow titrate up system.

I do hope folks will welcome you in your return. I'm glad you are back and hope to read your trip report(s) if you choose to write them up.

Again, welcome back Very happy.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#3 Posted : 8/17/2023 8:18:53 PM

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Thanks for your reply, Pandora. Was nice talking to you in the chat Smile

The only piece of advice I would give based upon my experience is to BE PATIENT. Be patient within the session and around the session.

If you drink and two hours later you are not getting desired effects, maybe table the idea of drinking more right then. You can always drink again the next day.

This already answers a question I had in mind - and was discussing with the friend who will join me in the experience: Whether or not we should plan to have a re-dose available.
I'll take your advice and we'll not re-dose, but leave anything we want further for future journeys.

What I am still thinking about is possibly kickstarting the experience with one toke from the GVG - once the MAOI can be felt clearly. Admittedly, that doesn't sound very much like patience Rolling eyes . But I had in mind reading it somewhere here that some people think this to be a good idea.

Any thoughts about that?

If in doubt I'll procede with caution. Or maybe leave the GVG for after the peak is behind me.
#4 Posted : 8/18/2023 12:56:11 AM

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Hello homme.
homme wrote:
...What I am still thinking about is possibly kickstarting the experience with one toke from the GVG - once the MAOI can be felt clearly...

It is just my opinion, but I think it is a good idea to have your GVG pre-loaded and at-the-ready.
But I am making an assumption.
Are you talking about using n,n-DMT? In some of your other, older posts, you mention 5MEO-DMT, I just want to be clear.

I have not needed and/or wanted to augment (oral harmalas plus oral nn-DMT Chacruna) with vaporized nn-DMT.
I just happen to believe it is good to have some ready to go, for any number of reasons. The same way I keep it ready when I am exploring with mushrooms or LSD or mescaline.

You seem to have a lot of experience, and good questions, here is my vote for your promotion.

" Enjoy every sandwich." - Warren Zevon
"No, they never did turn me into a toad." - Pete (O Brother, Where Art Thou?)
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#5 Posted : 8/20/2023 5:39:46 AM

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Hey Sunnyside,

thank you for your feedback.

Are you talking about using n,n-DMT? In some of your other, older posts, you mention 5MEO-DMT, I just want to be clear.

Best to be clear Smile.
Yes, I was talking about regular n,n-DMT, light yellowish in this case, but not full-blown jungle orange.

The experience was yesterday morning. I'd put it into it's own thread, normally, but I'm afraid there was not so much to talk about as expected.

I'll describe in the following post.
#6 Posted : 8/20/2023 6:08:58 AM

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The planned experience was yesterday.

Tea from about 3.5g to 4g of freshly produced syrian rue powder (some unknown loss due to filtering and decanting steps).

Drank tea, waited 15 min (planned was 10). Was already feeling the rue then and I followed up with about 83mg of DMT that was converted (mostly) into it's phosphate salt (I heard DMT-phosphate would be easier on the body that citrate or especially acetates). Phosphate was achieved with "Fritz Cola". The amount of phosphoric acid in that stuff is sadly not known and I don't have devices to measure it acessible. A newspaper here wrote some 8 or so years ago, that this brand of Cola has - by far - the highest concentration of phosphoric acid. Wut?
Anyway. The rest should have been citrate (lemon juice) or chlorate from stomach acid.

Ok, so what went wrong?

I purged - guessing here - about 20 minutes after ingesting the DMT salts. With that I lost - guessing - 2/3 of the spice.

Had a loaded GVG at hand. Used it. Not with dilligence, though, since that I couldn't muster.

The result was a low dose DMT trip with some 3d-ish CEVs and the type of introspection that I have found to be characteristic for DMT. Faint voices and sounds calling, but not really reaching me quite yet.
It didn't last very long either, so I guess most effects came from the GVG. But definitely felt the DMT before purging and before using the GVG.

An old and dear friend of mine was with me and followed the same procedure - except for the purging. And for him, things have been as they should be:

After a loving personal introductory message from hyperspace, he seemed to be receiving many further visions. From the outside, it all seemed very very gentle. Timing of inner and outer events - foremost the position of the sun - seem to have been very fortunate Very happy

It is very nice to know that it worked out so well for him. I'm very happy about that Smile.

For me, I will follow Pandora's advice that I
can always drink again the next day.

The "next day" will be postponed for an unknown amount of time, though. I'm not ready to try again just so very soon.

Next time, I'll drink both components at the same time. I Maybe trying to use roasted syrian rue and have more DMT-salt-solution ready.

Edit: In the past my friend has written extremely great reports. I told him about the nexus. Not sure if he's going to write something this time. But I sure hope he does Smile. And I hope it will be somewhere here to read.
If there will be a text, in all likelyhood it will be in German. But deepl or whatever translation tech will surely help you out.
#7 Posted : 8/20/2023 5:58:48 PM

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This is a great update and yes I hope your friend chooses to join our spicy little family.

It really sounds like you were on your way but the purge defeated you. CosmicLion has an herbal formula that creates like a shot (think shot of whiskey) of stuff you can take right around dosing that will quell the nausea and if not prevent the purge, will help to delay it so that you can absorb the medicine.

I am going to see if he might be willing to comment here. If you don't see a post from him, maybe try PM. I think this is worth pursuing and that amazing things are going to happen.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#8 Posted : 8/20/2023 6:03:24 PM

Got Naloxone?

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I found it!

The Secret-Alchemist Club Anti-Nausea Shot
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."
-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2

Hyperspace LOVES YOU
#9 Posted : 8/20/2023 6:10:36 PM

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Can be easy to make...

Juice some fresh raw ginger into a ginger shot. If you don't have a juicer, just mince it up and blend it with warm water, then filter through a shirt\cloth.

I use just 3 drops Lemon EO and 3 drops Peppermint now in the ginger-shot... The extra oils didn't add much

Only one of the 2 compounds in ginger is water soluable, so tea isn't ideal, you want the full raw juice, it works better

Thumbs up
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#10 Posted : 8/21/2023 9:54:42 AM

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homme wrote:
Tea from about 3.5g to 4g of freshly produced syrian rue powder (some unknown loss due to filtering and decanting steps).

You'd better make the tea with whole seeds, powder is a mess to filter and results in a more puky (and muddy) drink. Also, no need to boil it more than 45mn-1h (max), once. Boiling it longer will just bring more tannins in the drink without making it much stronger however more puky too. As advised above, next time give a try to the anti-nausea shot, or at least take some ginger or a few lemon EO drops before you drink the tea. They are well known for their anti-emetic properties. Also, wait at least 2 hours after the last (light) meal to drink the tea.
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#11 Posted : 10/5/2023 11:11:08 AM

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Thank you all for the feedback - this is much appreciated.

I'll be back to report how your suggestions help, after I've started another experiment (which might easily be several months into the future).
#12 Posted : 10/5/2023 12:55:07 PM

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Just a thought.

Could snort powdered Syrian Rue. 150 mg bumps in each nostril, twice or three times, 30 mins apart, totalling 0.9 grams, about 1 hour before ingesting DMT orally. (More than 150 mg at one time will burn your nostrils like crazy).

My understanding is the MAOI needs to be in your system but not exactly in your stomach to have effect?

Homo Trypens
#13 Posted : 10/5/2023 2:05:00 PM

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I think it does have to be in the stomach in order to prevent the DMT from being destroyed before entering the blood, when taken orally. Smoked / snorted / sublingual harmalas do have effects, and they do prolong and change the effects of DMT, but i don't think they can activate oral DMT.

I'm not 100% on that though, please do correct me if i got that wrong.

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