I like this thread only because it makes me appreciate the individual expressions of consciousness much more than I worry about the truth of any one element of it. Global communications advance of the last 100 years is having a profound influence on what being a human becomes.
OP consciousness was expressing something in a particular mental state that has not changed for hundreds of thousands of years. Could be all true or all lies. Either option portrays classic human behaviours that need love and care to handle. But the medium of communication changes everything about where, when and to who OP can express. So we create the term 'troll' to categorize a wide variety of questionable expressions of consciousness displayed by humans that we will never look in the eye.
The development seems clear, that up until this communications explosion our odd expressions would have been local. The witnesses would be more likely to be able to offer some effective help. More likely to actually care.
Since the comms boom we are becoming increasingly more likely to express anonymously to strangers who will not be able to help very effectively. Less help, less care, less survival, less of that specific behaviour globally
We've hyper accelerated a process of natural selection to weed out certain mental states/personality analogs in evolutionary terms. That is the function of global comms. Its a hugely powerful accelerant.
I don't know much, but I do know this. With a golden heart comes a rebel fist.