Hello everyone, long time psychedelic pilot. Well, I joined because I want to contribute to the Nexus and help us grow. When we grow I grow too. Full membership is what I would like so I can help with chemistry and the fun of things. also to share my experiences with all of you.
I'm a master Technician by trade and that's why I went with the name Technomancy. What I do some think its magic lol.
Psycs, have always had my fascination just with the sheer realizational concepts that these wonderful substances can do. I don't use them for vacations or escape from reality, they actually help with the reality. For me, I can control most of the trips, its just when i go over the top then it becomes a ride that i'm attached to. Some are fun, some are lessons taught, the other trips, well I haven't had a bad one, just some things to help put my life into perspective and push forward no matter the circumstances.
Psyches have given drive to me in other ways that other methods don't. They wake you up to what you can be, if that's your intention.
Hope you enjoyed the read!
As we tumble through time, we meet. We share, We grow..
LSD, DMT, Mescaline and Psilocybin 👁๏ธ