Welcome to the Nexus.
Needless to say DMT is very powerful medicine and the only thing that is pretty much a guarantee when we dose it is surprise.
I, like you, did DMT a lot and had powerful, even a mystical, experiences before I got shown what a few eternities in Hell is like.
Hyperspace is a mystery. It might actually be another dimension. If so, I would think every once in awhile when we manifest suddenly somewhere we are found to be unwelcome.
Hyperspace may actually be completely in our minds. This means our minds have infinite depths and layers and the deeper we go, the more inhabited and weird it gets. There appear to be complete other worlds inside our heads.
Either one of these possibilities cries out for integration. What is integration? It is really processing what happened and what it means in particular long term. Sometimes it's wackiness and personally means very little, so processing is fast, integration happens and we get back to the DMT pipe without difficulty.
Sometimes integration takes a lot longer. Seriously. Like weeks. Months. And in my experience, 7 years. Even then some do not come back to the DMT pipe.
So, for lack of better terminology, or perhaps due to perfect terminology, you met God presenting as peace, amazement and love.
That. Is. A lot. To. Take. In.
In particular in the modern world. Think about the modern world. Unless you live in a bubble, there is not a lot of peace and love and some of the amazement isn't that positive. We live in a challenging modernity often bereft of morality.
How does one integrate meeting God in the form of peace, love and amazement with the realities of life? I do not know but I imagine it would take a lot of thought and perhaps some personal change.
I think time is your friend. Maybe take a scheduled time off from DMT use - like two to four weeks - to meditate, eat well, exercise, try to be social and do a LOT of journaling. Process. Process. Process. Both trips. Process and work it through. Work towards integration.
None of us knows what our future with the spice will be. We all want to think we will always use it and it will always be an ally. But that is seldom true for the majority of users over long time periods.
There is a lot of fear built into approaching so much power which can easily stay our hands. I am not sure there is anything wrong with that.
Give yourself time to process and perhaps you can return to your work with this strong medicine in a way that you do not interpret as terrifying or dark.
All of this is just one woman's opinion.
Again, welcome to the Nexus.
"But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU