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Purpose of Salvia D Options
#1 Posted : 7/21/2023 3:50:46 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 80
Joined: 27-Jul-2022
Last visit: 08-Feb-2024
I tried this years ago, with really interesting experiences. The first time, I took a small hit from a pipe and felt very odd, it was like my consciousness had shifted outside of my body and I was observing myself from outside almost as if I were sitting above and beside my body. Not unpleasant. I thought this was the typical experience, and that was it.

The second time, I tried a larger amount. Wow! All of a sudden, I was catapulted onto the most extreme, crazy roller-coaster ride, like nothing I've ever experienced. Up and down, back and forth, over and under at crazy speed. Kept telling myself, just hold on, just hold on. After a b while this subsided and I came to a stop. Not pleasant.

What am I missing? I know this is a popular choice for many and can be a rewarding experience, but I don't understand. Maybe it is just not something I can adapt to and explore.

Your thoughts and input would be m welcome.



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#2 Posted : 7/21/2023 5:35:07 AM

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Less is more.

I used to smoke it, now I chew it. It's a more comprehensible experience, and it's how the Mazatecs (indigenous people of the Mexican rainforest near Oaxaca) do it.

You can also make a tea.

Salvia isn't often something people do for the ride itself. It's more for the lessons and the afterglow/clarity. It has a lot to teach. And no, I don't mean "You were a mop in a past life." I mean it shows you the various voices in your mind, it allows a deep perspective on yourself and your life from deep within.

Don't approach it with a "blast off" mindset. I'd approach it like you would stalking a deer in a misty clearing in the woods. You don't want to get too close. But you can learn a lot from a distance, and from the thrill and journey of skillfully and quietly approaching it.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken
#3 Posted : 7/21/2023 8:13:46 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 80
Joined: 27-Jul-2022
Last visit: 08-Feb-2024
Thanks RhythmSpring,

That's good words. Yeah, when I tried it the first couple of times, it was for the high. I've grown away from that misguided approach now, and really want to explore the the spiritual and introspective aspects of this plant. I figured there was more to it. I believe it's worth trying again with a more mindful approach.

I appreciate your advice.


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