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Amor fati's tek Question. Options
#1 Posted : 7/12/2023 7:36:18 PM

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TEK: https://wiki.dmt-nexus.m...oach_to_Spice_Extraction

My question is, what is the approximate temperature of 115 F on the stove?

And for FASW, the boiling point is 175F.

The locals think it's too complicated to boil, but they're probably just fooling around with me, right?

I never boiled it.

Do you have to heat almost everything on the stove's minimum heat? I don't know how hot the stove is even at minimum level.
How do I know what percentage I stand on?

Or can you tell by looking at it?

Also, when I have to finish the salting in the HDPE bottle, as soon as I'm done, I have to immediately pour it into a separating TEPSI oven, right?

Approximately how long does it take to wait in the oven for the DMT to separate from the orange oil?

So that I can boil that too. Does the baking tray and separator have to be done in the oven, or can it also be done on the stove?

I wouldn't even know how to reach that certain temperature in the oven... I'd be afraid it would overheat.

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#2 Posted : 7/12/2023 8:49:46 PM

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Location: square root of minus one
°C = (°F-32)*5/9

Otherwise just use a thermometer. The temperatures are for evaporating the water off without boiling. A fan can help with this process.

Don't put the orange oil (limonene) in the oven. The oven is only suggested as a way of converting sodium bicarbonate to sodium carbonate. The orange oil does not need to be boiled. Cold limonene is a good enough solvent for DMT.

Here is a summary of the Amor Fati tek:

0. make sure you understand all risks and safety procedures before obtaining any materials
1. mix MHRB powder with a sufficient dilute vinegar to form a slurry
2. add lime (calcium hydroxide) and mix to a doughy consistency
3. thoroughly mix in limonene
4. transfer mixture to percolator (a funnel with cotton wool filter) above a container to catch the limonene
5. add more limonene as necessary
6. thoroughly mix collected limonene with FASW and allow to separate
7. separate FASW (bottom layer) from limonene, then repeat 6. with fresh FASW - keep the limonene as it can be re-used
8. evaporate water from FASW with gentle heat + ventilation
9. with a bit of luck, you now have DMT fumarate (possibly mixed with some excess fumaric acid)
10. conversion to DMT freebase can be achieved by following an appropriate procedure with a base such as sodium carbonate

Please DO NOT attempt to heat any flammable solvents!

β€œThere is a way of manipulating matter and energy so as to produce what modern scientists call 'a field of force'. The field acts on the observer and puts him in a privileged position vis-à-vis the universe. From this position he has access to the realities which are ordinarily hidden from us by time and space, matter and energy. This is what we call the Great Work."
― Jacques Bergier, quoting Fulcanelli
#3 Posted : 7/13/2023 2:10:39 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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That's reassuring, thanks!

My question would be, is such a 60 mm pot also allowed for evaporating the final product?


I order the sodium carbonate separately so that I don't have to bake it!

#4 Posted : 7/13/2023 5:06:47 PM

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whitefero wrote:
That's reassuring, thanks!

My question would be, is such a 60 mm pot also allowed for evaporating the final product?


I order the sodium carbonate separately so that I don't have to bake it!

In the beginning, how much vinegar is needed for 100g of MHRB?
#5 Posted : 7/13/2023 6:28:55 PM

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There are two things besides that I forgot.

What device should I use to mix the DMT decoction and then finally convert the DMT fumarate into carbonate? What is the name of the spoon or something like that on ebay?
#6 Posted : 7/13/2023 6:41:15 PM

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Should I buy Separatory Funnel? From Ebay? For about $20? How many ml is recommended, if so? Should the product be PTFE or glass piston? I guess I really don't have any more questions, I've asked everything else for now.
#7 Posted : 7/14/2023 2:22:59 PM

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One more question. How long can each step take? So as not to push the thing too far.
#8 Posted : 7/14/2023 4:57:33 PM

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For the last two steps of DMT, can this 250ml cup be enough? To make it a fresh base and to prepare the extract?
#9 Posted : 7/14/2023 5:04:32 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Could this funnel jug be suitable for this TEK? That would be cheap.
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