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Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Hi everyone, it’s been just over 24 hours since I’ve had my biggest breakthrough on NN DMT vape. I’ve been feeling not great since, like I have an ongoing body high that won’t end, similar to consuming cannabis oil orally, but with some of the panicky feelings every so often you can get on psychedelics. Also a general feeling of uneasiness and time dragging out…No hallucinations, but sensitivity to sounds. I hate to be that guy who thinks he broke his brain, but I am feeling very alone and concerned. On Reddit forums people have said it could be days or weeks to get back to total equilibrium. I am just looking for words of encouragement that this isn’t totally abnormal. I’ve had a few breakthroughs before but not as intense as the one I had this time. And never had residual effects like this. Anyone else had this themselves? I just need to know this will eventually end. Thanks for any insights that can be offered 
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
It will be better in two days Edit: don't smoke cannabis (if you do) as it will increase the feelings, I usually smoke cannabis after a breakthroufh to extend the aftereffects illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Thank you so much for your response. Yes I did use cannabis after the trip and that morning when I woke up. I haven’t since then though.
I’m still very much feeling everything I described. I do feel more functional and time is passing a little less slowly than yesterday but not much more. It’s overall less overwhelming but It’s really hard to say how much better I am in total as I am still kind of stuck in it.
So you think it could be better within the next 48 hours? Do you know of anyone who has ever had this much residual intensity after DMT?
Sorry if I am being a bother, but having reassurance from people who have actually done DMT is a tremendous lifeline to me right now.
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Posts: 26 Joined: 07-May-2023 Last visit: 02-Dec-2023
Good time to breathe. Relax. Watch your mind and attempt to calm. Hum. Listen to some music that is positive for you. Go for a long walk or hike. Do all these things or any combination. Can't hurt. Could you tell us about the trip itself? Perhaps talking about it could offer some catharsis, integrating is an important part of psychedelics. I just know it helps me to talk about it or even write it down. Sounds like you bit off more than you could chew this time around. Chew what you have left in your mouth and swallow. Your brain will settle back to homeostasis shortly. I am thinking you are more in shock than anything. Hopefully you can avoid this becoming a trauma and lead it towards an epiphany even, or perhaps just chalk it up to a learning experience, like an initiation of sorts. 'There is an area of the mind that could be called unsane, beyond sanity, and yet not insane. Think of a circle with a fine split in it. At one end there's insanity. You go around the circle to sanity, and on the other end of the circle, close to insanity, but not insanity, is unsanity.' -Sidney Cohen
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Joejoejoe1553, Welcome to the Nexus. For sure this is going to end and you are going to get back to normal. You just need to be kind to yourself and give yourself time to fully process and take in something that most likely defies words. Are you able to share more about what happened during this breakthrough? The quickest way to get back to normal is to submerge yourself in the mundane. Don't do drugs. Do go to work or school and apply yourself. Do make sure you eat well and get enough sleep. Rinse and repeat for several days. Keep talking about it here. It's great that you're talking about how you're feeling in the aftermath. You're halfway through the work you need to do to integrate in my opinion. Sending this with caring and "But even if nothing lasts and everything is lost, there is still the intrinsic value of the moment. The present moment, ultimately, is more than enough, a gift of grace and unfathomable value, which our friend and lover death paints in stark relief."-Rick Doblin, Ph.D. MAPS President, MAPS Bulletin Vol. XX, No. 1, pg. 2Hyperspace LOVES YOU
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Talking about your experience more might help integrating it. Sometimes coming relatively back to baseline may take months. By relative baseline I mean that you don’t think about your experience daily or maybe weekly and you have no anxiety pangs or flashbacks. Most of effects should subside within days or weeks but cannabis will be inducing flashbacks for a long time so just like others said, if you feel uncomfortable, avoid it.
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Yes, I may have bitten off more than I can chew for sure. The thing is, the trip—while intense—was not exceptionally terrifying or traumatizing at the time.
I think I have had some improvement this afternoon. I feel less of a sense of dread, and I feel more functional. The distortions in my sight have mostly subsided. But time is still passing very-slowly, that’s become the main thing I am still experiencing, and it’s still substantial.
I am just concerned that this feeling may not ever go away, as I’ve never had any trip last this long. That’s what is truly scaring me at this point.
I tremendously appreciate everyone’s support and guidance, you are all being very kind. I will post my DMT experience below in a separate post very soon, as it is quite long….since its hard to describe the indescribable. Also, Pandora I will do more of the mundane, (like work) that’s great insight as I was already find it helping immensely. I will continue to do that. And you are all totally right, I am feeling more calm after actually typing the experience, also <3
Also, how long should I avoid cannabis?
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Here is the details of the trip and what I think I now take from it:
Whenever I’ve done DMT and achieved a breakthrough I get very intense visuals that are indescribable and sometimes very acid cartoonish as well. Both types of visuals have disturbing faces in them.
This is what I get before the full breakthrough as opposed to the “tunnel” some people describe. This warm-up/blast-off is usually what I find to be the most frightening part of my DMT trips, but it’s also mixed with bizarre euphoria too. It can be unsettling and terrifying.
To be honest: after past DMT trips, I seem to always have forgotten this scary part, and then when I smoke DMT again I remember this always happens each time. But after this trip, I have actually held onto this memory for the first time and recognize that it has always happened. And I find it a bit unsettling.
After breaking through I was transported to the middle of a desert, something that looked like a hyper-stylized Monument Valley and there was a gigantic insect-like being. It was immensely detailed, I could see all its follicles and all the ridges of its skin and eyes. It had tendrils that extended from its mouth that were infinitely long that stretch into the horizon and out into space and were writhing very quickly. Like the tendrils from the monster in the movie the Thing. But it wasn’t scary, it was serene…like a benevolent Eldritch monster. We communicated with one another, but I don’t know what it was saying.
After an eternity with this being I came back to reality, and—here is where I probably made a big mistake—in my euphoric return to earth I thought it was a good idea to achieve another breakthrough again so I smoked more.
Once I broke-through again I went to a much darker realm, like a purple, black and blue Rorschach test. But there were insect like beings there too…but less Eldritch Monster and more humanoid. There was a messianic-like figure standing on a mountain leading countless other similar being below him in march towards some type of battle. I didn’t feel like any communicated with me though. At some point in the second trip, I did open my eyes (big mistake) and was very disorientated with what I experienced. Everything in the real world was an intense and cartoon-like. But I shut my eyes again and calmed myself.
That’s mostly it. What I am starting to take away from this whole prolonged experience is that I have become very bad at taking responsibly for my actions and the risks I have been taking in life. Meaning: I will take a risk without being willing to accept bad outcomes that could come from that risk. Which I know is unwise, and has led to me to overly worry and stress out this past year of my life.
I now realize this is something that’s been on my mind for quite some time and it is profound in the sense that this is something completely outside my DMT trips, that the sheer act of taking DMT has exposed…I don’t know if I have phrased that well, but there is an irony in it that isn’t lost on me.
Would love insight from anyone who made it this far. Thank you again for all the kindness. The fact that everyone is confident that I will recover is making a huge difference.
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
Joeyjoejoe1553 wrote:Also, how long should I avoid cannabis? Listen to your intuition and your body. I'd say probably until you're back to baseline again. There's a very interesting synergy between DMT and cannabis, and it can make things rather peculiar. Otherwise, it sounds like you're experiencing a pretty extreme afterglow. Be with it. Embrace time moving more slowly. Really treasure and marinate in those moments. Time only seems to go by faster and life goes on. And in the end, it'll go away, and even if hypothetically it didn't, you'd adjust, and then be good either way.  One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽
 DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 3090 Joined: 09-Jul-2016 Last visit: 03-Feb-2024
What you've experienced is a break from reality as you knew it.
So that can potentially open something like a psychological can of worms in the sense that you start to wonder what reality is anyway, or wether you can trust your senses, or what we even mean when we believe that something is "real", etc.
That can be a little unnerving. I think that is what we all experience sometimes after a breakthrough on DMT. It's like you have to adjust to "normal" reality again, like an astronaut having to adjust to gravity after having been to space. It all feels a little strange. A little unnatural maybe even. Or even like something about reality is just off, not how it's supposed to be.
It's probably best to embrace it all. I mean, reality. The experience of life. To go with the flow of it.
I don't know you, but judging from what you're writing here, wich is limited information i admit, you're probably just fine and you did not fry your braincells.
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
Personally I experience strong effects upto two days after smoking DMT and these effects can be made even stronger by smoking cannabis but they lack the euphoria of the DMT trip, instead they produce dysphoria and strong visions in the style of DMT but not exactly Also DMT is so beautiful that coming down after reality looks dark and dysphoric upto two days, I believe this is because the brain makes comparisons It's not the actual trip that's problemetic it's just life can be mundane by comparison and thus dysphoria can persist for a few days..... It may take a 2-3 days to go away Don't smoke cannabis if you don't want to feel this way atleast for a few days Personally I find ayahuasca has the opposite effect and produces quite a lot of euphoria even after the trip Edit: the time dilation or time passing slowly is basicly the mundaness and boredom of life showing itself to you,,, it's best to go out in nature, or even walk through your city , meet people or do other mostly outdoor activities for a few days after DMT, you'll integrate very fast this way illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Hi there! I wanted to take a moment to truly thank everyone here who took the time to give me advice today. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You were all a lifeline that I truly appreciate. Just having the reassurance of people who understand DMT insist that this state was temporary got me through each mini-eternity that I was experiencing. For those who are interested: A few hours after my last post I finally made my way out of the hole I was in. The experience lasted just about 36 hours, but it was forever. I’ve never been in a state like that for that long, and the time-dilation combined with what was probably very low serotonin levels was unreal. I can’t believe the initial trip was only hours ago and not a week. I have a new found appreciation for what a person suffering from clinical depression may be experiencing. I’ve navigated hero-doses of mushrooms, and several DMT trips, but part of me always understood the duration to expect, and each of those experiences generally lined up with those expectations. While I was not hallucinating after the main trip, I was unprepared to be navigating time-dilation like that for so long, as every previous DMT trip never lasted more than an hour, and had a mild afterglow the next morning. It actually scared me, I couldn’t have even driven my car it was so bad. Everyone’s advice was valuable and helpful. Thank you for not brushing me off during what seemed like the classic “will I be high forever?” crisis people have on psychedelics. I’ve been there before…and got through on my own. This was different for me than that. I do think my brain was still really affected by the molecule, but UnSanity mentioned “integrating” and I think I understand that better now. With previous trips, I have found the details quickly get fuzzy…I would know a general narrative of what happened, but vivid details and the physical and emotional feelings of those details would be lost to the ether. That did not happen this time. Up until 4 hours ago, all of it felt raw and all of the experience felt like something that actually happened. Even though it wasn’t a terrifying trip, it was a lot to have front and centre. But after writing it down, and with more time passing, those vivid memories have become more of an outline…and as that transition happened everything else subsided. “Integration” sounds like the right word. It feels like its all zipped-up and processed. It honestly amazes me how distant it seems now. Also, if anyone in the future stumbles across my post because they are experiencing the same thing I have been, I want you to know that—even if this is not what most people experience—someone else has and it WILL end. Take the advice given by the guys here today. Keeping yourself busy with mundane tasks, I played my guitar, and taking the time to write down what my trip was like all helped “realign” me. But mostly just being assured it would end eventually and having faith in that was key. Apologies for the length, I’m just ecstatic to feel normal and to be alive. Thank you, gonna finally go sleep 
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Shit, I woke up this morning with several of the issues returning. Last night I woke up with some visuals. This morning I am very groggy, and very jittery and light sensitive. But the time-dilation has not seemed to have returned as intensely. Just trying not to panic, was hoping I was through 
 ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ęRhe✟ori© ABe©eDarian $✞ȉllĨn✞hę©®@✟ę
Posts: 384 Joined: 04-Oct-2018 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
Hi friend. Try not to let it be overly worrisome for you. It is a path. Don't let anyone tell you it is for you if you're thinking it's not for you. Try to meditate into a centered balanced peace. Peace. I'm a man from a place with hands and a face. Part of the heart of the human race. It illuminates. ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ę®ȉ©
Posts: 1808 Joined: 29-Jan-2010 Last visit: 30-Dec-2023 Location: in the universe
Joeyjoejoe1553 wrote:Shit, I woke up this morning with several of the issues returning. Last night I woke up with some visuals. This morning I am very groggy, and very jittery and light sensitive. But the time-dilation has not seemed to have returned as intensely. Just trying not to panic, was hoping I was through  It only gets more normal...... No need to worry aftereffects will subside gradually, in fact they will subside so much you'll feel like you have never tripped in your life , and might eventually be forced to smoke more DMT again Also don't drink too much caffiene if you're doing that, drink coffee or any caffienated beverages in moderation, that also has quite an impact on me Edit: believe me this is a time to be outdoors and getting involved with many fun activities you like, like the guiatar illusions !, there are no illusions there is only that which is the truth
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
Thanks trying to keep all that in mind, today’s almost been ad bad as the first day. Time going really slow. I think the first day and today it triggered a bit of a panic attack which didn’t help. But I was able to talk myself out of a full-blown one. Man, just doesn’t end, thought I had cleared the worst part last night. Crazy.
I did have coffee this morning, like you mentioned maybe that doesn’t help. Trying to sort out any correlations with anything else I’ve been doing.
 ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ęRhe✟ori© ABe©eDarian $✞ȉllĨn✞hę©®@✟ę
Posts: 384 Joined: 04-Oct-2018 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
Each night of good sleep you get is important. I'm a man from a place with hands and a face. Part of the heart of the human race. It illuminates. ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ę®ȉ©
 ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ęRhe✟ori© ABe©eDarian $✞ȉllĨn✞hę©®@✟ę
Posts: 384 Joined: 04-Oct-2018 Last visit: 05-Mar-2024
Also try some meditation sessions to practice some level of control. A calm breathing rhythm. It can be very restful. I'm a man from a place with hands and a face. Part of the heart of the human race. It illuminates. ∵ ✞ ☯ ॐ ☮ ღ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ © $ ∴ Ę$ø✞ę®ȉ©
DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 17 Joined: 25-Jun-2023 Last visit: 08-Jul-2023
I will try some meditation. Last night was actually a good night sleep for the first time, when I woke up I felt mostly normal but then the disorientation slowly ramped up through through the morning till it hit a critical point at noon. I’ll look up some meditation techniques and see how that goes 
 DMT-Nexus member
Posts: 4160 Joined: 01-Oct-2016 Last visit: 15-Dec-2024
Joeyjoejoe1553 wrote:I will try some meditation. Last night was actually a good night sleep for the first time, when I woke up I felt mostly normal but then the disorientation slowly ramped up through through the morning till it hit a critical point at noon. I’ll look up some meditation techniques and see how that goes  One easy one is to count every exhale. Start out by bringing your awareness to your breath without judgement or any attempt to control it. Follow that up by slowly and intentionally increasing the depth of your inhale and allow for nice long exhales. Every time you notice your mind has wandered, gently and compassionately bring yourself back to your breath and the count. Are you aware of any somatic exercises that may also help you with your situation? One love What if the "truth" is: the "truth" is indescernible/unknowable/nonexistent? Then the closest we get is through being true to and with ourselves. Know thyself, nothing in excess, certainty brings insanity- Delphic Maxims DMT always has something new to show you  Question everything... including questioning everything... There's so much I could be wrong about and have no idea... All posts and supposed experiences are from an imaginary interdimensional being. This being has the proclivity and compulsion for delving in depths it shouldn't. Posts should be taken with a grain of salt. 👽