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Did any one else experience something extraordinary at "The Awakening"? Options
#1 Posted : 2/23/2010 11:34:18 PM


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I attended this incredible rave last saturday at the Hollywood Palladium called "The Awakening". ATB and Infected Mushrooms were the performing artists, and being a huge fan of these artists for years, I expected something phenomenal.
However nothing would have prepared me for what I experienced there( except perhaps our beloved spice ;=) ). The rave was no concert, it was more like Spiritual Awakening 101.
ATB started his set with some commercial trance stuff, but then things got more interesting. I noticed the banner which was a huge egyptian man lying on a sarcophagus. The design and color scheme looked rather like our forums's banner. What a strange coincidence, I thought. And then the magic began soon. I started having these insane visions, colorful patterns, feeling of myself getting morphed. The lyrics started to make sense at a deeper sense - "stop being seperated", "wake up to face yourself". My visions became deeper and deeper, almost like a spice trip. Infected mushrooms started their set, and IZen did this weird shaman stuff, muttering something to himself and wriggling his fingers towards the crowd. While he did this, my visions kept getting crazier. I kept my eyes closed, just dumbfounded and feeling extremely confused. Could they be telepathically sending messages to the crowd, was I experiencing something profound? Reality could not be this crazy, no, I must be losing my mind, and then infected mushrooms started playing their song "Becoming Insane". I could not help but LOL at the coincidence. My thoughts started going into overdrive, and thoughts of unrelated stuff like 2012(I dont believe in it BTW), shift of global conscience, etc. raced through my mind.
Just when I thought I could take it no more, some dude walked straight towards me through the crowd, and told me not to think and worry so much. He pointed to my chest and asked me to focus just there.

I did that, and I became more relaxed, although the colorful visions persisted. I had this intense feeling of KNOWING that I was God, that my conscience was God, and I was the answer to what I had been seeking for so long. I felt this intense sense of connection with everyone around me, knowing we were the same. This was probably the most profound and beautiful feeling of connection I have ever had in my life. This might be irrational and you may not believe it, but I was at a state where I felt I could transfer my state of conscience into others just by looking into them. Some of them would not first believe it, nodding in disbelief, but soon they would get it, their eyes shining with understanding and love. My friend later said he felt the same as I did, and felt that something truly profound had occurred. Perhaps this event was some modern replication of a shamanic ritual, I am not really sure.

I would love to hear if some of you had attended this event as well, and you too felt something profound. For those of you in Chicago, I believe a spring awakening concert is being held during march. I would definitely recommend you to go check it if you are in the area, not only for the spiritual journey but also for the music.

Much love to everyone. And peace.

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#2 Posted : 2/23/2010 11:42:32 PM

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So what were you on?

Or was it a flashback?

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#3 Posted : 2/23/2010 11:54:43 PM


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Infundibulum wrote:
So what were you on?

Or was it a flashback?

SWIM was rolling on 1 pill of Blue Star Pokeball. It has a rather strong MDxx content. SWIM has rolled on it before, but never experienced anything like this.
This is it. This is what it was. This is what it will be.
#4 Posted : 2/24/2010 8:58:32 AM

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All those trance parties were like magic to me.

A double world, where everything has a superficial and a deep meaning at the same time and I'm free to decide which reality I choose to believe in.
#5 Posted : 2/26/2010 6:01:00 AM

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that sounds awesome...I didn't make it, but i have been to raves where I had simmilar experiences..but after doing this many times I began to think that my experience of'this is how we are waking up' was not so common as i felt..or mabey it was but most missed it..many times it just felt like a bunch of kids getting as fucked up as they could..but I do think there is something very transformtive about the scene..intense music, large groups of people experiencing different levels of ecstasy...both from the chems and from the music and vibe of so many people bing free and dancing intensly
I haven't been in years but hearing your description makes me kinda miss those times..mabey i'll look one up again, frisco has some pretty good raves ( I think still?)
#6 Posted : 2/26/2010 6:08:05 AM

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anyone whos been there will always be a raver at heart...you dont forget times like that..
Long live the unwoke.
#7 Posted : 2/26/2010 8:06:24 AM

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I once saw a person who was an "alien king", with his servants standing beside him. He was just smiling there at the side, observing the dancing people. When I recognized who he was, I went to him to offer my gratitude. I began to speak to him, he looked at me with jewel eyes but didn't say anything, as if being on a completely different plane, connecting that to this. Then one of his servants pulled me aside and said "sssh, he cannot speak to you".

On another occasion I identified a goblin-type of person, but this one was not conscious about himself (he was a goblin, but perhaps couldn't grow up to face the fact so he kicked himself out into a drugged stupor and drove totally on transcendental autopilot). At one of the crescendos I felt the need to start advancing in a line right towards the fire, and he did the same from the opposite side (we were synchronized from above). When we met, I somehow managed to look *very deep* into his eyes - actually we looked into the same center for a moment, we were together There - and he said something like "brgreghf", turned away and then looked back with a sort of astonished/frightened expression on his face ( like "What the fuck was just that? I know something very fucked up happened just now but what was that?" )

Actually, there were a lot of such persons on such parties. And very few were those who seemed to be knowing what is happening. But that was fine, because I saw it and it made me very happy to see that people have such a magical side to them. As if everyone were at some position in a transcendental kingdom.
#8 Posted : 2/27/2010 8:17:02 AM


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Truly incredible experiences my friends! I wonder if it's the music that causes this kind of magic to occur. Or perhaps it is because when a group of people are exposed to the same external stimuli for a while, their conscious minds tunes to a common frequency allowing intellect-driven differences to disappear and subsequently enable the latent subconscious "self" to express itself easily.
I have also felt this with close people after we watch movies related to fantasy. For a while after the movie, we tend to say the same things at the same time to a degree that it cannot be co-incidence. Again, I guess the reason is the same. Watching fantasy movies relaxes our rational mind's constraints to let our more natural, telepathic selves to come through.
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