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#21 Posted : 2/20/2010 4:23:34 PM

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That's wicked dudes. Il be looking out for a copySmile

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#22 Posted : 2/20/2010 4:28:47 PM

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Infinite I wrote:
antrocles wrote:
if this magazine doesn't already exist i say we make it so!! can you imagine? a nexus publication for the masses?? we could start with a quarterly and go from there.....

Thatd be amazing! Very happy

We're already working on a book, so why not?! Who would like to lead it?
PM me if you'd like to get more organized.

@ Pokey: Very happy
#23 Posted : 2/21/2010 6:26:00 PM

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i can neither confirm nor deny whether or not that is me on the cover.... i WILL say, however, that i when i do go out in public, i put my other pair of eyes in my pocket so as not to scare folks. plus- it's a great way to always know exactly how much pocket change i've got at any given moment... Laughing

i have to admit, that guy IS exceedingly handsome though.... Pleased

"Rise above the illusion of time and you will have tomorrow's
wisdom today."
#24 Posted : 2/21/2010 6:53:26 PM

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looks like a damn pirate if you ask me
it's a sound
#25 Posted : 2/21/2010 7:06:57 PM


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you can always tell who's been there by their eyes...

even if they're wearing levis camouflage.

I never stop scanning everyones eyes for the signature...and how rarely do I spot it...
#26 Posted : 2/21/2010 8:38:58 PM
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Reptiles or Elves? Take our compatibility quiz and find out!
#27 Posted : 2/22/2010 12:29:01 AM

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Laughing brilliant work!

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#28 Posted : 2/22/2010 5:24:00 PM

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this is too goodSmile

"wherever you go...there you are"
#29 Posted : 2/23/2010 6:14:28 AM

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oh my god. absolutely awesome! the "vortex in your living room" line had me in stitches.
#30 Posted : 2/25/2010 2:12:08 PM


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Thanks everyone. I love to offer a good laugh. What other place would even GET the humor!?

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#31 Posted : 2/25/2010 4:00:07 PM

omnia sunt communia!

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Espiridion wrote:

Thanks everyone. I love to offer a good laugh. What other place would even GET the humor!?


Hehehe, yea, i know exactly what you mean. I find myself laughing with myself a lot since encountering the molecule...other people just wouldn't get what i'm laughing at, and while i'm fine with that, it definitely makes for some interesting moments.
The NexianNexus ResearchThe OHT
In New York, we wrote the legal number on our arms in marker...To call a lawyer if we were arrested.
In Istanbul, People wrote their blood types on their arms. I hear in Egypt, They just write Their names.
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