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#1 Posted : 5/14/2008 3:36:32 PM
DMT-Nexus member

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I’ve been lurking for some time and noticed that some of you have experienced a disconnect with the reality we call normal. I was wondering how you deal with this? The DMT experience has captured my fascination but at this stage in my life (early 40's, 2 kids, wife, etc.etc.) This type of disconnect could be problematic. While a disconnect from the obvious BS that we deal with and that adversely shapes many aspects of our lives wouldn’t bother me, a disconnect from my children would devastate me. Deep down though something tells me the experience would have a positive impact on the things I hold dear, including the relationship with my children.

I’ve always had an overwhelming sense that there’s more to life/reality than meets the eye. I’ve also been fascinated with altered states of consciousness for years. What I find odd is when I entertain my fascination by either reading a book on the subject, listening to a Terrence McKenna interview or even reading one of the experiences described on this site, It seems to hit me on a subconscious level that can last for hours/days.

I was pleasantly surprised to find that most members on this board have the same attitude about this type of experience that I do, meaning that most of you are seeking and not “casual users”. While my DMT experience may not occur for some time if at all, I feel that I gain something from your experiences. Perhaps there’s something to Rupert Sheldrake’s “ morphic field” theory.

Thanks guys.

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The Traveler
#2 Posted : 5/14/2008 6:33:07 PM

"No, seriously"

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"The morphogenetic field is like the internet, with the right mindset you can download large amounts of information and also upload your own"

It is an interesting question you ask. For me it is extra interesting because with the DMT-Nexus I'm not always sure if we deliver the right message.

Different people seem to react different to DMT and also have different motivations for using the spice as we like to call it. The main motivations I've seen are the following:

1. Truth Seekers: These people look for answers in life, universe and everything. They are willing to go beyond the ordinary to experience truth and enlightment, even if its only a very small piece at a time.

2. Thrill Seekers: People who like to have experienced everything in life. About the same kind of people who jump off cliffs with a parachute.

3. Abusers: Some people think DMT is some sort op partydrug. Although at times it can give you a rewarding warmth it can also change quickly into something horrifying. Most of the time this kind of people only use DMT once since they get scared to death by the sudden and unexpectingly overwelming experience.

Most people have small amount of motivations from all these types but only a strong affiliation to one. For me I'm mostly a truth seeker although I won't lie and have something from type two and three as well.

The on to the disconnection of reality. DMT seems to replace the 'normal' universe with something completely different instantly without any warning. Someone once said that DMT is like this: "Load universe into gun, aim gun at brain, FIRE!".

This replacement of 'reality' brings to me something you might not expect: I can handle the current 'real' universe much better as before. Due to the fact that you begin do doubt this universe you can also at one moment accept the fact that not everything is as it is or seems what it seems. If you can cope with this, yes IF you can cope and I think I do, then a whole new life awaits you where you can be openminded and enjoy the things that are much more.

Please remember this is my personal view on things and others might have quite a different word to say about it. Cool

Kind regards,

The Traveler

#3 Posted : 5/14/2008 6:33:25 PM

The Great Namah

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DEW wrote:
I’ve been lurking for some time and noticed that some of you have experienced a disconnect with the reality we call normal. I was wondering how you deal with this? The DMT experience has captured my fascination but at this stage in my life (early 40's, 2 kids, wife, etc.etc.) This type of disconnect could be problematic. While a disconnect from the obvious BS that we deal with and that adversely shapes many aspects of our lives wouldn’t bother me, a disconnect from my children would devastate me. Deep down though something tells me the experience would have a positive impact on the things I hold dear, including the relationship with my children.
Thanks guys.

Can you explain a little more what you mean by this disconnect?

I'll try and answer the best I can. For me, there is no disconnect. I go on a 5 minute voyage, take 20-30 minutes to try and integrate what I have seen and experienced, and move on. I have a wife, 1 child, and another on the way in a few weeks. I have never felt that my DMT usage has ever affected my relationship with either my wife, or my child. In fact just the opposite. Upon integration of a voyage, my wife is usually the first person I seek out, as I usually am overwhelmed with the love I feel for her and need to express it. I always feel MORE connected with my family after a voyage.

I think spice is a wonderful tool for self-exploration and sometimes a tool for putting me back in my place. I am NOT the center of the universe, never will be. There is so very much out there that I normally cannot see or touch, there are so many emotions that we humans may never experience. DMT is a way to connect with this reality that is more real than real. It is a way to experience emotions that have never been felt before. It is sometimes even a way to self-diagnose and learn about ourselves in a unattached way. It rips the "self" or "consciousness" away and lets me take a good look at myself. It is also a really cool way to meet interdimensional beings.

Also I really agree with what The Traveler said. The three types of users of DMT seems really spot on. The only thing I will add is that, to me, it appears there are becoming a lot more type three users.

I think for the most part, The Nexus delivers a pretty positive message about DMT. It seems like most people on this forum are #1/#2 users and we try and promote responsible use.

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The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#4 Posted : 5/14/2008 8:12:54 PM

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acolon_5 wrote:
Upon integration of a voyage, my wife is usually the first person I seek out, as I usually am overwhelmed with the love I feel for her and need to express it. I always feel MORE connected with my family after a voyage.

I do the same thing!

Try to explain to her what you are up to. Even if she doesn't understand why you are going to do it, she'll understand that it's you who needs to do it, and that's love.

I live in a house with 4 other people. So far I've managed to find time to go on voyages (of many kinds) without interruptions, and most of the people here understand what I do anyway.
#5 Posted : 5/14/2008 9:03:06 PM
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acolon_5 wrote:

Can you explain a little more what you mean by this disconnect?

If I remember correctly I read here or perhaps elsewhere that many who have the DMT experience find it so profound that their normal life seems insignificant and they have difficulty reintegrating back into that normal existence.

acolon_5 wrote:

Welcome to our forum!

#6 Posted : 5/14/2008 9:52:26 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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i think what people mean by disconnected is more that they figured out something thats hard to explain to others.

i feel that DMT (or really any psychedelic) makes normal life even more significant!

but then again i never was integrated into normal society anyway Laughing
#7 Posted : 5/14/2008 10:44:39 PM

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DMT experience find it so profound that their normal life seems insignificant and they have difficulty reintegrating back into that normal existence.

If you are involved (and restricted) into a 'normal' way of living (occidental way of life), then yes, this experience can be perturbating (for a short time, habits are stronger anyway).
However, relationships with relatives is another issue and I see absolutly no reason for why you would feel disconected to anyone. As others said, it is likely the opposite that may occur.
#8 Posted : 5/14/2008 11:45:25 PM

The Great Namah

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DEW wrote:
acolon_5 wrote:

Can you explain a little more what you mean by this disconnect?

If I remember correctly I read here or perhaps elsewhere that many who have the DMT experience find it so profound that their normal life seems insignificant and they have difficulty reintegrating back into that normal existence.

acolon_5 wrote:

Welcome to our forum!


I see.

Yes, the experience can sometimes be so profound that coming back to normal reality can be a disappointment. I know sometimes a voyage can be difficult to integrate, but I personally have not heard of anyone believing their life has become insignificant after using DMT. It truly makes life more significant for me. It has solidified my belief of life after death. This in and of itself has made my life HAVE significance.
The Spice extends life
The Spice expands consciousness
The Spice is vital for space travel
Never underestimate the power of STUFF!

I am certifiably insane, as such all posts written by me should be regarded as utter nonsense or attempts to get attention.

I don't know SWIM and personally don't trust him at all. If SWIM is posting, most likely I will not respond...as I said, I don't trust the guy. YOU I trust, but never SWIM.
#9 Posted : 5/15/2008 5:13:15 AM


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I see.
Yes, the experience can sometimes be so profound that coming back to normal reality can be a disappointment. I know sometimes a voyage can be difficult to integrate, but I personally have not heard of anyone believing their life has become insignificant after using DMT. It truly makes life more significant for me. It has solidified my belief of life after death. This in and of itself has made my life HAVE significance.

thats exactly how i feel/felt.

I didnt want to come back/be here after comingout of hyperspace, but i still wasnt completly at baseline either, after about say a couple minutes ur fine, your still coming down and seeing lots of visuals and thinking about what just happened that u forget about how amazing it really was, in a sense. and then u eventually are back to normal, and your outlook will be better on life because u know that the place exists, and the possibilitys that now have arisen with your new found knowledge. =]
Everything above me is really a lie... think for yourself & question authority!
#10 Posted : 5/15/2008 6:12:41 AM
DMT-Nexus member

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Personally, I use the DMT experience to increase my awe for the universe. If anything, the experience has made me realize how infinitely beautiful this all is and how I should enjoy all of 'experiencing' to the fullest. I think if anything it would strengthen your love for your family and your very existence.
#11 Posted : 5/15/2008 2:00:32 PM

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i got a wife and 2 kids i do my dmt ritual every friday before going to bed, after the travel i sit down with my wife and discuss the trip. She helps me see things from a different point of view .after all 2 heads think better than one Smile
El Ka Bong
#12 Posted : 5/17/2008 2:39:21 AM

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The experience might let you discover a way you can reconnect to your Source - describing a 'dissconnect' is sort of seeing it in reverse of the way you see it from 'there' ...

Saying "disconnect' is a typical ego's viewpoint - Like you're inside a car driving trying to comprehend the world is a planet-sized ball... Maybe think of it as just "letting go" enough to see things flip inside out - but magically you always elastic-band back. or imagine how you can take a rubber glove off, flipping it inside out, and for a few minutes it hangs there inside out... then,fingertips-first, it just slowly goes back on your hand ... and you're back wearing your brand new ego-skin !

You'll 'let-go' and discover that the source of all of you is freaking magnificent - so glorious you'll come back into your egoic-state with a few re-priorized notions of reality, and likley find love-for-life much nearer the top of that list...

So, it's easy to take another step - read on, and decide where, when and with whom you'd like to 'let-go'. Just plod along the path, no need to 'lurk' ... I say that we all have a reduced-version of this experience every time we have an orgasm, so likely you have already known something very similar - it'a also a moment of extactic blindness that you can trust enough to 'let-go' of yourself into, while it's happening. HAve you told your wife about your interests .?
#13 Posted : 5/27/2008 9:22:34 PM
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Reply to the first post :

Have you ever tried any psychedelics? Smoked DMT is super intense. I know some people who had their first psychedelic experience this way though. Maybe some traditional psychedelic - psilocybin mushrooms - would be great for a first time explorer.

In any case, you wont be disconnected from your life and your children. =) When and if you breakthrough with dmt and you loose the awareness of your body, your life and of the whole planet earth, it only lasts for a timeless moment. When the effects of the drug are wearing of, you are no longer dissociated from everything. Hey, everyone have a life here, some also have children, and we're all fine i guess. =) The whole experience only lasts less than an hour. It can change your perspective about life, but not to an extent where you'll stop loving the people close to you. It wont turn you into an guru overnight héhé! =)

Personally, i'v changed alot because of dmt. But i still have the same life i had before my experiments. It only changed my perspective on reality. I mean, the same way a class in philosophy or the discovery that the earth is a ball. héhé =)

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