Hi everyone. I have been reading resources on this website for some time and I found them really helpful! So I decided to create an account.
I had my first DMT experience exactly three weeks ago. My first psychedelic experience was LSD (220UG) about two month ago, the next psilocybin mushrooms, and then DMT. I was always scared of DMT in the past, fearing what I "meet" or experience due to its reputation of giving the user the most intense experience compared to LSD or psilocybin and claims of meeting "entities" (which again, unlike LSD or psilocybin). But one day I decided I'd rather give it a go and find it myself (what's gonna go worst?). And here I am.
I'm totally in love DMT. For my first DMT experience, I used an oil-burner pipe for smoking freebase N,N-DMT powder (and I hated it!). So a few days later, I prepared myself a vape juice from DMT freebase and had my first breakthrough experience (two weeks ago) from vape pen.
I've since been using vapes for DMT and found them to be reliable (I use 510-cartridge vape pens).
I found DMT to be a unique drug, it has short onset, duration, and elimination (unlike LSD or psilocybin mushrooms) and more "mental" (with mushrooms in particular, I feel heavy body load and restlessness) and the most colorful. It also produce no tolerance or tachyphylaxis.
I'm happy to be here with a community of fellow DMT lovers :-)