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Getting consistent with liquid Options
#1 Posted : 4/30/2023 7:25:02 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 20
Joined: 11-Dec-2022
Last visit: 19-Dec-2024
One of the most often voiced concerns that I've received when it comes to LSD in liquid form is reproducible dosing.

I've witnessed this myself where one drop may be 2mm and the next drop will be 3 or 4mm. This can result in one friend having a stronger experience the the rest of the group, which isn't necessarily a bad thing. I have played around with the standard one dram dropper with distilled H2O, 190 proof ethanol, and vodka a few times. I tried to see just how consistent I could be across ten or twenty drops. I have also had friends do the same mini experiment when the topic randomly comes up. The result is that you really can't assume consistency between drops even when trying. If anyone has a dropper they can play around with I would encourage you to give this a shot for yourself as well.

I've talked to a few friends who could not care less about the minor inconsistencies present in the current method. I told myself if I could reduce the inconsistency with minimal effort and without a large investment that I would give it a go. This lead me to research the topic I'm posting about today.

Micropipettes did not feel like an economical or stealthy route to take when I started researching them. Adjustable micropipettes capable of 20-200µL and were under 90 euro were touted as functional but not extremely accurate in the reviews I read. Calibrating them requires time, effort, and equipment most people do not have outside of a lab. Micropipettes come with plastic dispensing tips but once you burn through them this is a consumable that will need purchased. Stealth is an obvious concern and I think it is nonexistent with a micropipette. A micropipette is going to be a discussion point if you bust it out anywhere, even with friends, or worse if you get searched while traveling. On top of this you will need to transport the mircopipette along side the container that is housing your liquid to be dispensed.

Chemical dispensing dropper bottles come in a few different µL dispensing tips, closure colors, and different sized and colored bottles. They sell the bottles in clear and white versions where the clear is advertised for easy identification and white is advertised as suitable for UV sensitive chemicals. Since LSD is UV sensitive I picked up the white bottle. As far as stealth goes, these look like an eye dropper or liquid breathe mint bottle, if you get the clear bottle, with the advertising sticker torn off. I don't think it is as inconspicuous as unperforated blotter paper, but is superior to a micropipette any day. It is also convenient where a micropipette is not, in that the container is also the dispensing device. Some are advertised as being leak proof and can be attained for less than three euro a piece.

I ended up picking up a closure, 40 µL dispensing tip, and a 4 mL bottle a while ago as it did not seem like there was much to lose in giving these a shot. Based on my math, 40 µL x 100 = 4000 µL or 4 mL so I thought this tip to bottle combination a good match.

I'm satisfied with the level of accuracy I am getting for the cost and the level of effort required to swap containers. I think this is an attainable method that people should be aware of if they are interested. I plan to experiment with volumetric dosing in conjunction with these dropper bottles for microdosing in the upcoming months.

Here are my observations:
                     mL    Drops   µL per drop
190 proof Ethanol    4.0    169    23.67
190 proof Ethanol    4.0    168    23.81
190 proof Ethanol    4.5    194    23.20
190 proof Ethanol    4.7    193    24.35
190 proof Ethanol    4.8    199    24.12
190 proof Ethanol    4.7    193    24.35
190 proof Ethanol    4.7    193    24.35
190 proof Ethanol    4.8    200    24.00
        Average µL per drop        23.98
             mL    Drops    µL per drop
100% dH2O    4.8    111    43.24
100% dH2O    4.0     91    43.96
100% dH2O    4.3    102    42.16
    Average µL per drop    43.12

Some notes I thought worthy of mentioning:
- The µL that the dispensing tip is rated at is based on water. The viscosity of your solution will dictate the actual quantity of drops per mL and the actual µL per drop.
- Viscosity changes at different temperatures but all of my experiments have been done in a basement which temperature sits at 15 to 17C reliably. The dH2O and ethanol are both room temperature stored in the same basement room.
- All of these test have been performed so far without LSD present. I cannot provide any estimate as to how the viscosity will change and thus the drops per mL until I make my way through an entire bottle.
- I have done more testing with 190 proof ethanol than distilled H2O as that is what I intend to use.
- I take the lid off and pour it out after it stops dropping and there is always five to seven drops remaining in the container when using 190 proof ethanol. 4.7 mL produces 193 drops plus another five to seven drops making it pretty close to 200 drops in total. I kind of enjoy the thought of having the ability to drop a half with a single drop and a full with two drops.
- These were all performed with the same bottle and dispensing tip.

Edited to round the µL per drop measurements to two decimal points instead of eight. With air bubbles and a 1 mL syringe I don't think I'm accurate enough for µL decimal points let alone eight.

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