I have been trying to measure the temperature of the stainless mesh in my e-mesh setup. I think I am now getting some reasonable values and thought others might be interested in the results.
SetupMod box: Aegis Mini, set to 12 to 14 W
Atomizer: Wotofo Profile 1.5 equipped with a double SS e-mesh, the air holes half open
Two Type K thermocouples, one between meshes, one in the air tube
No spice
The data were collected with an Arduino microcontroller at a rate of about 6 reading per second. That seemed fast enough to capture the quick rise time.
Initially, the mesh thermocouple wire was routed down through the drip tip, and touched the underside of the mesh. This gave inconsistent and low temperature readings. What worked much better was to use two meshes (like Starway7 in this
post) and sandwich the TC between them. This is shown in one of the pictures below.
I hit the fire button for the full 10 s without any air flow to see how high the temperature would go. The first chart shows these temperatures for three powers: 12, 13 and 14 W. At 12 W, the max temperature was 482 C and at 14 W it was 529C.
The second chart shows the first derivative of the temperature, which is the heat up rate. At 14 W, the mesh heats as fast at 100 °C/s. Remarkable. There is an interesting peak at about t = 20 s when the mod box shuts off. That was unexpected. The mesh cools down as fast at 70 °C/s.
I have also measured the temperature with air flow which I will post shortly.
CloudyDays attached the following image(s):

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