For harmalas, easiest / most economical thing to do for MAOI (or is it more of a SSRI? still not clear, either way it works..) is buy the abundant Syrian Rue seeds and make tea - I learned all I know about it on the Nexus, you'll find all the details you want if you look long enough. Most simple approach is take 5 grams of seed, lightly roast to knock the bitterness down, then boil in water several minutes, filter, drink.
I'll quick echo what others have recommended to me, and suggest you try this tea by itself with no DMT, to get familiar with it. 5 grams is decently stiff dose... effects IME don't fully wear off for 24 hours or so, so make sure you're not doing this and when you have to work etc soon after. Of course you can start lighter to test the waters.
After you're familiar with it by itself, the necessary harmala dosage to noticeably potentiate DMT can be done with lower dose of rue. I prefer some combination of harmala over straight DMT 90% of the time to extend things out, and, well... FAAFO to see for yourself and decide what you prefer
I look up to the Nexians here doing the harmala extracts themselves - so far I've found Harmine, Harmaline, and the THH in freebase and salt form online, it's all legal in USA, but you're at the mercy of the level of seller's accuracy/honesty of what you're actually getting...
widderic wrote:CosmicLion had recommended I do an oral harmala and then smoke changa. It sounds intriguing as I would experience an hour of tripping as opposed to a longer trip like Aya or a shorter trip like FB DMT.
Hmm just to be clear, changa is specific term for leaf enhanced with both DMT + harmalas. "Enhanced Leaf" usually refers to herbs with just DMT, and this I would think would make more sense to smoke this after oral harmala. IME, too much smoked harmalas brings on headache but with high dose of oral harmalas not so much, and the extra smoked harmala isn't adding to the experience either, kinda gets in the way for me - once you're harmala loaded, it's nice to have DMT by itself (or enhanced leaf) to keep a journey going to whatever depths you want.
An affinity to entheogens that bring me to full submission,
A thriving esoteric greenhouse, I do envision