03:23:59 ‹Pandora›Have you tried registering but under your usual name?
03:24:06 ‹Pandora›That's what I did with the new site.
03:24:30bezevo joined the room
03:24:39 ‹RhythmSpring›Yes
03:25:22 ‹RhythmSpring›"The specified username is already in use"
03:26:54 ‹Voidmatrix›CL :lol
03:26:57 ‹Voidmatrix›
03:27:01 ‹Pandora›Okay you might need to wait for a PM here announcing it's ready and giving you a new password. I'm not sure but The Traveler mentioned something like that.
03:31:40 ‹RhythmSpring›PM meeee
03:31:45 ‹RhythmSpring›I want to graduate!
03:31:49 ‹RhythmSpring›matriculate
03:32:11 ‹RhythmSpring›Whatsitcalled
03:32:15 ‹RhythmSpring›ascend!
03:32:24 ‹RhythmSpring›I downloaded some arugula
03:32:43 ‹CosmicLion›download arugula? Can i get Kale on torrents now?
03:32:50 ‹RhythmSpring›Can't wait to poop the zip file
03:33:56 ‹bIRD_›youd never download a car
03:34:57 ‹RhythmSpring›no
03:35:03 ‹RhythmSpring›Don't have the bandwith for that
03:38:51 ‹bIRD_›kikker should RhythmSpring insert lots of protein tonight
03:38:51 ‹Kikker›Maybe
03:38:58 ‹bIRD_›maybe huh
03:39:16 ‹bIRD_›kikker should RhythmSpring absorb lots of protein tonight
03:39:16 ‹Kikker›Wait! When? How? ...what???
03:39:24 ‹bIRD_›its getting too complicated
03:46:36 ‹RhythmSpring›we should get the Funny Chat Quotes thread going again
03:46:41 ‹RhythmSpring›I feel like it's been neglected
03:47:09 ‹bIRD_›
03:47:39 ‹bezevo›hell-o all
03:48:11 ‹Pandora›That thread is golden. It is all too easy to waste hours reading it.
04:06:03 ‹RhythmSpring›Shall we continue to neglect the funny chat quotes thread in consideration of those who do not wish to waste their time on the internet?
04:08:06 ‹Kikker›CosmicLion uploaded a new image:
04:09:17 ‹bIRD_›no let em burn! continue the thread!
04:09:19bIRD_ evil
04:09:52 ‹RhythmSpring›okay
04:10:09 ‹bIRD_›yeah... uh-hum.. seems reasonable
04:11:29 ‹bIRD_›let-everyone-burn -> agreeable?
04:13:16bIRD_ gets the candles ready
04:13:38bIRD_ puts candle ontop of car tire and lights it HEHEHE
04:13:38 ‹CosmicLion›gonna stink man
04:13:55 ‹CosmicLion›at least try to make some smoked tofu or something in the process
Yes, I quoted myself. No, I'm not ashamed.
From the unspoken
Grows the once broken