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Here guys, this will help you with your life :) Options
#1 Posted : 2/20/2010 3:18:29 PM

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Its a little article, part of my ongoing research into the secret and the law of attraction.

If it helps you to understand how to use it a little more effectively, i'll be most happy.


Everyone take care, and have fun and be happy Smile

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!

Good quality Syrian rue (Peganum harmala) for an incredible price!
#2 Posted : 2/20/2010 4:07:58 PM

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Hey Shoe, I tried looking at it and google says I don't have permission to access the document.
PK Dick is to LSD as HP Lovecraft is to Mushrooms
#3 Posted : 2/20/2010 4:10:43 PM

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Same here. I just sent a request to view it though.

#4 Posted : 2/20/2010 8:09:00 PM

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I didn't know it would do that. So, I've posted the article itself below. I really hope that this helps people to improve their lives as it has with mine.

A note on the law of attraction

Using the law of attraction consists of three steps:

1. Ask for what you want
2. The universe answers (each and every time.)
3. You receive what you asked

Without a doubt, the least well understood part of using the law of atraction, is the final step.

You must bring yourself into alignment with what you are asking for. This is a simple step,
many people may feel that this isn't clear: let me highlight that it is only an act of receiving;
it is a simple process but the point is you still have the oppertunity to refuse what you have
asked for.

For example, Assume that you own a business, and you receive many small orders for little amounts.
put together, all of these orders consume alot of your time and do not really bring in as much
money as you need.

A person who is not consiously using the law of attraction will repeatedly say to themselves:
"I wish I had less of THESE ANNOYING LITTLE ORDERS" or "I wish that I didn't have to WASTE
SO MUCH TIME on these FIDDLY LITTLE BITS OF PAPER." (Notice how the focus is on what they
do not want.) This is where they are putting their energy, and this is what the universe brings them,
because The universe ONLY knows how to attract. You cannot repel, but you can refuse.

A person who is using the law of attraction, will say to themselves "I have more large orders coming."
see now how the focus has changed? It is that easy!! The universe hears the energy on MORE LARGE ORDERS
and that is what it brings the attractor.

But, consider somone who spends all of their mental energy thinking about this, and then very few
orders seem to materialise. They get frustrated, They think "this technique isn't working", and the
universe responds. Too bad!

However, in the middle ground, in that time where they were thinking "I have more large orders coming"
(Even though this may not be the case)
a person walks into the shop, looks around, and looks at the shop keeper. Consider this: What if the
shop keeper was not paying attention? what if they were wrapped up in the little orders, tallying the
amounts, frowning all the time, and looking like a lost and disorganised person. The potential client feels
that placing an sizable order with this shopkeeper would be too much of a risk. They leave, and go
elsewhere. This is what is meant by you must bring yourself into alignment.

If you can (and you can) you should...

1. look like,
2. act like,
3. feel like...

as if it has allready been done.

If you can do this (and you can) you are well on your way to receiving. With this technique, you can achieve
anything. You can turn your life around. You can improve your family and friends lives. You can bring
more love into your life. You can bring more wealth into your life. You can bring more happiness into your
life. You can sort problems, problems which have remained unsorted for many years. You can have more
energy, you can improve your fitness levels. You can undo *anything* which has been done through repeated
negative mindset. You can even experience things which you thought were not even possible for you. In fact, thats
the joke! Its BECAUSE you think they are not even possible for you that you are not experiencing them!

You can feel younger. You can look younger. Any event, circumstance situation, material, message, or
miscellaneous can be created and experienced. Anything you want! And even things you need.

The mind is a filter. A high powered filter, and it filters out anything which you do not believe you are
worthy of, or is not possible for you. If you believe it is possible, you will at-least attempt to get it; and
in this attempting, you will prove to yourself that is possible and after a short while, you will have it.

ॐ भूर्भुव: स्व: तत्सवितुर्वरेण्यं । भर्गो देवस्य धीमहि, धीयो यो न: प्रचोदयात्
Love, Gratittude, Compassion, Fearlessness!
#5 Posted : 2/28/2010 5:11:03 AM


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I've read stuff like this in a book called "The Secret", and a movie was made of the same name.
Frankly, I think it's a pile of BS. Sorry for my harsh tones, but if you just sit around thinking that I'm rich or imagine yourself driving a mercedes, chances are you are not going to make it big.

Yes thought does eventually manifest itself as actions, but only if you put intelligent effort towards your goal. If stuff like "natural attraction" was true, we would always be getting what we wanted, and in a world where people rarely know what they REALLY want, such a law would be a VERY bad thing.

But I do agree with your statement that your mind acts a filter, and positive beliefs are indeed important to achieve your goals.
Much love and understanding.

This is it. This is what it was. This is what it will be.
#6 Posted : 2/28/2010 5:20:53 AM

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vetiarvind wrote:
I've read stuff like this in a book called "The Secret", and a movie was made of the same name.
Frankly, I think it's a pile of BS. Sorry for my harsh tones, but if you just sit around thinking that I'm rich or imagine yourself driving a mercedes, chances are you are not going to make it big.

Yes thought does eventually manifest itself as actions, but only if you put intelligent effort towards your goal. If stuff like "natural attraction" was true, we would always be getting what we wanted, and in a world where people rarely know what they REALLY want, such a law would be a VERY bad thing.

But I do agree with your statement that your mind acts a filter, and positive beliefs are indeed important to achieve your goals.
Much love and understanding.

I agree 100%. This is not a "Law." It is a rather dumb theory. As wikipedia points out: "Various scientists have stated that many of the Law's claims are impossible, violating scientific principles and a scientific understanding of the universe. Instead, the Law may be explained as an illusion created by the connection between self confidence and success or ones own perception, like the placebo effect."

He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
#7 Posted : 2/28/2010 3:42:49 PM

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I'm pulling a 69ron here, and not responding to a Private Message that was sent to me regarding my view of "Secret" directly. Instead, I'll post my response here.

I will keep the identity of the PMer anonymous, and note that it is not the OP, surprisingly.

The PM:
your views on secret the book and the movie my friend suggest to me you take it all to seriously and are missing the point of what is being presented , try not to hear the words and understand them however try understanding the meaning ...
try looking at this from the perspective of a metaphor rather than the literal truth my friend , sure i understand when you say that its 100 % BS , but that is because you don't understand it , its like chinese men talking sure in this case information is being presented however you don't understand the language so hardly you can interpret it .......
let me do this for you what they are saying is great people thought of things like cars , aeroplanes , technology and brought them into 3 diemensional reality by the virtue of acting their thoughts out , aeroplane was just a thought of wright brothers before we were ever flying in one , the difference is these people thought these things over and over again and second level of thought my friend is action so these people did something about those thoughts rather than just thinking about them and lazing out so WAlla here we have the possiblity of flying these days and so all the other great works of art also were once just the thought of the artists
i am an Artist so i think a picture and then draw it i think that is what the secret is telling you rather than thinking all is gonna be well so just chill and leave the thoughts to do work for you
if the above message has been offensive in any way i humbly apologise , its just how i look at things and i can be wrong , feel free to disagree however do understand the meaning of what i am saying
peace brother
life is a joke , just start laughing

It's true, I do take the points presented in Secret seriously. They make bold claims and use shoddy science to back up their ideas. The science is shoddy because it does not eliminate other variables. At best, they can find correlation. They claim, however, to have proven causation, and that is simply not the case. This has been recognized by countless scientists. That movie is a joke in our eyes.

However, I do not take the movie too seriously. I am evaluating its claims. If you believe that the ideas that are presented in Secret are meant only to be a metaphor, then you are not taking their claims serious enough. The movie (and probably the book) do not present the ideas as a metaphor. They present the ideas as fact.

The Lie of Attraction is no more than the old saying "You can do anything if you put your mind to it!" or "You can do anything if you try hard enough!" These ideas are useful because self-confidence and motivation are useful. They help you focus on a problem for longer, and let you enter into a situation with a positive attitude, which has scientifically (with REAL science) been proven to increase your ability to physically and mentally perform.

The Lie of Attraction, if you believe it, can create self-confidence within you and can motivate you to try things that you may not have otherwise attempted. Secret, however, attributes the increased success to the Lie of Attraction, and not to the self-confidence or motivation. It places importance where importance does not exist.

Now, if you can only create confidence and motivation within yourself by believing the Lie of Attraction, then by all means believe it! Believe whatever you want! I have strange rituals to get myself motivated and self-confident too!

But if you dare to bring your theory out of personal use and into the realm of science and critique, be prepared for a virtual ass-whooping. I do not take lightly people who try to turn science into a scam.
He led a double life. Did that make him a liar? He did not feel a liar. He was a man of two truths. - Murdoch, Dame [Jean] Iris

Kartikay is a character role that I play when I feel like escaping reality. Nothing I say under the pseudonym "Kartikay" reflects any of my actual life or personal history.
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