Warmer winter new England day. Deep forest lair. Hike in snow everywhere, warm sun .
hike to top of high rocky overlook get comfy drink nice caapi tea. Wait a while watch the clouds roll by.
move to lower rock wedge make fire . Surrounded by ancient glacial rock formations. Begin ramp up slow.
spice spice thats nice. Keep working at it I know I can get there. Rest, try a few more times finally YES !! there it is I've crossed over i'm in at last. It so amazing. my thoughts are: yes its sacred and beautiful sacred and beautiful I am
in awe as i look up at the trees looking like a great cathedral enfolding me. The sun shines on a large pine tree its like the pine trees birthday WOW! Sacred and beautiful sacred and beautiful I repeat to my self over and over. It really is sacred and beautiful it s my church . Sacred and beautiful .
Can't stop now.......... back to it again this time a whole different thing, its that female entity again she is some kind of trickster I've seen her before. She's a cartoon nurse morphing and changing and dancing all around me playing with me teasing me . I see small cartoon rooms very complex they are changing they look like candy.
I am in a complete oblideration of the strange and amazing. Its a swirling psychedelic candyland carnival.
the candyland nurse entity is comin at me and I'm lovin it I'm saying : "cmon give me what you got !!" Give it so me! I'm ready
I was ready this time , no fear no extreme shocking wonderment I felt fully present and strong. I held my own and eventually faded back to my shamans lair. Yeah !!!! it was great.. felt like a million bucks
Has anyone encountered this trickster female entity? I can't really explain why i think its female its just a feeling I always seem to get. and it never looks like a girl ever. Many times it just a weird ass red morphing candy-like shape that has me in its hold. Sometimes it feels like a gate keeper of sorts because its usually the first thing i get right after a spice blast. sometimes i move quickly past but many times it turns into me against this thing one on one..
much love
The only way of discovering the limits of the possible is to venture a little way past them into the impossible.
Arthur C. Clarke