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why do so many dmt users believe in 2012? Options
#141 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:17:56 PM

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Just to stick my tuppence worth in.

Its all absolute fucking nonsense, the Mayans never predicted anything about a catastrophic end to their calendar - its all scaremongering and people trying to con you out of money. As for the solar storms, they happen on average every 11 years with some being stronger than others (the last solar maximum was 2001 and the next is predicted for May/June 2013.{wiki}

Also as for galactic/solar alignments or whatever the fuck it is - they also have happened before and we are still here (also the fact is we are never in true alignment with the galaxy). Its all mumbo with people still believing that somehow the stars and planets in some way affect us, we have more chance of getting hit by the asteroid Apophis.

Planet X (Nibiru) coming to get us, LOL, don't get me started on this bullshit

The fact is that there is NO CREDIBLE EVIDENCE for what's supposed to happen in 2012 and I for one will be looking forward to 2013.

Here you!!! Gonnaenodaethat

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#142 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:33:52 PM

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I really wish for once ther could be a rational discussion of mayan prophecie without people getting all angry and bringing in endof the world type of crap into it...

2012 has nothing to do with the end of the world..yet at the same time its not just a bunch of bullshit nonsense either..there is something about this time now that corresponds to mayan prophecie and its not that hard to see at all. and it has nothing to do with the edn of the world.

Obviousily 2012 will go by and 2013 will still come..thats not what this is about and i wish people could get over that and see it for what it is instead of focussing on all the new age bullshit out there about 2012 and complaining about it...it does a huge injustice to the mayan peoples...

I studied some mayan mythology in college in my anthropology class so I just hate how these 2012 talks always end up focussing on all the new age misinformation, and then become verynegative..instead of focussing on the reality of what the mayans say, and taking that and trying to make something good from it..

If you focus on the new agy end of the world misinformation its just such a negative thing...what the mayans say is much more inviting and sensible..and seems to make more room for postive and constuctive thinking.
Long live the unwoke.
#143 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:35:34 PM
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geeg30 wrote:
Just to stick my tuppence worth in.

Its all absolute fucking nonsense, the Mayans never predicted anything about a catastrophic end to their calendar - its all scaremongering and people trying to con you out of money. As for the solar storms, they happen on average every 11 years with some being stronger than others (the last solar maximum was 2001 and the next is predicted for May/June 2013.{wiki}

But we now have a huge hole in the magnetosphere which makes us much more at risk. Not that many people fall for conspiracy junk, not much money is being made. Scientific evidence says we are at risk, some anyway.

geeg30 wrote:

Also as for galactic/solar alignments or whatever the fuck it is - they also have happened before and we are still here (also the fact is we are never in true alignment with the galaxy). Its all mumbo with people still believing that somehow the stars and planets in some way affect us, we have more chance of getting hit by the asteroid Apophis.

Ummm, dude. Yes, whats in our universe can effect us, we get hit by bursts of gamma rays from the other side of the universe, think of magnetic feilds also. You know, an astroid dosen't even have to hit us to kill us all, it just has to get close enough. And getting hit by astroids and comments isn't really unlikely, it happens all the time, we just don't see much of it because of the time scales are large, look at the moon and earth, check out all the big hole where shit crashed into our planet.

i would look forward to 2013 also, i hope i'm around to see it. My comfort in life assures me that everything will be find, but my rational mind tells me in this universe, anything can be wiped out at any time, we can only hope to see it comming.

They say that shit floats, but mine sinks....why?? I guess i'm just into some heavy shit!
#144 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:36:22 PM

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^^I'm with Geeg on this. Unconvinced until proven otherwise.

I'm surprised the amount of people that seem to have been taken with this whole 2012 thing. I think a lot of people are suckers for Armagedden type myths, I don't know. Change is happening all the time, and yes its accelerating all the time...more connections between people, and more people in the world all the time...

But I am seriously dubious that we are facing some imminent omega point of spiritual transformation...or Armageddon...in a few years time.

To quote Richard Dawkins;

"We admit that we are like apes, but we seldom realise that we are apes."

Yes, we've come a long way, but the more I interact with my fellow humans the more I realise we are very much still animals, albeit unique and interesting ones at that... So I think anything resembling an evolutionary step or transformation still lies some way off, and we've got a lot to learn prior to that.
#145 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:39:34 PM

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what the hell does armageddon have to do with it though? People that sum all 2012 up to armageddon and then dismiss the whole thing don tunderstand much about mayan mythology in my opinion..it would be really great if we could give these people some credit and seperae them from all the wacky bs that people have associated with the mayans.
Long live the unwoke.
#146 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:51:20 PM

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^^Good question...I'm not sure where the 'end of the world' vibe first emerged from.

Don't get me wrong, I WANT to believe a period of transformation is fast approaching, but I haven't had any experiences that have made this suggestion to me, although friends of mine have experienced this, and clearly. I do think it likely there will be some major changes within my lifetime, and I'm thinking negtaive, be they wars or natural disasters. There are just too many people in the world. So I will continue living life, and if this change comes, I shall emrbace it.

For, as we know, the only constant is change...

#147 Posted : 1/19/2010 5:56:56 PM

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"Don't get me wrong, I WANT to believe a period of transformation is fast approaching"

Don't things like the rapidly developng state of technologies, global culture, the internet etc already hint at this though?..id rather focus on the good things that ARE comming from these things than the negative things..there is alot of good that can come from these things...but WE are the only ones who can facilitate that change..it starts on an individual level..having faith and acting from that place is the ONLY thing that can make this change for the good.

Its almost to the point where I dont ever want to read another one of these 2012 threads becasue they seem to breed negativity..I ran around for years telling people we were doomed looking at our society etc, and nothing but depression adn feeling of dispair grew inside of me out of that...and it changed NOTHING...positivity is the only thing that will get us anywhere.
Long live the unwoke.
#148 Posted : 1/19/2010 6:09:57 PM

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I get your point man, and indeed all these changes are growing, and a lot of positive things are coming from it...but I don't see a revelatory day or omega point when a 'shift' will come. We are constantly shifting, all the time, on many fronteirs...the only constant is change (and this change is increasing!) I mean the amount the world has changed since I was born, even compared to my parents...change is DEFINITELY accelerating, and will continue to do so.

But as for some kind of sudden shift or transition in a few years time...well I guess I am dubious as to how and what form this sudden shift will take.

But we are indeed the ones who can facilitate this change.

"Be the change you want to see."

I have a lot more growing and developing still to do, but I believe personally I am moving forward in the right direction at the moment, for how I want to live my life, if that makes sense.
#149 Posted : 1/19/2010 6:48:21 PM

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"but I don't see a revelatory day or omega point when a 'shift' will come"

Yes I dont believe for one second we will suddenly wake up one day and it will all be completely different.

even the ammount of change that has happened in the last century is astonomical compared to everything that came before it.
Long live the unwoke.
#150 Posted : 1/19/2010 7:00:10 PM

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I don't really get why people keep bringing up Armageddon and the end of the world.. Thats not what the mayans were talking about. I don't know if anything will happen in 2012 besides the alignment. Who knows though, so many people are expecting this great shift in consciousness maybe it will just be a self fulfilling prophecy. Or not.

I personally think something is happening, what exactly I'm not sure. It seems obvious that were at some sort of pinnacle point in human history, where things could change for better or for worse, very quickly. We've been evolving for millions of years and just within the last hundred we have begun to travel outside of our planet. Information intake has been doubling faster and faster and we are developing technology that was unthinkable not too long ago. Now we have a sort of collective mind; the world wide web, allowing millions of people access to huge amounts of information and global communication. Because of this there is now tons of people going to hyperspace, shamanism has leaked more than ever into the modern world and more than ever before are exploring the tryptamine dimension through plant hallucinogens (which are also endogenous, we are learning.) and sharing what they've learned and experienced and contributing to the collective knowledge. People from all levels of society are turning on, trying to figure out what is going on for themselves.

So i guess i believe something is happening, has been happening.. I'm convinced because of personal experience, other evidence, and the experiences of others that the mind also has abilities that, as a whole we have not realized. Which is a center piece in why i think right now is so important.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#151 Posted : 1/22/2010 5:05:44 PM

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I think we should forget everything we think we know about 2012...it doesnt matter...none of it does..

All that matters is we realize that we shoudl love each other more and that each person is deserving to love and happiness and try to be more concious people...doesnt really matter what the reality of 2012 is...we need change anyway.

In some ways the 2012 ideas are more of a distraction than aything.
Long live the unwoke.
#152 Posted : 1/22/2010 5:53:49 PM

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fractal enchantment wrote:
I think we should forget everything we think we know about 2012...it doesnt matter...none of it does..

All that matters is we realize that we shoudl love each other more and that each person is deserving to love and happiness and try to be more concious people...doesnt really matter what the reality of 2012 is...we need change anyway.

In some ways the 2012 ideas are more of a distraction than aything.

I totally agree! Im sick of hearing about it. Its losing whatever message it had from misinformation.
The universe is an infinite harmony of vibrating beings in an elaborate range of expansion-contraction ratios, frequency modulations, and so forth.
#153 Posted : 1/22/2010 6:49:54 PM

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fractal enchantment much wisdom you show , beyond your years it is . Cool

fractal enchantment wrote:
I think we should forget everything we think we know about 2012...it doesnt matter...none of it does..

All that matters is we realize that we shoudl love each other more and that each person is deserving to love and happiness and try to be more concious people...doesnt really matter what the reality of 2012 is...we need change anyway.

In some ways the 2012 ideas are more of a distraction than aything.

#154 Posted : 2/2/2010 1:54:45 PM

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UniverseCannon wrote:
I personally think something is happening, what exactly I'm not sure. It seems obvious that were at some sort of pinnacle point in human history, where things could change for better or for worse, very quickly.

I'm sure people thought that at the height of the roman empire, or after the great war, or WW2, or after the moon landing. There is nothing special about 2012 except you can make a lot of money by writing crappy books.
#155 Posted : 2/3/2010 12:02:04 AM

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mumbles wrote:
UniverseCannon wrote:
I personally think something is happening, what exactly I'm not sure. It seems obvious that were at some sort of pinnacle point in human history, where things could change for better or for worse, very quickly.

I'm sure people thought that at the height of the roman empire, or after the great war, or WW2, or after the moon landing. There is nothing special about 2012 except you can make a lot of money by writing crappy books.

I didn't say i think its all goin down in 2012 I said i think something IS happening now.

If people were around when the most powerfull city the world had ever seen was at its height, when the world wars occured and we split the atom a dropped nuclear bombs, and when a species developed technology advanced enough to leave the planet for the first time ever and didn't think it was a big point in human history then they must have had their eyes shut. This all happened yesterday.. We've been evolving for hundred of millions of years.. On a geological or cosmic timescale that is not even the bat of an eye. Imagine where we could be in 100 or a million years with the rate that our technology and information intake is growing. To think were not at a very important or pinnacle moment in the evolution of our species seems ridiculous to me. pinnacle=highest point, culmination.

<Ringworm>hehehe, it's all fun and games till someone loses an "I"
#156 Posted : 2/3/2010 12:06:46 AM


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2012 is the year everyone will be talking about drugs. Specially DMT.
That is the connection. That is what it's all about. I don't even have the slightest doubt.
#157 Posted : 2/3/2010 9:18:34 PM

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2012 is the year everyone will be talking about drugs. Specially DMT.
That is the connection. That is what it's all about. I don't even have the slightest doubt.

Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Shocked Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy :idea: Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy Very happy
#158 Posted : 2/20/2010 9:06:26 AM

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While we are dreaming, we believe the dream to be real until we wake up.
Who is to say we are not just haeveing dreams within dreams and are still to wake up to reality?
#159 Posted : 3/17/2010 10:59:56 PM

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2012 will be the year of a solar storm.
Of a massive solar storm influencing the earth magnetic field.

Some german scientist claim, that this will lead to a global loss of electric power and communication. Which means, that we have to live a few weeks like the caveman.

I'm not sure if he's right, but it seems it happened before.

He also claims, that this extraordinary solar activity will influence the human brain.
Because magnetic fields can influence the brain and create thoughts and feelings.

Therefore there will be some kind of "higher" frequency if you like and nobody can refuse it.

Maybe this is all nonsense. But in this world, where the television which is dictated by the global powers (big organizations with money and power) they won't let that kind of information to go public.

They will make fun of 2012 so everybody makes fun of it. Me for my part, I don't know what to believe.

Yet, I believe in change. Change to the positive, to growth, to more love.

Maybe it is just another year 2000, who knows Smile
elusive illusion
#160 Posted : 3/18/2010 4:09:19 AM

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Mr_DMT wrote:
2012 will be the year of a solar storm.
Of a massive solar storm influencing the earth magnetic field.

Some german scientist claim, that this will lead to a global loss of electric power and communication. Which means, that we have to live a few weeks like the caveman.

I'm not sure if he's right, but it seems it happened before.

He also claims, that this extraordinary solar activity will influence the human brain.
Because magnetic fields can influence the brain and create thoughts and feelings.

Therefore there will be some kind of "higher" frequency if you like and nobody can refuse it.

Maybe this is all nonsense. But in this world, where the television which is dictated by the global powers (big organizations with money and power) they won't let that kind of information to go public.

That's silly.

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