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first experience, couldn’t surrender Options
#1 Posted : 12/15/2022 7:11:03 AM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 2
Joined: 15-Dec-2022
Last visit: 11-Jan-2023
Hi, first time listener,

Recently took my first dmt trip
I loaded around 50mg of spice into oil burner
Definitely didn’t smoke all of it but this was my experience:
I took my first drag, really nervous, and immediately regretted it. I had that ‘pulling’ sensation, like I was going into a new reality and oh god I had made such a huge mistake.

I went for a second hit…barely got one in before i set things down and whoooo just blasted off
It’s weird because I truly resisted as much as I could (not really by choice??), my mind just basically screaming ‘f******** nononono” as I was pulled in. I saw the living room i was in start to get funky reeeeeally quick. I knew I was about to blast out and just felt pure terror that I had chosen to done this. The feeling was me being depressed, and getting emotionally cracked open, and blasted into the spirit realm. It was painful, terrifying, and so so shocking. Almost like I was at the basement floor in a building and getting in an elevator and shooting up past ground level into…i don’t know

I realized I was a really young soul, like not just as the time spent as this human, but in general, I was new, fresh. And that where I was going, I was not prepared for, and I had no business being there. Almost like being a kid at your parents work building. Like i’m not supposed to be here right now.

At this point honestly I thought I was in for the worst trip ever. Like I’ve so far done everything wrong.

That’s when the ‘waiting room’ opened up. It was magical, glittery, it was reality showing me truth. It would be here for the rest of the trip. It was cube like, with the same steps I had seen, and a center column shaped like an eaten apple core. I remembered ‘oh yeah i gotta look for entities!”

There was one humanoid, purple, glittery, shining right in front of me, facing. This is where language fails me, but it reached out and touched my heart. I recognized it as trying to heal me. It was trying to heal me.

The trip faded after that, the reality getting more and more transparent with every blink. this must have been only a couple minutes long.

Yeah i just cried for an hour after, did a painting of my vision. The entity was trying to heal me. I expected hate, I expected shame, I expected unrelenting horrors….

…and I was met with love, i was cared for,

it has fundamentally changed my life to experience that. I realized I had always expected the universe to hate on me, punish me, for it to be a dangerous and scary place, expecting the worst. And I was met with caring, I was loved. I cried and cried.

This trip just ripped me open from the core of my being. I feel like I’ve downloaded an important info packet I was missing to really experience life as it is. I know now that we are all one, there is nothing to fear in death. You always hear people saying ‘you only have one life better make the best of it!” and I really used to push myself into things I hated just for the sake of ‘living’. Being hard on myself because I’m not doing all i can to make this one life the best i can. It was exhausting. And now I feel completely relieved from that. I don’t fear an unlived life. It’s a miracle i’m here, I could enjoy existence even if I were trapped in room my whole life. The very fact of being alive, that we are formed consciousness from stardust, that stardust is also us…yeah I get it. I get it.

It’s like my compass has been righted. I feel whole. Thanks for reading, I’m just sharing, I would like to try again sometime soon but I feel like I don’t need to for years. I may go again in a few weeks (it’s been about a month from writing this).

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#2 Posted : 12/15/2022 4:32:13 PM

DMT-Nexus member

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Joined: 15-Dec-2022
Last visit: 11-Jan-2023
OrangeEnergy wrote:
Welcome and good to hear your experience.
My first smoked dmt experience (changa) was quite similar.
I really wasn't aware of what I was taking, and have no idea how much the dose was, but it was very big. A joint had been rolled and I huffed it and took the biggest drag I could. I remember hearing the electricity and a green and yellow wave crashing over me (my friends said I shouted 'Oh SHIT!'Pleased and then I was gone, I know not where. I have no memories of hyperspace, but when I came back I was utterly blissed out, feeling a peace, acceptance and love I had never encountered before.
I have not broken through since, and I definitely have some fear when approaching the realm, but for me I think this is because I find the arena I am in at a high but sub-breakthrough dose just so damned overwhelming. I find myself laughing, but it's funny and not funny, if you know what I mean?
I need to calm myself, set myself up ceremonially, and then load a breakthrough dose and hit it.
One issue I seem to have is that I don't seem to retain memories of much of my journeying at high doses. This experience with Aya and mushrooms and also DMT.
I think, for me, vaping will be the best way, and from my limited experience, it is super easy to regulate your dose, as well as top-up when you need to.
Happy journeying!

thank you! yes I agree that initial part is so shocking, I’ve had many times where I’m laughing/crying to just release tons of emotions before is that what you mean?

I’m scared to try and break through again, I think I’m going to try some smaller doses just to get comfy with the fear, as I see it, that fear is just part of the experience and I want to be able to accept it and get familiar with it.
#3 Posted : 1/18/2023 11:56:57 PM
DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 4
Joined: 08-Jan-2023
Last visit: 24-Jan-2023
Nice man. It was probably my fourth or fifth trip before I experience anything like that. That'd be wild as the first time. And I know exactly what you mean about resisting it without even choosing to do so. I've had a couple DMT trips where I told myself I'd never use it again, but this always passes after the experience winds down. It's so rare for me not to feel that fear and that resistance.

And can we see the painting you mentioned?
#4 Posted : 1/22/2023 12:46:30 PM

DMT-Nexus member

Posts: 123
Joined: 31-Aug-2022
Last visit: 04-Apr-2023
can i ask you what was that truth you saw after the door opened to you with those glittery things?
i hope you won't say no one can understand till they see on their own.
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