Not wine specifically, but have been making quite a few raw meads for a little while (as in only water and honey, no yeast) although I'm by no means particularly experienced. Secrets? Well my main strategy is to keep a "continous" brew. As in using a little of my last brew in any new ones even if its finished fermenting for the most part...I just give it a shake lol. This helps speed up the fermentation by a few weeks and helps ensure it will ferment somewhat correctly. That, and not worrying too much and letting nature do its course.
That said yeasts can make a big difference so if you're not happy with how a batch turned out, don't use that to continue and start anew. I found that wild yeasts gave my mead such a bright and flavorful experience compared to my single strain...although my abv isn't nearly as high. But maybe I just got lucky the first time haha.
That said, you can never make enough and they make great gifts
"In the dark and the deep there are truths that can always heal"