I hope this is not a repost, I've checked out and couldn't find nothing...
I was wondering, what's your criterion on when to take Spice?
It's now for SWIM 2 months he's not taking nothing (8 months since his last really psychedelic-soul researching period), and now he feels like a call, a urgence to go there, and explore, and... you know.
He has said that the 23 would have been THE day, but he's now thinking that he shouldn't maybe plan it so much.
I mean, he have a long relationship with shrooms and 5-meo, with Spice just a little (although he wants to improve this relation so bad, in this period), and with those allies he was planning like 1 week before, not more.
You think one should plan it, to give the experience strenght, and wait for it, or more take when he wants to, at the moment?
How do you plan, and prepare, if you do?
Thanks for answering.
Thanks for being such a confortable and wise forum.
Bad, bad english