This plant represents a new entry in fact of discovering the immaterial universes.
I am using extracts decades and the possible effects are many: can be used for expand the level of consciousness, for pharmaceutical uses, for meeting entities, discover the afterlife and more.
The extracts are used without MAO inhibitors.After the plant identification, You can proceed with the extraction. In this topic i'll explain an alchemical method.
- moon water
- clay (used for medicine)
- CaCO3 (used for obtaining Ca(OH)2
- CH3CH2OH for food uses (96%)
- Holcus Lanatus
First step, preparation of the moon water:
The alchemical numbers are 1,2,3, but also 6. 6 is 1+2+3 or 1x2x3.
1 = fire (sulfus)
2 = water (mercurius)
3 = clay (plumbum)
1 volume of clay is dissolved in 3 volumes of natural water; after the sedimentation of the
coars parts, filter the solution and keep the filtered part. Leave to dry under the sun rays. When dried, put the clay in a glazed saucepan and heat up to 400°C. Now the clay is activated.
In the evening dissolve 1 volume of this clay in 3 volumes of natural water and mix for a minute. The solution must not see the sun, only the moon every night for three nights. By day put the solution in the dark. After the third night the water can see the sun.
The sedimented clay can be used for many things, for this experiment we use the water.
This water contains higher amounts of monoatomic Hydrogen.
Second step, preparation of the Calcium Hydroxide:
The better way for obtaining a good taste product is to fire at 960°C a stone composed by CaCO3. After firing the obtained product is CaO.
Third step, extracion:
Prepare 2 volumes of fine shredded plant. Prepare the hot water by adding 1 volume of CaO to 3 volumes of water. This mixture is exothermic, be careful. In this hot mixture add the shredded plant.
I think it's consistent to thank the plant for better results
Wait 1 day and then extract the yellow water.
Crush the residue composed by shredded plant and Ca(OH)2 and add 3 volumes of water.
Wait 1 day and filter with a rag (use gloves). Conserve the yellow water.
6 in reverse is 9.
Wait 9 days and part of the Calcium sediments. Then heat the yellow water until you get powder.
The obtained powder will look like a peacock's tail (cauda pavonis)
Repeat this operation using water and CaO in small amounts to purify the product.
https://commons.wikimedi...-34r-69_chimera-pot.jpg Each time the product becomes purer.
dissolve 1 volume of yellow Holcus extract in 3 volumes of food ethanol and heat up to 77°C. Allow ethanol to boil and then allow to cool and settle. Collect the ethanol, contains the substances.
The first steps are not simple (look the fish in the photo, the smell of fish is associated with presenced of ammines:
Reaching the potion is not difficult:
The right preparation attracts the attention of the three genes, H, N, O.
Are chemical elements entities?
I wish anyone to reach the highest levels of knowledge:
This is a key, one of many:
https://commons.wikimedi...easurehouseofwisdom.jpg the wiki pages I did not find the page depicting the awakening of souls, present in the manuscript...