Wow, I did the questionnaire like years ago and forgot about it so I never figured I was able to post
I am a 23yo aspie chem student with a lot of very specific interests, as much as that is a stereotype I kind of relate to it I guess by living it lol.
Having done numerous projects related to electrical engineering like making magnetron sputtering chambers, sodium metal and xray machines in my garage, I'd say my true ambitions lie in the fields of psychedelics and general neuro-pharmacokinetics and how these substances can let us glimpse into this fractal nature of visual processing. It really showed me how thin the thread connecting us to this world really is.
I have dabbled in a lot of psychedelics since I was around 16 years old having tried various tryptamines, dissociatives, phenylethylamines, psychedelic amphetamines, LSD and well basically everything I could get my hands on to try. This was fun and all but nothing blew me away like salvia divinorum and DMT which gave me life changing experiences. I even met the angry jester thing and he gave me the finger lmao.
My first DMT extraction was risky and silly and I was just 17 using jars and no PPE but I got lucky and chemical burn free
lots of ideas I had back then came straight from the nexus and I am an avid reader of any and all info shared here. The Nexus is really cool in the sense it almost feels like proper research being done, before ever doing a proper MHRB I actually grew phalaris brachystachys in my garden since I heard on here it contained DMT but also harmful alkaloids so I refrained from extracting it but still the people involved in that thread did IR measurements and other analysis techniques and I was really quite impressed by the level of enthusiasm in the shared collaboration to find out more about this wonderful substance that brings everyone here.
I am quite botanically inclined having done monotubs for shrooms, grew my own salvia plant and also peyotes and cannabis and I really enjoy the fact all these substances are of natural origin, its sad to see how today there is still a stigma on scientific trials or analogs of these substances that could potentially be viable in certain medical treatments. That's why the Nexus is great, you can voice your opinion or idea and you actually might get the answers you are looking for.
All in all, happy to be joining this circus and to many future posts by me hahaha